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Tired of Nfl favoring teams; This time it's the Broncos

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No I did not watch 10 plus games this sunday. C'mon man!!!! Anyway, you mean the blatant calls that were not even mentioned on nfl gameday final? This was the only suspect play I remember being mentioned. With good reason. They dont want to announce 100's of bad calls on the NFL NETWORK....


Again, I only knew about the other 2 non calls because they were circled on nfl network.


If you dont think the broncos are the new babies of the nfl, fine. Do i think they are getting special treatment? Yes.

Maybe you should quit watching football? It seems to make you miserable.
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No I did not watch 10 plus games this sunday. C'mon man!!!! Anyway, you mean the blatant calls that were not even mentioned on nfl gameday final? This was the only suspect play I remember being mentioned. With good reason. They dont want to announce 100's of bad calls on the NFL NETWORK....


Again, I only knew about the other 2 non calls because they were circled on nfl network.


If you dont think the broncos are the new babies of the nfl, fine. Do i think they are getting special treatment? Yes.


and all i was saying was one missed call is hardly proof of that.

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Why do you think they always state at the end of a game that this has been a "presentation" by the National Football League:



The NFL would have more to gain by having calls go against the Broncos to have them in more close games, especially on Sunday night. The league does not benefit from a blow out in a nationally televised game. There are aspects of the NFL which are shady. Regular game day officiating is not one of them.

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Maybe you should quit watching football? It seems to make you miserable.

Being a bills fan can make anyone miserable. However, me??? I joke in almost every other post I make. So I dont get your comment.

Im not even miserable. I like the broncos. They are my 3rd favorite team. I just want to see a fair fight.


I also dont get all the "microscopes" treatment Im getting. I see holds all the time. But never this exxagerated. Broncos player was holding and running with the dude for a long time. Maybe even more than 10 yards.


It seems like everyone likes refs blowing calls. Go figure.


I honestly thought the replies would look like, "yeah I saw that too", "refs at it again", "broncos are playing well, they dont need the extra help"


Lunch time anyway.

Edited by Clippers of Nfl
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Being a bills fan can make anyone miserable. I joke in almost every other post I make. So I dont get your comment.

Im not even miserable. I like the broncos. They are my 3rd favorite team. I just want to see a fair fight.


I also dont get all the "microscopes" treatment Im getting. I see holds all the time. But never this exxagerated. Broncos player was holding and running for a long time. Maybe even more than 10 yards.


It seems like everyone likes refs blowing calls. Go figure.


no one likes it. everyone just disagrees that its a league directive to let denver win by 30 points every week. if anything, they would likely be happy with the refs tightening up the score on these big national games that people are turning off in the 3rd quarter.

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