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Tired of Nfl favoring teams; This time it's the Broncos

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So by now you guys/gals know I watch a lot of football. Dvr and after everyone falls asleep. Those are the house rules. (For the most part)


I like what Peyton has done this year and pretty much his entire career. I want to see a fair game though.


Im pretty sure you guys can name A LOT OF PLAYS.... But I just want to concentrate on one play. The punt or kickoff return for a td. There were 3 missed calls on the broncos. A baby hold. I'll let that one go. A push in the back. Cant let that go. And the worse one, a moving hold. The bronco held the eagle player for like 8 yards. The line judge was right there.... It was too much for me.


Whatever. I saw another cheating play a few minutes later. Just cant remember now.


First, the broncos are playing lights out, they don't need the extra help. Why the heck are they getting the extra love/favoritism???


I hate to even point this out since the game that we love is not supposed to have any of this.


effing zebras man.


Anyway probably the saints/Miami is over. it's 9pm over here on the west coast. Time to watch it. I'll catch up with yall later.


Am I missing something here? Can you hold a guy for like 8 yards? Maybe it's allowed on special teams...

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If you want to see holding penalties get missed on just about every play, then you should watch Nate SOldier from the Pats. OMG I dont think I have ever seen him NOT hold. A few years ago the guy was bear hugging Kelsay of all people to the ground and it wasn't getting called.

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So by now you guys/gals know I watch a lot of football. Dvr and after everyone falls asleep. Those are the house rules. (For the most part)


I like what Peyton has done this year and pretty much his entire career. I want to see a fair game though.


Im pretty sure you guys can name A LOT OF PLAYS.... But I just want to concentrate on one play. The punt or kickoff return for a td. There were 3 missed calls on the broncos. A baby hold. I'll let that one go. A push in the back. Cant let that go. And the worse one, a moving hold. The bronco held the eagle player for like 8 yards. The line judge was right there.... It was too much for me.


Whatever. I saw another cheating play a few minutes later. Just cant remember now.


First, the broncos are playing lights out, they don't need the extra help. Why the heck are they getting the extra love/favoritism???


I hate to even point this out since the game that we love is not supposed to have any of this.


effing zebras man.


Anyway probably the saints/Miami is over. it's 9pm over here on the west coast. Time to watch it. I'll catch up with yall later.


Am I missing something here? Can you hold a guy for like 8 yards? Maybe it's allowed on special teams...


The NFL is obviously very aware that there are millions of fans that bet on games. If there were any favoritism rising to the surface and becoming a topic of discussion, it will eventually backlash on the Broncos with them getting a lot more calls against them to dispel any notion the refs are favoring a specific team. The fact that there's so much betting ensures that the league polices itself.

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Oh please. Calls are missed in every game. The top teams are under the microscope with 5 camera angles, so they get called out more than teams that no one pays any attention to. Stop whining. Manning is freaking amazing and they have reloaded at other positions and their best D player is suspended... give it up to the Broncos. Between Manning and Brees , when playing at home, they look simply unbeatable this year.

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I'm not buyin it. I too am an avid football fan (does the OP really have to tell us this?) and I watch every Bills game in depth and it is rare that I walk away from a game and say that the Bills really got the short end of the stick or were the beneficiaries of suspect calls. Which isn't to say that I think the refereeing in the NFL is great; I just think that the calls sort of cancel each other out by the end of the game. Hey, people never want to acknowledge this, but the only reason we beat "Brady's Pats/the Cheatriots/the Pats*/whatever you guys call the Patriots back in 2011 was because we benefited from a laughable pass interference call in the endzone in the 4th quarter that gave us the ball at the 1. There are no conspiracy theories, let it go. Or go call the whiner line like Gus from Hamburg or Lou from Tonawanda.

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I'm not buyin it. I too am an avid football fan (does the OP really have to tell us this?) and I watch every Bills game in depth and it is rare that I walk away from a game and say that the Bills really got the short end of the stick or were the beneficiaries of suspect calls. Which isn't to say that I think the refereeing in the NFL is great; I just think that the calls sort of cancel each other out by the end of the game. Hey, people never want to acknowledge this, but the only reason we beat "Brady's Pats/the Cheatriots/the Pats*/whatever you guys call the Patriots back in 2011 was because we benefited from a laughable pass interference call in the endzone in the 4th quarter that gave us the ball at the 1. There are no conspiracy theories, let it go. Or go call the whiner line like Gus from Hamburg or Lou from Tonawanda.


you never remember the calls that your team gets that were questionable, but will remember every missed call from decades ago.


is there a bit of a "manning effect?" probably, but im guessing trindon holliday isnt benefiting from it, as much as manning himself getting the benefit on close calls.

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Oh please. Calls are missed in every game. The top teams are under the microscope with 5 camera angles, so they get called out more than teams that no one pays any attention to. Stop whining. Manning is freaking amazing and they have reloaded at other positions and their best D player is suspended... give it up to the Broncos. Between Manning and Brees , when playing at home, they look simply unbeatable this year.

Then you have to tell the nfl network to stop whining. On that run back, I only saw the 8 yard hold. On nfl network's gameday final show, they were the ones that circled the other 2 missed calls...


It's just upsetting that it happens.


I'm not buyin it. I too am an avid football fan (does the OP really have to tell us this?) and I watch every Bills game in depth and it is rare that I walk away from a game and say that the Bills really got the short end of the stick or were the beneficiaries of suspect calls. Which isn't to say that I think the refereeing in the NFL is great; I just think that the calls sort of cancel each other out by the end of the game. Hey, people never want to acknowledge this, but the only reason we beat "Brady's Pats/the Cheatriots/the Pats*/whatever you guys call the Patriots back in 2011 was because we benefited from a laughable pass interference call in the endzone in the 4th quarter that gave us the ball at the 1. There are no conspiracy theories, let it go. Or go call the whiner line like Gus from Hamburg or Lou from Tonawanda.

I guess you're right, it's irrelevant to point out how much football I watch. It's not like I was trying to add credibility to the post, I just typed I watch a lot of football. So what. Big deal. Are you happy now?


you never remember the calls that your team gets that were questionable, but will remember every missed call from decades ago.


is there a bit of a "manning effect?" probably, but im guessing trindon holliday isnt benefiting from it, as much as manning himself getting the benefit on close calls.

Assuming that there is a "manning effect", it will follow the team as well. Not just one player.


Peyton's Broncos are just like Brady's Pats, they will get more calls than other teams... that's just the way it is in pro sports.

This statement is probably the most spot on.

Sucks but it's pretty accurate.


By the way everyone who thinks I'm a whining, have you even seen the play???? It's blatant!!!!

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I'm not buyin it. I too am an avid football fan (does the OP really have to tell us this?) and I watch every Bills game in depth and it is rare that I walk away from a game and say that the Bills really got the short end of the stick or were the beneficiaries of suspect calls. Which isn't to say that I think the refereeing in the NFL is great; I just think that the calls sort of cancel each other out by the end of the game. Hey, people never want to acknowledge this, but the only reason we beat "Brady's Pats/the Cheatriots/the Pats*/whatever you guys call the Patriots back in 2011 was because we benefited from a laughable pass interference call in the endzone in the 4th quarter that gave us the ball at the 1. There are no conspiracy theories, let it go. Or go call the whiner line like Gus from Hamburg or Lou from Tonawanda.


I haven't had time to re-watch Sundays game....but in real time, didn't it almost look like Kikos' last pick could have been overturned. It was an amazing effort by him, don't get me wrong, but it almost looked like the tip of that ball hit the ground before Kiko had possession. Glad as hell it went our way (nothing else did that game, as far as "judgement calls" go), but it almost seem like we, at last, caught a break there.


I don't think there is a conspriacy of any kind, but I do think that the refs, being human and all, in pretty much every sport, tend to give the benefit of a doubt, or "miss" things when scrutinizing the more talented teams and players. And sometimes, it seems, they see things that aren't really there. Often we see calls made by officials who are not in the best spot to even see clearly, what they are calling.

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have you watched the blatant missed calls 31 other teams are surely complaining about from last week?

No I did not watch 10 plus games this sunday. C'mon man!!!! Anyway, you mean the blatant calls that were not even mentioned on nfl gameday final? This was the only suspect play I remember being mentioned. With good reason. They dont want to announce 100's of bad calls on the NFL NETWORK....


Again, I only knew about the other 2 non calls because they were circled on nfl network.


If you dont think the broncos are the new babies of the nfl, fine. Do i think they are getting special treatment? Yes.

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If you want to see holding penalties get missed on just about every play, then you should watch Nate SOldier from the Pats. OMG I dont think I have ever seen him NOT hold. A few years ago the guy was bear hugging Kelsay of all people to the ground and it wasn't getting called.

Or watch a Steelers game

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