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Whats with this tastless low fat food?

Jim in Anchorage

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Or it could be that fat is what gives food it's flavor. Google larding.


That is all my father ate growing up (poor)... Black bread and lard... Very little green veggies, he is almost 80 now and is almost blind... Macular degeneration.


Just saying... WATCH out w/the high fat diet... You could pay the price later in life. My father was always skinny and fit... Loved the high fat, meats, etc... He told the doctor what he was raised on and the doctor asked: "Were you a migrant farm worker?" My father answered: "Not migrant but a farm worker." Amazing, he started working summers on the farm @ 7 and still had a high fat diet... You'd think he would have had more green veggies in his diet... ??


Just saying... Watch out for the high fat, eat your green veggies... Even if you are fit, it MAY catch up with you later in life.



:wallbash: Moderation in what? Drinking real milk and eating real cheese? Where not talking whiskey here. How is a glass of whole milk going to hurt me? Am I a walking heart attack?


Some people do handle it differently... My father always loved whole milk too... Very big milk drinker I remember when growing up... Like I said, he has macular degeneration now... I think they link that to high fat and lack of green veggies.

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Is it true that skim milk is worse for acne? Especially teenagers. I read that somewhere and I am not sure if it is true?

Hadn't heard that, but did a search and there seems to be a link.

:wallbash: Moderation in what? Drinking real milk and eating real cheese? Where not talking whiskey here. How is a glass of whole milk going to hurt me? Am I a walking heart attack?

No idea. Haven't seen the inside of your coronary arteries. And my statement was a general one. Do what you like, as long as it's in moderation.

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From what I learned w/my father, is most will suffer from macular @ the end of their life... BUT it is usually when the end is near. Eating a diet high in dairy fat, meat, etc... You run the risk of getting it earlier in life!


My father is nearly blind... He can only see out of the corners of his eyes.... Put your hand in front of your face about one inch away and try and seeing... That is what mac is like... From what he tells me.





Hadn't heard that, but did a search and there seems to be a link.


No idea. Haven't seen the inside of your coronary arteries. And my statement was a general one. Do what you like, as long as it's in moderation.


Yeah... Obviously it would be bigger w/teens suffering from acne... @ least what I read.


Speaking of arteries... My fathers were a total mess... He was never fat, always has been lean and skinny! Now the onset of diabetes late in his life... Which he controls w/pills and exercise/diet. I forget what type that is? Developed last 10 years or so (70+).

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Again you fail to tell me why whole milk is bad for me.


High dietary fat in the form of milk and cheese can lead to macular degeneration.


"Whole Milk

Whole milk is not the best choice for most people concerned with various health conditions, not to mention that it can impede weight-loss efforts due to its high calorie content. Whole milk is high in saturated fat, which, when eaten in excess, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. It can also contribute to inflammation, which may increase the risk of arthritis, cataracts and macular degeneration, and memory loss. For overall health, choose skim milk (also known as fat-free) or 1 percent low-fat milk instead of whole or 2 percent fat milk. IBSsufferers take note: Some people with IBS are sensitive to dairy and experience discomfort after consuming it."








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High dietary fat in the form of milk and cheese can lead to macular degeneration.


"Whole Milk

Whole milk is not the best choice for most people concerned with various health conditions, not to mention that it can impede weight-loss efforts due to its high calorie content. Whole milk is high in saturated fat, which, when eaten in excess, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. It can also contribute to inflammation, which may increase the risk of arthritis, cataracts and macular degeneration, and memory loss. For overall health, choose skim milk (also known as fat-free) or 1 percent low-fat milk instead of whole or 2 percent fat milk. IBSsufferers take note: Some people with IBS are sensitive to dairy and experience discomfort after consuming it."



I can boil all that down to whole milk will make you fat, which can lead to diabetes, which will cause the other symptom's. Milk gives you cataracts? .Jesus jumping Josef I always thought it was UV rays.
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I can boil all that down to whole milk will make you fat, which can lead to diabetes, which will cause the other symptom's. Milk gives you cataracts? .Jesus jumping Josef I always thought it was UV rays.


High fat leads to eye issues... Cataracts and macular degen.


My father has never been fat and he has diabetes. Skinny as a rail in fact.


I agree. Like Doc said, in moderation. Some people handle it differently. I mentioned my father and his macular degeneration... His high fat diet and lack of greens didn't help.


Whatever works... But in moderation. I am very much meat and potatoes, dairy over other types food!

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I eat lightly steamed Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, kale,etc 3-6 times a week. But that glass of milk I wash it down with is going to blind me?


Now you're just being difficult. If you don't know why it just might be healthier to drink a glass of 2% vs a glass of whole milk, you're just trying to start an argument. For you, who eats a lot of greens, of course there's nothing wrong with it. However for most people who don't eat that healthy, the option for a lower fat content milk is there. And if you are really having trouble finding whole milk, you're not looking hard enough. I agree with your point that many people foolishly use these "diet" foods to overeat, but there's nothing wrong with healthier options.

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From what I learned w/my father, is most will suffer from macular @ the end of their life... BUT it is usually when the end is near. Eating a diet high in dairy fat, meat, etc... You run the risk of getting it earlier in life!


My father is nearly blind... He can only see out of the corners of his eyes.... Put your hand in front of your face about one inch away and try and seeing... That is what mac is like... From what he tells me.






Yeah... Obviously it would be bigger w/teens suffering from acne... @ least what I read.


Speaking of arteries... My fathers were a total mess... He was never fat, always has been lean and skinny! Now the onset of diabetes late in his life... Which he controls w/pills and exercise/diet. I forget what type that is? Developed last 10 years or so (70+).

Type II aka adult-onset diabetes mellitus. The better kind to have.

Again you fail to tell me why whole milk is bad for me.

In moderation, it's not. So if you feel like you have to drink whole milk, go for it. I was merely saying I don't drink it/skim milk is fine once you get used to it.

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I eat lightly steamed Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, kale,etc 3-6 times a week. But that glass of milk I wash it down with is going to blind me?

We all know what makes men go blind.


Come to think of it. Why do they put a date on sour cream? Are they expecting it to go good?

Great point.


And what about sour apple flavored candy? Do sour apples really taste that good?

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I assumed you did. That's why a ribeye tastes so good and a filet mignon is so so. Nice and tender but so so flavor wise.


Funny, I always prefer a filet because I prefer the taste. Every time I've gotten a ribeye, I've had to hunt around for pieces of meat in between the chunks of fat. At least with a strip, you can render the fat on the one side or just cut it away after cooking.


Recently I've been picking up t-bones when I grill at home; even accounting for the bone, they seem to be the best bang-for-the-buck in the stores. When going out, it's a toss-up between the filet, strip, or if the place is just overpriced and it isn't worth shelling out the money for the better cuts, a top sirloin.

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Funny, I always prefer a filet because I prefer the taste. Every time I've gotten a ribeye, I've had to hunt around for pieces of meat in between the chunks of fat. At least with a strip, you can render the fat on the one side or just cut it away after cooking.


Recently I've been picking up t-bones when I grill at home; even accounting for the bone, they seem to be the best bang-for-the-buck in the stores. When going out, it's a toss-up between the filet, strip, or if the place is just overpriced and it isn't worth shelling out the money for the better cuts, a top sirloin.


Question for you. How often do you see filets served wrapped in bacon and when was the last time you saw a ribeye wrapped in bacon? And another question for you why are you eating around the fat on the ribeye??

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Now you're just being difficult. If you don't know why it just might be healthier to drink a glass of 2% vs a glass of whole milk, you're just trying to start an argument. For you, who eats a lot of greens, of course there's nothing wrong with it. However for most people who don't eat that healthy, the option for a lower fat content milk is there. And if you are really having trouble finding whole milk, you're not looking hard enough. I agree with your point that many people foolishly use these "diet" foods to overeat, but there's nothing wrong with healthier options.

Not trying to start a argument at all. but absolutely no one will tell me why whole milk is bad.
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Not trying to start a argument at all. but absolutely no one will tell me why whole milk is bad.


I guess I feel like I'm stating the obvious, but it's higher in calories, fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. But like a previous poster said, everything in moderation. I'm afraid most that drink whole milk don't also consume the amount of veggies you do.


"An 8-ounce glass of whole milk provides 149 calories, 8 grams of protein, 276 milligrams of calcium, 8 grams of fat, 4.5 grams of saturated fat and 24 milligrams of cholesterol. Low-fat milk delivers the same amount of protein and calcium, but in fewer calories: A cup of two-percent milk has 120 calories, 5 grams of fat, 3 grams of saturated fat and 20 milligrams of cholesterol."

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Recently I've been picking up t-bones when I grill at home; even accounting for the bone, they seem to be the best bang-for-the-buck


Not one piece of meat that is not better with the bone in, not one! Flavor and enjoyment over a few pennies my friend.


I even go so far on my pork buts to debone them, open them up to get rub on the inside of the shoulder, then reinsert the bone and tie it up before I smoke it.



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I guess I feel like I'm stating the obvious, but it's higher in calories, fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. But like a previous poster said, everything in moderation. I'm afraid most that drink whole milk don't also consume the amount of veggies you do.


"An 8-ounce glass of whole milk provides 149 calories, 8 grams of protein, 276 milligrams of calcium, 8 grams of fat, 4.5 grams of saturated fat and 24 milligrams of cholesterol. Low-fat milk delivers the same amount of protein and calcium, but in fewer calories: A cup of two-percent milk has 120 calories, 5 grams of fat, 3 grams of saturated fat and 20 milligrams of cholesterol."

I at 6 foot and 155 lbs don't worry about calories much.
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