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(OT) A head's up for some of you


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I don't agree with a minimum post number for starting a new thread because there are regularly great threads created by either new people to the wall or long time lurkers. They are the people that I think should be encouraged to participate, not have rules prohibiting them from full participation.



Here's an idea for everyone......if you think a thread/post is truly moronic, potentially a troll thread, and/or is based upon extremely little logic......put the poster on ignore and leave the thread alone. A day later it will have dropped to page 2 and you won't have to go through the extraordinarily difficult process of scrolling past it without clicking on it.



Note: I am guilty of the above myself and apologize for being hypocritical in regards to something that I am preaching.

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Does this mean that terrible, ill-formed, poorly reasoned posts are being encouraged by the "management"?


I hope not. The main board is barely readable, and poorly moderated as is in most cases.


I'm not sure i want to see anymore "EJ sucks", "start Tuel", "trade Colin Brown for a first round pick", or "I h8 jetuhggghgdis Byrd" threads.

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Does this mean that terrible, ill-formed, poorly reasoned posts are being encouraged by the "management"?


I hope not. The main board is barely readable, and poorly moderated as is in most cases.


I'm not sure i want to see anymore "EJ sucks", "start Tuel", "trade Colin Brown for a first round pick", or "I h8 jetuhggghgdis Byrd" threads.

well, you share those thoughts, but how could it be fixed in your opinion?
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@Simon. so to clearly understand what you are saying is enough of the "so and so you are an idiot and it is obvious you know nothing about football" ? Is that what you are saying? Seriously it does get upsetting reading here and trying to get other posters take on a subject and see others just come on here to belittle a statement that another here said.

Now on the other hand some of us teasingly joke with others am I safe to assume that that will be fine still? Thanks for your clarification. GO BILLS!!!

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well, you share those thoughts, but how could it be fixed in your opinion?

Remove the main board posting privileges of everyone who makes a post like that, and restrict the main board posting access of all new members until the can prove they post with quality and draw sponsorship from a poster with access. That's what other fan forums do.

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Remove the main board posting privileges of everyone who makes a post like that, and restrict the main board posting access of all new members until the can prove they post with quality and draw sponsorship from a poster with access. That's what other fan forums do.


That sounds like censorship. Do knee-jerk loss threads annoy you that much? You can't shake your head and move on? Half of this board could be called "ridiculous" but even in those threads, a good football discussion usually comes out of it. If the OP is ridiculous, it doesn't mean all is lost.

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I’ve been on this forum a pretty long time, and I lurked for years before that. But I have barely been on this past year and it has to deal with a lot of these issues that have been brought up in this thread. The internet has kinda changed these past few years and a lot of people want to be miserable and make other people miserable. Whether its about being unrealistically negative or by bashing other forum members with personal attacks. And some forums have taken measures to fight against that and create a positive and friendly atmosphere, and some have done just about nothing. Unfortunately, this forum falls in the second category. This topic is a start (a very small one), but these topics have been made before and nothing has changed.


This blame falls on everyone though. The negative posters who just want to be negative and make others negative. The forum members who can't take the negative posters and use personal attacks against them. The positive members like me who have given up and are no longer active. And mostly on the moderators and the people behind this forum. Because you all haven't taken any preemptive measures to give everyone what they need. Forums are dying website type due to a lot of reasons, and this place will not be any different unless something is done.


If you take nothing else from this rant, listen to this first suggestion. If people want to be negative and make others negative, that is fine. If they want to wallow around in misery and want company, then that is fine. But for the love of god give them somewhere to do it at. They have no where to specifically complain and be miserable, so they make a billion threads whenever a negative thought pops in their head. Make a complain/negative nancy thread. When someone creates a negative/bashing/personal thought thread then you all need to close it or merge it with the complaint thread. I think people have lost their forum right to create these overly negative and complain threads because that is what dominates this forum. That is now what defines the atmosphere here, and its nothing I want a part of. So create a negative nancy complaint thread, and do your best to keep it in that thread. That way they can be negative all they want, but it is isolated in one thread that the majority of forum members can avoid.


I have a lot more to say, but I'm just going to end it here. I think everyone needs to play a bigger part in this. Everyone needs to use the report button more. Positive forum members who have given up should try and come back and make an example. Personal attacks need to stop. Mods need to actually be proactive and make some changes (create some official threads to keep discussion to those threads. An injury thread and a complaint thread are starters). And those negative trolls can't do anything because they are trolls, but if you force them to troll and be negative in a certain area, then it is containing a problem.



I'll certainly try and do my part because I miss this place :)

Edited by Numark
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I know that I'm not the only one who's getting really tired of people whose only purpose here seems to be to complain about other posters and the forum in general.

If you want to come here to talk about the Bills, great. If you just want to hang out and be a contributing part of a cool community, that's awesome too.

But if your primary goal here is to complain about the board and mock other Bills fans, you might as well turn around and get the !@#$ out right now because I've had enough. I love this place and this community and I'm not going to stand idly by while a bunch of whiny jerks do their best to break it down.

Those jerks are about to start getting a lot of extra attention from me, and if you don;'t want to be one of them, I suggest you make more of an effort to be part of the solution as opposed to being part of the problem. Cuz some of these problem are about to get solved in a permanent way in very short order.

Hope y'all enjoy the sunshine today and the game tomorrow!


The Bills Gustapo. Let me see your Papers!!


Kidding. I agree 100% I myself have been guilty of not using the search feature as often as I should.

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That sounds like censorship. Do knee-jerk loss threads annoy you that much? You can't shake your head and move on? Half of this board could be called "ridiculous" but even in those threads, a good football discussion usually comes out of it. If the OP is ridiculous, it doesn't mean all is lost.

Free speech doesn't apply in private settings, and many types of speech are already restricted here. What I'm talking about is creating an environment condusive to quality conversation, which attracts knowedgable contributors.


The fan forum that does that best is a Red Sox fan forum I belong to called SonsofSamHorn.net. The moderation has done such a fantastic job there that active membership includes many former and current players, members of the organization, and almost all of the local sports media.

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That sounds like censorship. Do knee-jerk loss threads annoy you that much? You can't shake your head and move on? Half of this board could be called "ridiculous" but even in those threads, a good football discussion usually comes out of it. If the OP is ridiculous, it doesn't mean all is lost.

This is an internet message board - there is no such thing as free speech.
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That sounds like censorship. Do knee-jerk loss threads annoy you that much? You can't shake your head and move on? Half of this board could be called "ridiculous" but even in those threads, a good football discussion usually comes out of it. If the OP is ridiculous, it doesn't mean all is lost.


What football board doesn't have censorship? This one included.

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There are degrees of free speech, people. Making it so you need to be sponsored (by someone who shares your ideas) to even join the forum excludes the "common man" aspect. I would expect that a board like that would become a place where they talk about the same thing everyday and all have the same opinion on it. That's crazy.

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There are degrees of free speech, people. Making it so you need to be sponsored (by someone who shares your ideas) to even join the forum excludes the "common man" aspect. I would expect that a board like that would become a place where they talk about the same thing everyday and all have the same opinion on it. That's crazy.


There are plenty I disagree with that I'd sponsor any day, and several I do agree with that I'd never consider. It's about content and expanding the knowledge base, not simply opinion on any given topic

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There are plenty I disagree with that I'd sponsor any day, and several I do agree with that I'd never consider. It's about content and expanding the knowledge base, not simply opinion on any given topic


Would everyone though? Would we lose a few, good posters because of this hypothetical transition?

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