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Kentucky Governor in stark contrast with Kentucky Senators


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FRANKFORT, Ky. — SUNDAY morning news programs identify Kentucky as the red state with two high-profile Republican senators who claim their rhetoric represents an electorate that gave President Obama only about a third of its presidential vote in 2012.




The law is starting to take effect. Were the dire predictios correct, or is it lowering costs and expanding access?

So why then is Kentucky — more quickly than almost any other state — moving to implement the Affordable Care Act?

Because there’s a huge disconnect between the rank partisanship of national politics and the outlook of governors whose job it is to help beleaguered families, strengthen work forces, attract companies and create a balanced budget.

It’s no coincidence that numerous governors — not just Democrats like me but also Republicans like Jan Brewer of Arizona, John Kasich of Ohio and Rick Snyder of Michigan — see the Affordable Care Act not as a referendum on President Obama but as a tool for historic change.

Edited by SameOldBills
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A democrat governor writes an editorial in the New York Times in support of Obamacare.......................................




shouldn't this be under "Breaking News"


A democrat governor. But also the Governor for the state of KY. The senators from KY, couldn't disagree more. Apparently, from the article, the KY legislature was on the ball with the state stuff as well. So it is interesting that the state government is is full steam ahead while the senators are trying to undo everything they are doing.

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I know my answer was a little glib, S.O.B. , but frankly thats all this article deserved.


15 paragraphs of partisan talk (laughingly condemning partisan talk by others..lol)


and one paragraph praising his own state for getting prepared.


Well, why doesn't he institute his own little Romneycare in Kentucky...because across this great land there will be many, many suffering Americans due to this monstrosity.





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all I'm saying is the state government of KY has put a lot of effort into it, decided to get behind it, and expect it will be successful...but the 2 federal senators are all for destroying it



I understand that your problem is with the stance of the 2 Kentucky Senators................I did have to laugh at the "destroying" silliness though.




I would remind you though that the Kentucky Senators did not support (or have any input) into the ACA in 2010 (Nor did a SINGLE GOP member)



so "scolding" them for not going along with this dem governor's over the top optimism is rather funny at this point.




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I understand that your problem is with the stance of the 2 Kentucky Senators................I did have to laugh at the "destroying" silliness though.




I would remind you though that the Kentucky Senators did not support (or have any input) into the ACA in 2010 (Nor did a SINGLE GOP member)



so "scolding" them for not going along with this dem governor's over the top optimism is rather funny at this point.





What I'm saying is they represent the state. That very same state, elected a governor and legislature that passed legislation and funded agencies and made it a priority to roll this thing out...and expect it to help with what seems to be a big problem for that state. The two senators representing that state are proponents of making all this for nothing. No need to get defensive about this observation.

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Rand Paul editorial


Why must the American people suffer when even so many Democrats don’t want Obamacare?


Officials who implemented the law should not escape its pain




I like how you slam the first article as rank partisanship, when it speaks of the actual actions KY has taken to implement it and why they expect it to specifically address an actual problem the people of KY have. Then you post Rand's article citing opinion polls and making general claims with no specifics, and not talking about his state (ignore his state).Many governors, including very conservative governors like Jan Brewer and Rick Scott (who held out until Romney lost, but then had to admit it), see that Obamacare (at least parts of the law) will help the healthcare situation in their state...


Point is, it is a broken record and has reached the point of absurdity. Time for everyone to help implement the thing and modify it when inevitable problems occur. That is the only realistic approach to actually governing. Everything else is nonsense to get people worked up solely for political purposes. It is time that GOP members of Congress do work and stop posturing...

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Elected official tows party line. Keeps future options within party open


blah blah blah

challenge rand paul

blah blah blah

senate race

blah blah blah


blah blah blah


Brewer and Scott are two governors whose entire political identity is anti-Obama...yet...KY has strong GOP presence in state government and controls the senate...yet...


Sure the majority of the GOP is going to oppose Obamacare...but at least some on the state level have realized the best thing for their state at this point is improve their state to the extent they can in line with this law...curiously nobody on the federal level (even those representing states that want to move forward) share this view...all politics is local? Or all politics is party?

Edited by SameOldBills
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I like how you slam the first article as rank partisanship, when it speaks of the actual actions KY has taken to implement it and why they expect it to specifically address an actual problem the people of KY have. Then you post Rand's article citing opinion polls and making general claims with no specifics, and not talking about his state (ignore his state).Many governors, including very conservative governors like Jan Brewer and Rick Scott (who held out until Romney lost, but then had to admit it), see that Obamacare (at least parts of the law) will help the healthcare situation in their state...


Point is, it is a broken record and has reached the point of absurdity. Time for everyone to help implement the thing and modify it when inevitable problems occur. That is the only realistic approach to actually governing. Everything else is nonsense to get people worked up solely for political purposes. It is time that GOP members of Congress do work and stop posturing...

No, apparently you do not understand the differences between the roles of governors and senators. And, no. It's not time to simply "implement the thing". Nor it it the job of conservatives to fix something that we didn't want in the first place, handing a major political victory to Democrats.


What is currently happening is that a war is being fought for the Republican party, and liberal establishment Republicans like Mitt Romney and John McCain are losing baddly.

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all I'm saying is the state government of KY has put a lot of effort into it, decided to get behind it, and expect it will be successful...


You could say the same thing about gatorman's approach to third grade, and yet look at the results. Trying hard and expecting success are easy things to do.


Having success -- especially with something as embarrassingly designed as ACA or a third-grade curriculum gatorman can pass -- on the other hand, have odds stacked against them so much that trying hard and expecting success are simply not enough.


But hey... the ACA propaganda coming out these past few days have been terrific. The WH sure has a lot of people trying hard and expecting success. I especially like all the Tea Party complaints. So presidential.

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No, apparently you do not understand the differences between the roles of governors and senators. And, no. It's not time to simply "implement the thing". Nor it it the job of conservatives to fix something that we didn't want in the first place, handing a major political victory to Democrats.


What is currently happening is that a war is being fought for the Republican party, and liberal establishment Republicans like Mitt Romney and John McCain are losing baddly.


come back to reality my friend

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I like how you slam the first article as rank partisanship, when it speaks of the actual actions KY has taken to implement it and why they expect it to specifically address an actual problem the people of KY have. Then you post Rand's article citing opinion polls and making general claims with no specifics, and not talking about his state


. Everything else is nonsense to get people worked up solely for political purposes. It is time that GOP members of Congress do work and stop posturing...


LOL.....talk about a rigid viewpoint.


I presented Senator Paul's article, simply as his statement...............not as an unbiased view..........as you still laughingly cling to with the Governor's article.




and as to your unwavering (and I suspect....necessary to you) belief that all the Republicans are simply acting for political/partisan reasons........


God forbid that you would consider that maybe they actually believe that Obamacare is actually bad for Americans and should be stopped, that would be too upsetting to your entranched narrative.






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LOL.....talk about a rigid viewpoint.


I presented Senator Paul's article, simply as his statement...............not as an unbiased view..........as you still laughingly cling to with the Governor's article.




and as to your unwavering (and I suspect....necessary to you) belief that all the Republicans are simply acting for political/partisan reasons........


God forbid that you would consider that maybe they actually believe that Obamacare is actually bad for Americans and should be stopped, that would be too upsetting to your entranched narrative.







Sounds like the people of Kentucky are dreading it

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LOL.....talk about a rigid viewpoint.


I presented Senator Paul's article, simply as his statement...............not as an unbiased view..........as you still laughingly cling to with the Governor's article.




and as to your unwavering (and I suspect....necessary to you) belief that all the Republicans are simply acting for political/partisan reasons........


God forbid that you would consider that maybe they actually believe that Obamacare is actually bad for Americans and should be stopped, that would be too upsetting to your entranched narrative.






They only thing they believe is that being against Obamacare is good for fund raising from Conservative groups. What impact it has on people's lives is a distant after thought
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