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Setting up the Global Warming lies to come


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I think it's hilarious how badly the response to what I said, and Tom's lame attempt, has FAILed.


I've tried to explain to Tom/JA/GG that this little faggy campaign will only bring them the opposite of what they intend(becaue what I do, is a troll...of them :o), but they insist on pushing forward.


Oh well, I will just keep doing it, and they apparently will never get it. :lol: It's like the emoticon thing. I've said exactly what it is, but they keep running into the wall.

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I think it's hilarious how badly the response to what I said, and Tom's lame attempt, has FAILed.


I've tried to explain to Tom/JA/GG that this little faggy campaign will only bring them the opposite of what they intend(becaue what I do, is a troll...of them :o), but they insist on pushing forward.


Oh well, I will just keep doing it, and they apparently will never get it. :lol: It's like the emoticon thing. I've said exactly what it is, but they keep running into the wall.


I don't have a campaign, or any intention. You're simply a narcissist.

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Will The Overselling Of Global Warming Lead To A New Scientific Dark Age?


Will the overselling of climate change lead to a new scientific dark age? That’s the question being posed in the latest issue of an Australian literary journal, Quadrant, by Garth Paltridge, one of the world’s most respected atmospheric scientists.


Paltridge was a Chief Research Scientist with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). The latter is Australia’s equivalent of the National Science Foundation, our massive Federal Laboratory network, and all the governmental agency science branches rolled into one.


Paltridge lays out the well-known uncertainties in climate forecasting. These include our inability to properly simulate clouds that are anything like what we see in the real world, the embarrassing lack of average surface warming now in its 17th year, and the fumbling (and contradictory) attempts to explain it away.


More at link:

Forbes ^





Debunking the 97% 'consensus' on global warming


http://www.americanthinker.com ^

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Then you have been completely duped. As intended.


Enjoy that. I know I do.


I don't care enough about you to enjoy it. Or be upset by it. My attitude towards your narcissism is best described as "amused apathy."


So congratulations on deceiving me into...not giving a ****? Good job.

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Boy, that's a tough sell, isn't it?


Walking into the same thing, day after day, not realizing that's it's all 100% dependent on the context of the thread, and especially about which posters are in that particular thread?


And here we are: after 100s, if not more, posts to the contrary, you say you don't care? Sorry, that's a tough sell. I doubt anyone is buying, least of all me. If this is you not caring, I'd love to see your posting behavior regarding something you do care about.


Feel free to apply yourself: you're smart enough to see the pattern, now that it's been explained. Perhaps you can take comfort in this: I learned it from Crayonz, the real Crayonz. I'm just more subtle. I had to be. Copying him directly is bad form, never mind wouldn't work. And to think, this all started as a dare by a poster who is long gone.





But, I've grown tired of this, so it's over. I have a new thing, which interests me more and should produce more laughs...as always, for me.(Just threw this last "for me", and really that entire sentence, in for old time's sake. Think of it as a gift.)


With my gift in hand, you can still produce some more highly entertaining, yet completely unqualified psychological diagnoses. Why is it that those with problems, mental/addiction etc. always choose to project them onto the rest of us? I guess it's some sort of coping mechanism. If that's what this is, I'm fine with it, feel free to project whatever, and cope as you will. No skin off my back. Perhaps I should spend a month posting as a paranoid? That might be fun.


What do you say? Should I give PearlHoward a run for his money?


But, I've already said too much.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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When you finish duping us with your next master plan, how about you don't tell us? Just do it, like crayonz/performer and let it ride forever.


That would be a conundrum for you, wouldn't it?


And by the way, you've been taken in, time and again, by trolls. Just fooled like the tool you are. We have had a pool going at another site for 8 months about which posts draw you in. I would tell you who is in the lead but it would screw up our game. (Sorry guys, maybe I screwed it up by posting this.)

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When you finish duping us with your next master plan, how about you don't tell us? Just do it, like crayonz/performer and let it ride forever.


That would be a conundrum for you, wouldn't it?


And by the way, you've been taken in, time and again, by trolls. Just fooled like the tool you are. We have had a pool going at another site for 8 months about which posts draw you in. I would tell you who is in the lead but it would screw up our game. (Sorry guys, maybe I screwed it up by posting this.)


You didn't screw it up. He's too much of a narcissist to believe it.

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When you finish duping us with your next master plan, how about you don't tell us? Just do it, like crayonz/performer and let it ride forever.


That would be a conundrum for you, wouldn't it?


And by the way, you've been taken in, time and again, by trolls. Just fooled like the tool you are. We have had a pool going at another site for 8 months about which posts draw you in. I would tell you who is in the lead but it would screw up our game. (Sorry guys, maybe I screwed it up by posting this.)

Wow...you really can't help yourself, can you? Yikes. I guess this requires further explanation, seems the right thing to do.


You have been duped by the simplest device there is: a mirror. I've merely written your own awful personality here back at you, and some others. But, differently. Customized is the right word. I state that openly, yet here you are making it worse? Unreal. Fascinating actually.


The only conundrum I've found: why you never learned anything from your gay marriage fiasco.


ALL I did was be you, and then reverse the argument. That's what I've been doing ever since, at certain times/threads. How can you not see that? But, then again, I've been parroting you, haven't I? You, and the others like you, can never see it. Not capable. 8 months? Dude, It's been years, and I've put some decent research into it. I wasn't my usual lazy self with this. I am truly awful at this game some days, just terrible. But too bad for you, not on this. (Example: They say not to use "you" with narcissists. They literally tell you to use "I-language" instead. http://powercommunic...Narcissists.pdf Imagine my amusement, all this time, when largely the targeted posters have have talked about my, albeit overuse, of "I-language". Priceless. )


Anyway, I remain curious: in your world, are posters here really bigots? Are you really here to stop them, me, the rest of the evil people, do you really think you are some sort of arbiter...whatever that means/is going on in your nutty little head? And, Yikes! :o But, then I think: "come on, is that right"? See? It's a conundrum, because I still have doubts.


Now as far as your club? Please...obvious, if not that, something similar. The notion that it takes 8 of you to deal with me, and that you run bets on another site? That any of this is that important to you? IF that's true, nothing pleases me more, because it is so very...weird. Really weird. But, if Tom is part of your club, that kills his "I don't care" thing above. oops. Did you mean to blow Tom in? Well, that's to be expected of narcissists, they overestimate their abilities.


IF this is a lie? Not as great, but still awesome. You have to make schit up now, rather than face your own FAIL? Yep, also narcissist behavior.


This all ends in rage for you, doesn't it? Also typical, consistent, etc. Let me get ahead of your problem. There's exactly 0 next steps for you here, that don't end with me :) This game is ending now. It's ending because it's always been my game, not yours. That really makes you narcissist nuts, doesn't it?


It's also ending because, I'm quite comfortable with the score. 2. Want to make it 3? Keep talking down to your fellow Bills fans/calling them names they don't deserve, and I assure you I will posterize you again. Sorry, but you're a looney toon, and until you fix that, you're exploitable, consistently.


Yes, the bolded has always been what this is about. Your behavior is completely unacceptable, and even though this is PPP, I refuse to put up with it. Some posters screw around call names, etc. Not you. You think you can bully people here, but, as I've shown twice now: you can't. By all means, try for Round 3.

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Wow...you really can't help yourself, can you? Yikes. I guess this requires further explanation, seems the right thing to do.


You have been duped by the simplest device there is: a mirror. I've merely written your own awful personality here back at you, and some others. But, differently. Customized is the right word. I state that openly, yet here you are making it worse? Unreal. Fascinating actually.


The only conundrum I've found: why you never learned anything from your gay marriage fiasco.


ALL I did was be you, and then reverse the argument. That's what I've been doing ever since, at certain times/threads. How can you not see that? But, then again, I've been parroting you, haven't I? You, and the others like you, can never see it. Not capable. 8 months? Dude, It's been years, and I've put some decent research into it. I wasn't my usual lazy self with this. I am truly awful at this game some days, just terrible. But too bad for you, not on this. (Example: They say not to use "you" with narcissists. They literally tell you to use "I-language" instead. http://powercommunic...Narcissists.pdf Imagine my amusement, all this time, when largely the targeted posters have have talked about my, albeit overuse, of "I-language". Priceless. )


Anyway, I remain curious: in your world, are posters here really bigots? Are you really here to stop them, me, the rest of the evil people, do you really think you are some sort of arbiter...whatever that means/is going on in your nutty little head? And, Yikes! :o But, then I think: "come on, is that right"? See? It's a conundrum, because I still have doubts.


Now as far as your club? Please...obvious, if not that, something similar. The notion that it takes 8 of you to deal with me, and that you run bets on another site? That any of this is that important to you? IF that's true, nothing pleases me more, because it is so very...weird. Really weird. But, if Tom is part of your club, that kills his "I don't care" thing above. oops. Did you mean to blow Tom in? Well, that's to be expected of narcissists, they overestimate their abilities.


IF this is a lie? Not as great, but still awesome. You have to make schit up now, rather than face your own FAIL? Yep, also narcissist behavior.


This all ends in rage for you, doesn't it? Also typical, consistent, etc. Let me get ahead of your problem. There's exactly 0 next steps for you here, that don't end with me :) This game is ending now. It's ending because it's always been my game, not yours. That really makes you narcissist nuts, doesn't it?


It's also ending because, I'm quite comfortable with the score. 2. Want to make it 3? Keep talking down to your fellow Bills fans/calling them names they don't deserve, and I assure you I will posterize you again. Sorry, but you're a looney toon, and until you fix that, you're exploitable, consistently.


Yes, the bolded has always been what this is about. Your behavior is completely unacceptable, and even though this is PPP, I refuse to put up with it. Some posters screw around call names, etc. Not you. You think you can bully people here, but, as I've shown twice now: you can't. By all means, try for Round 3.


Told you so, JA. :lol:

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Told you so, JA. :lol:

You didn't screw it up. He's too much of a narcissist to believe it.

You'll have to excuse me, as I simply can't care about this anymore. Now? The old game is over and done. Yeah, yeah, we could say this and that. So what?


You have, for reasons passing understanding, just confirmed twee little 8th grade girl behavior, on PPP of all places. :blink: Why would you do that? Once again, overestimation....


You don't have a read on me at all, do you? Good. I've had your # for years. Therefore, why wouldn't I believe you/JA would have a twee little club, as I said: something along those lines was obvious. I mean, I'd have to see it, to really believe it, this is PPP after all, but, in terms of probability, that was likely, never mind possible. What I never expected: that you would admit to this on PPP. And, Yikes. I mean really: is there anything more narcissist than an 8th grade girl, or her behavior? But, that is over.


So, again, you'll have to excuse me. So many doors have been opened, and I'm sorry but, I simply can't think that fast.


Oh...you don't think...that will stick or go anywhere? This is PPP my friend, and you done F'ed up.

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You do know that the most I ever do is skim your posts? And I rarely even do that much. I never actually read them through.


You put an awful lot of effort into your special attempt to troll someone who pays almost no attention to you. Which makes perfect sense, because...y'know...narcissist.

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You do know that the most I ever do is skim your posts? And I rarely even do that much. I never actually read them through.


You put an awful lot of effort into your special attempt to troll someone who pays almost no attention to you. Which makes perfect sense, because...y'know...narcissist.

As I've said, whatever you have to say hardly matters now. 8th grade girl's club is far too hilarious.


The fact that you are talking about skimming, and the reason why you say this now, is tempting to make something of, but, it's merely a 1 day distraction. Nope, I'm gonna stay focused as I have said above.


This whole thing is far too funny, and bizarre, to be distracted by lamedick "I was just skimming, so that's why I didn't recognize my own post" banter. That's as pathetic as it is soon to be: irrelevant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Obama: CA Central Valley drought due to climate change


Locals: Oh no, it’s not.




From your link:


While the East Coast and Midwest suffer through a cold and snow-heavy winter, the people of California are in the midst of a drought — and a particularly bad one, even for a state that has regular battles with droughts over the course of my lifetime. Most people don’t recall this, but those of us who grew up with gas rationing in the Golden State during the energy crises of the 1970s also grew up with water rationing, too — including odd/even days for watering lawns and gardens, and request-only glasses of water in restaurants. Most of Southern California would naturally be a desert if it wasn’t for water management even in the best of years, and the Central Valley would never have become an agricultural powerhouse without it.

Yesterday, Barack Obama came to California’s Central Valley to declare that global warming is what has made the drought so difficult for farmers there:

Actually, the problem for Central Valley farmers is that their water got taken from them by a federal judge, who put a baitfish ahead of human beings. Central Valley’s water-management system was designed to deal with droughts that last as long as five years, but the reservoirs that held its lifeblood got emptied into the ocean to rescue the Delta smelt. It began five years ago, and as Investors Business Daily reports, the locals remember it better than Obama does:

Edited by 3rdnlng
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Obama: CA Central Valley drought due to climate change


Locals: Oh no, it’s not.




It's not just locals. Everyone in California knows about the destruction of the central valley because of a judge and a Delta smelt. The people in that region have been harmed so badly, it's all but impossible to imagine that area still votes heavy left. But, y'know, never underestimate the power of the Freebaggers.

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I'm still waiting for someone to explain how the earth exited the ice age without irresponsible human activity, had a rise in temperature before we produced so much CO2, and how we can expect the climate to remain globally constant if we humans would just produce fewer greenhouse gases.

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I'm still waiting for someone to explain how the earth exited the ice age without irresponsible human activity, had a rise in temperature before we produced so much CO2, and how we can expect the climate to remain globally constant if we humans would just produce fewer greenhouse gases.


It's sad really because some of the people making arguments against global warming are just as bad as those making the argument for it.


IMHO even if it doesn't exist, i still think the environment is important. I have friends who live/have been to Shanghai who talk about how intolerable the smog is.

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