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Let me explain how the NFL works

KikO M G

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My frustration is just in play calling in Sunday's game. We had two decent outings in the first two games. We faced a better defense than expected with the Jets. I don't understadn why we didn't hit the middle of the field harder at the 10-15 yd mark. We put EJ in a tough position with so many go routes, and running. There was so little in the middle. We needed faster plays with shorter routes to open up passing, and their secondary is better, or our WR are not that good.


I'm not panicking, but expect a better outing this week, and next. I thought our defense just was gased by the end of the game. No defense can be on the field that long and hold.


I'm ready to put it behind us, and now even more frustrating why we didn't win the Pats game. We'd still be 2-1.



Playcalling SUUUCCKKED. Too few vertical routes because the dumasses cut all the useful personnel. Spiller CANNOT run up the middle...TJ Graham IS NOT a deep threat. EJ NEEDS ANOTHER TE, AND ANOTHER WR. -Period.

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Let me explain how the NFL works - you gain talent through the draft, Free agency and young players gaining experience and physical maturity - you lose talent through Free agency, injury, salary cap cuts, and aging


some teams have mastered acquiring talent faster than they lose it and they often end up in the playoffs other teams are continuously treading water or even losing ground and are irrelevant by November


The Bills have been in the latter group for a long long time 13years without playoff probably going to be 14years after this season and somehow many fans will be furious at a couple players but weirdly in tune with this abusive organization


well it has to stop and Bills fans who are still making excuses for this poorly produced product have to stop- Russ Brandon needs to be fired and I wish you could fire the owner, I say this not because of the record but because of the O-line a glaring trouble spot which went unfixed and that means either people can't judge talent at all or some cheap bastard said !@#$ it good enough - whichever we deserve better.

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Not bad for your second all time post. Wait, I mean your first....... Hey around my house you hafta say it AT LEAST twice or it gets ignored.


I agree that patience is required for any rookie player at any position, especially NFL qb. And by the way, to back up the OP's comment about Eli Manning's rookie year struggles, holy shoot did he stink horribly last game. Here he is an NFL championship qb lookin like a complete slug out there.


The biggest sense of frustration now from people who understand this team (I claim to understand the bills quite well, but I also claim to be good in bed so.......) is some of the controllable things we've missed on. We can't control injury or waiting for rookie qb's to grow up or even missing on draft picks, but we CAN do a better job at aligning our talent with the correct offensive gameplan.


We can also do a better job at retaining our key players when we have the funds to do so. I disagree with an earlier poster that says there are better owners than others and they make their teams elite year in and year out. I hear a lot about the Rooneys being great owners, and their team is an 0-3 piece of crap (and a boring one at that). Kraft is a horrible owner for allowing his hall of fame qb to sit out there with no decent receivers to throw to because he tries to be cute and outthink everyone (seymour trade was one of the worst moves in NFL history for NE).


I guess my point is people on this board seem to be mad about the right things, the controllable ones where the front office failed and where the coaches are showing their inadequacies. We are one Luke Keuchly interference call away from being 0-4 this sunday, but as long as we see progress then you'll see patience. That's how Bills fans work. At least MY kind of fans anyway.....

Edited by Webster Guy
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I thought Dickerson, and Kaufmann should have stayed. I felt as though they would have made very unique and versatile weapons for EJ down the road.

Honestly though, I'd be happy if they just worked Easley into the offense. They guy can obviously catch. Why in the world would he be on ST punt coverage?... It's ridiculous.

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