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If Bryd is a man....

Estelle Getty

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He will suit up Sunday. He is listed as day to day so his feet have not fallen off as of yet. Watching YOUR team struggle with so many injuries in the secondary and standing idly by is not something a real man would do. And yes it is still YOUR team Jairus, you know the team that is paying you 7 million to be ok enough to practice but not play in the game. I get that he didn't get his big contract that he wanted but 7 million for a few months work aint to shabby so stop being a spiteful B word. Hope him and his scumbag agent are amused with the current state of our secondary. As a loyal fan for 20 years I will never look at him the same again if he fails to play this week and leaves us hanging yet again. Good enough to practice but I guess on Sundays those feet just start acting up again. Be a teammate!


You are right... It had to be PAINFUL to watch for him and Gilmore seeing their teammates get burned like that. We MUST get the Byrd man back on field ASAP... When Pettine shifted Aaron Williams back to his old spot at CB, he looked A LOT better than is yrs past. I think his problem was a confidence thing cuz he has the size and talent to be a #2 CB. Also, if Byrd comes back this week, we can shift Searcy to SS which is where he is much better suited, especially with us losing Carrington and Mario and Dareus knicked up. We will need a safety in the box and he is much better suited in that role as a potential blitzer and is better vs run than pass playing center field where he lacks the speed and insticts which can not be taught. Knowing how to read a QB is an art for a safety, guys like Ed Reed, Woodson and Byrd who is a top 5 safety who can hit and is great in coverage especially on the deep ball which has been our achilles heel last week and even week before when Ginn blew past Rogers.


Roby is fine is the slot but is way too small to line up outside. We need to get healthy ASAP. Hopefully Mclovin's hammy is OK and can play this week and shadow Smith which isnt much on a possession WR, he's a home run threat with incredible speed and great instincts and hands to reel in deep balls. I'm already having nightmares of the thought on Rogers trying to contain him considering Holmes, Hill and Ginn all destroyed him and if not for a few errant throws by Cam where Rogers was beat a few other times, we could have easily lost that game too.


Once (IF) secondary is healthy. With Gilmore lining up vs teams #1 which is approach Pettine has had over yrs with Revis and then Cromartie when Revis got hurt last yr and he has done that so far with Mclovin covering opposings #1's and has done excellent job and seems to be playing like guy we hoped for when we spent a #1 pick on him. He could then shift to cover teams #2 and we can have Byrd playing CF and Williams roaming around at SS and Searcy or Jimmy Leonhard as 3rd safety when we go to 3 safety looks.


I just dont understand how by like 9:00 am monday we didnt sign a FA. Its not like there is no one out there worth taking flyer on. Off top of my head i can think of 2 solid vets who could come right from the couch and do MUCH better job than Rogers. Ex Bill Clements seems to me, as best option. Played mostly safety last yr but has been effective throughout entire career. Sheldon Brown... i havent followed him much over past 2 yrs, but i do remember he was a shutdown corner back in Philly and has at least shown he's capable of playing at high level. Why not AT LEAST reach out to a few and bring them for a workout and see if they are in game shape cuz in Pettine's D, the ONLY position that's "easy" for a player to come in and play, and play immediately is CB. We are basically in man to man coverage on all plays so ANY CB off street has done that is his career and would not require much to learn playbook cuz the assignment is simple. COVER YOUR GUY!



I just dont understand how we havent already addressed this first thing monday morning. Even if Rogers is Pettines long lost son, u gotta get this out of situations where he is doomed to fail. Finding a CB should have been done the second Gilmore went down. All the did was sign practice squad caliber guys and expect "next man up" at position we had no depth to begin with and then to put icing on cake, Brooks went down and is out multiple weeks. He my not be a shut down corner, but was great is college is top D in country and is much more physical and better in coverage than Rogers.


Even if they think Rogers has some sort of enormous "potential" (highly unlikely) u gotta get the guy out of there at least for a few weeks till we get healthier or use him only when teams bring in 4 WR and put him on LAST option not teams #1 or even #2's. He is over matched and getting beaten play after play will ruin him mentally for when he goes back to what he is. A #5 or 6 CB

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gotta question bryd man at this point, did he hold out jus because he was injured and had nothin to lose?


its not like he coulda practiced anyways, and we didn't know.






You don't think he "just fell into" this injury do you? this is no coincidence and that's probably why he held out for so long.

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While I am disappointed to not have Byrd and Gilmore on the field, the reality is we don't know his physical state. He has one strike against him for skipping some of camp, although that was his right just like the Bills had the right to franchise him.


Each player handles injuries, devotion to their teammates differently, and regardless of the player, being franchised certainly adds some variables to consider that playing under a normal contract does not. If he were 100% and pretending, or if he were holding out officially, then those would both be very disappointing things. If he happens to be hurt more seriously, he is in a situation where playing at less than 100% might be of limited benefit to the team, but could clearly work against his interests.


I can't wait to see him out there soon, I hope the contract ploy doesn't cause him to contribute less to our team than he could, and I still hope he signs an extension with us after the season.

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Keep telling yourself that. Last year he took shots to reduce pain so he could play, implying (at least to me) that it wouldn't make condition any worse, so why not do that this year ?


Because playing on it could make it worse. For him much worse. Perhaps even part of why we are in this spot currently, for all we know.


He assumed the risk last year and doesn't want to this year.

Edited by NoSaint
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Yup because every fan has PhDs.


This is getting hilarious. Byrd would be a moron to play through an injury on a one year deal. And like it or not, he's probably going to get big money. But as someone else mentioned, not one teammate or coach had said one thing about Byrd's professionalism.

Exactly right. Why should he jeopardize his career when the Bills refused to extend him for his market value? As strange as it may seem, neither party is in the wrong here. The Bills were correct in franchising him, using the leverage granted to them per the CBA and delaying the decision to extend him by another year. Byrd is correct in protecting his own self interests and playing only when he is at 100%, nothing less.

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Exactly right. Why should he jeopardize his career when the Bills refused to extend him for his market value? As strange as it may seem, neither party is in the wrong here. The Bills were correct in franchising him, using the leverage granted to them per the CBA and delaying the decision to extend him by another year. Byrd is correct in protecting his own self interests and playing only when he is at 100%, nothing less.


Agreed (though I think the 100% comment is overblown, I don't think he's day to day and on gameday going out there and saying oooops slight tingle in my left heel sorry guys).

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I keep hearing, no one out of OBD has anything bad to say. I feel like this can be construed in another way. I don't hear any glowing remarks out of OBD either. All I hear is Marrone saying the right things to deflect problems. However, he's also given a back handed comment about how its a "condition" not and "injury". Take it for what it's worth, I think Marrone is not happy either. The Bills may have some designs to want to resign him long term next year, so they're not going to come out and say something negative toward him and burn a bridge. That makes no sense.


This "condition" is something he played through, and played very well through last year. He said he has to be 100% to play, but that'll never happen with PF. A completely subjective injury doesn't sit well, its just too convienient.


How can anyone use the argurment, "this is a business", well then, this is a business that is funded by what? The fans, thats right, the fans. The fans are who he should be answering to, but in this twisted messed up world, its become a business of greed. This is what's going to bring the NFL down if it doesnt get controlled, and it wont. The greed will continue, and people will continue to get turned off by crying, bickering, back and forth, and eventually the NFL will go down. Maybe not this year, not next year, but it will. These atheletes including Byrd don't care as long as the "get theirs".


No one cares Jairus, get out there and play, push him out there, tell him to man the field, get everyone on the team to get in his face if he's not playing like he should. I hope he starts crying and complaining on the field. Then we'll all see what a "man" he is.


Sick of this guy, if you can't see that he's faking this injury, I have a bridge to sell you. Even WGR550 this morning talked about how they can't discount that he's faking it. Unbelievable!!!



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"FAKING" is the wrong word. even though I have been dogging Tyrd, I would not say he is "faking" his injury. I believe he is injured. the same injury he played through most of last year when it was in his best interest to play hurt. now this season, after 8 months of rest, it is no longer in his best interest to play hurt. some may call that smart, while others would have a less flattering name. when was the last time you heard an injured player say he was going to wait until he was 100% before playing.

You hit the nail on the head.

Byrd had this injury last year and played and played at a high level. He had the entire off season to rest the injury.

Maybe a reporter with some stones needs to ask the right questions.

Reporter- 'you have stated you played with this injury last year, correct?'

'did you re-injury it in the off season?'

I would like the answer to those two questions.

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Keep telling yourself that. Last year he took shots to reduce pain so he could play, implying (at least to me) that it wouldn't make condition any worse, so why not do that this year ?

Was he playing under the franchise tag last year? No? Ok, then. In that case the answer to your question resides in the post you just responded to.

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You hit the nail on the head.

Byrd had this injury last year and played and played at a high level. He had the entire off season to rest the injury.

Maybe a reporter with some stones needs to ask the right questions.

Reporter- 'you have stated you played with this injury last year, correct?'

'did you re-injury it in the off season?'

I would like the answer to those two questions.


"yes i did last year, its acting up again"

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maybe he should have waited until 100 % before signing then

Buffalo had full access to his medical records before signing him and perform their own examination.


You hit the nail on the head.

Byrd had this injury last year and played and played at a high level. He had the entire off season to rest the injury.

Maybe a reporter with some stones needs to ask the right questions.

Reporter- 'you have stated you played with this injury last year, correct?'

'did you re-injury it in the off season?'

I would like the answer to those two questions.

Yeah, because injuries like this never worsen over time. Never. They always stay exactly the same. Any medical student knows that.
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its silly that everyone is so sure that this FO offered him a legit deal. they have kept it all out of the media so explain how you guys know that he was offered a fair deal. we should be blaming the FO for not getting a deal done prior to the end of the season. they knew they could tag him and used that as leverage i would think but because im not in the FO i dont know for sure.


look how far under the cap we still are and couldnt get it done. if this FO had a history of getting it done and signing its own players d feel differently..


but seriously think about it people when was the last time this FO got it right and paid there own players? the track record is horrible. stop throwing blind loyalty at a FO that does not deserve it.

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I keep hearing, no one out of OBD has anything bad to say. I feel like this can be construed in another way. I don't hear any glowing remarks out of OBD either. All I hear is Marrone saying the right things to deflect problems. However, he's also given a back handed comment about how its a "condition" not and "injury". Take it for what it's worth, I think Marrone is not happy either. The Bills may have some designs to want to resign him long term next year, so they're not going to come out and say something negative toward him and burn a bridge. That makes no sense.


This "condition" is something he played through, and played very well through last year. He said he has to be 100% to play, but that'll never happen with PF. A completely subjective injury doesn't sit well, its just too convienient.


How can anyone use the argurment, "this is a business", well then, this is a business that is funded by what? The fans, thats right, the fans. The fans are who he should be answering to, but in this twisted messed up world, its become a business of greed. This is what's going to bring the NFL down if it doesnt get controlled, and it wont. The greed will continue, and people will continue to get turned off by crying, bickering, back and forth, and eventually the NFL will go down. Maybe not this year, not next year, but it will. These atheletes including Byrd don't care as long as the "get theirs".


No one cares Jairus, get out there and play, push him out there, tell him to man the field, get everyone on the team to get in his face if he's not playing like he should. I hope he starts crying and complaining on the field. Then we'll all see what a "man" he is.


Sick of this guy, if you can't see that he's faking this injury, I have a bridge to sell you. Even WGR550 this morning talked about how they can't discount that he's faking it. Unbelievable!!!



Yeah, he is greedy, unlike the team. They are pretty much running a non-profit charity at One Bills Drive. I betcha the fans at his new team will really hate his guts no matter how many pro bowls he makes or how many wins his new team gets with him on the roster. I think you are on to something here. The NFL has been teetering on the edge of collapse, crushed under the weight of all those ever increasing profits. This whole Byrd thing is going to bring down the whole shebang. And if WGR says they can't "discount that he's faking it", what proof could be more rock solid than that? Case closed.
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He will suit up Sunday. He is listed as day to day so his feet have not fallen off as of yet. Watching YOUR team struggle with so many injuries in the secondary and standing idly by is not something a real man would do. And yes it is still YOUR team Jairus, you know the team that is paying you 7 million to be ok enough to practice but not play in the game. I get that he didn't get his big contract that he wanted but 7 million for a few months work aint to shabby so stop being a spiteful B word. Hope him and his scumbag agent are amused with the current state of our secondary. As a loyal fan for 20 years I will never look at him the same again if he fails to play this week and leaves us hanging yet again. Good enough to practice but I guess on Sundays those feet just start acting up again. Be a teammate!

He's not.
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Yeah, he is greedy, unlike the team. They are pretty much running a non-profit charity at One Bills Drive. I betcha the fans at his new team will really hate his guts no matter how many pro bowls he makes or how many wins his new team gets with him on the roster. I think you are on to something here. The NFL has been teetering on the edge of collapse, crushed under the weight of all those ever increasing profits. This whole Byrd thing is going to bring down the whole shebang. And if WGR says they can't "discount that he's faking it", what proof could be more rock solid than that? Case closed.


Another apoligist, very nice!


Let me just say, Rome thought it was impenetrable also. What happened to them? This whole, I'm gonna get mine I dont care what anyone else things generation, combined with flag football the NFL is becoming, is slowly but surely bringing the NFL down. Reverse course No Fun League, or things won't be as profitable as they are now, soon enough. Not by a long shot.

Edited by HamSandwhich
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its silly that everyone is so sure that this FO offered him a legit deal. they have kept it all out of the media so explain how you guys know that he was offered a fair deal. we should be blaming the FO for not getting a deal done prior to the end of the season. they knew they could tag him and used that as leverage i would think but because im not in the FO i dont know for sure.


look how far under the cap we still are and couldnt get it done. if this FO had a history of getting it done and signing its own players d feel differently..


but seriously think about it people when was the last time this FO got it right and paid there own players? the track record is horrible. stop throwing blind loyalty at a FO that does not deserve it.

The Franchise Tag gives him the Salary equivalent to the average salary of the top 10 paid players at his position, Thats seems pretty fair since there is 3-4 FS better then him
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Another apoligist, very nice!


Let me just say, Rome thought it was impenetrable also. What happened to them? This whole, I'm gonna get mine I dont care what anyone else things generation, combined with flag football the NFL is becoming, is slowly but surely bringing the NFL down. Reverse course No Fun League, or things won't be as profitable as they are now, soon enough. Not by a long shot.

Crazy kids and their damn "rock and roll" music! It all started going to hell when they gave women the vote. You see so clearly what all the fools out there simply refuse to see: the NFL is done, over, kaput. Don't believe all that propaganda about the Super Bowl being the most watched sporting event ever or the league's laughably inflated claim that over 200 million people watched an NFL game last year.

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