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If Bryd is a man....

Estelle Getty

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"FAKING" is the wrong word. even though I have been dogging Tyrd, I would not say he is "faking" his injury. I believe he is injured. the same injury he played through most of last year when it was in his best interest to play hurt. now this season, after 8 months of rest, it is no longer in his best interest to play hurt. some may call that smart, while others would have a less flattering name. when was the last time you heard an injured player say he was going to wait until he was 100% before playing.


maybe he should have waited until 100 % before signing then

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He won't play until pain-free or aound mid-season, whichever comes first. If he's not pain-free by mid-season, he'll have to suck it up and play, and play well, otherwise he kills his $9M/year demands with guaranteed money in the $20M range.

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Once again, it's not his team. It's just a group of fellow employees who aren't as seemingly disgruntled.



Once again it is his team. Can playing in the NFL be considered just a regular job? I don't think so. There are guys that would give their left one just to have that opporotunity.

I don't know but I think that if he is healthy enough to contribute but chooses not to because he is not 100% and can't showcase his abilities to the fullest for future contract reasons then what kind of "man" is he? Especially when his team desperately needs him. That is something only his team mates can decide. These guys don't just go to work together. They go to war together. And if that is not the case then maybe that is why they have sucked for the last 13 years.

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"FAKING" is the wrong word. even though I have been dogging Tyrd, I would not say he is "faking" his injury. I believe he is injured. the same injury he played through most of last year when it was in his best interest to play hurt. now this season, after 8 months of rest, it is no longer in his best interest to play hurt. some may call that smart, while others would have a less flattering name. when was the last time you heard an injured player say he was going to wait until he was 100% before playing.

Doug Marrone Said EJ would have to be 100% before playing...


And plenty of people have suggested he is faking even if you haven't .

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Once again it is his team. Can playing in the NFL be considered just a regular job? I don't think so. There are guys that would give their left one just to have that opporotunity.

I don't know but I think that if he is healthy enough to contribute but chooses not to because he is not 100% and can't showcase his abilities to the fullest for future contract reasons then what kind of "man" is he? Especially when his team desperately needs him. That is something only his team mates can decide. These guys don't just go to work together. They go to war together. And if that is not the case then maybe that is why they have sucked for the last 13 years.


a bit ridiculous your theory. this is not the 'win one for the gipper' age.


these guys and almost everyone you know, in any field, have their minds on the money, nowadays, to the near exclusion anything else. they do NOT go to war together by the way. ask someone who has been to a war they will tell you different.

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Doug Marrone Said EJ would have to be 100% before playing...


And plenty of people have suggested he is faking even if you haven't .


that's a coach protecting his player....


but E.J. never said he needed to be 100% and i'm pretty sure after surgery he started the season much less than 100%.

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Nobody on the roster is 100% at the moment. Nature of the game. But if Byrd isn't comfortable at 99. 651% in his left foot and 98.715% in his right foot, who are we and the rest of his teammates to judge?




he probably wont be 100% again for the rest of his life after 4 years of nfl football, so im not sure how literally id take the statement.

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Grow up. It's not a team. It is a business. A corporate entity. The players are employees. No one on the "team", not the coaches, not the players and not the front office have publicly expressed one iota of concern about Byrd, as you seem to believe, faking an injury because of his unhappiness with his contract.


You spout off so cocksure that no one believes Byrd is faking, as if we are to believe that is true, without any proof. Just because no one has said anything publicly doesn't mean JACK SQUAT. After Byrd leaves the Bills, then watch what is said. Until that happens or the team falls apart, everyone's gonna keep their mouth shut. Until we know for sure, you can't say your position that silence means he's not faking is anything but speculation.

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You spout off so cocksure that no one believes Byrd is faking, as if we are to believe that is true, without any proof. Just because no one has said anything publicly doesn't mean JACK SQUAT. After Byrd leaves the Bills, then watch what is said. Until that happens or the team falls apart, everyone's gonna keep their mouth shut. Until we know for sure, you can't say your position that silence means he's not faking is anything but speculation.


can i expect similar replies from you to anyone posting that he IS faking? all the guy your quoting said is that its a business not a family and his coworkers havent called him out yet.

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You spout off so cocksure that no one believes Byrd is faking, as if we are to believe that is true, without any proof. Just because no one has said anything publicly doesn't mean JACK SQUAT. After Byrd leaves the Bills, then watch what is said. Until that happens or the team falls apart, everyone's gonna keep their mouth shut. Until we know for sure, you can't say your position that silence means he's not faking is anything but speculation.


most people outside the locker room suspect Byrd is dogging it and could have played, the last few weeks. I am sure inside the locker room the feeling is the same. they are pros so they keep quiet, but there must be some resentment building I would think.

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most people outside the locker room suspect Byrd is dogging it and could have played, the last few weeks. I am sure inside the locker room the feeling is the same. they are pros so they keep quiet, but there must be some resentment building I would think.


Probably not. Players respect other players' contract situations. It's bad business to talk about someone else's contract. And I wonder how many fans would want their contract public knowledge. Bottomline, all players recognize this as a business. The second you aren't valuable to a franchise, they get rid of you. So why would any player be loyal to that franchise?

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tagged player's worst nightmare:


That fear was confirmed, according to ESPNs Adam Schefter, who said the injury will cost Melton the rest of the season.


It could also cost him much more than that.


The 26-year-old was playing this season under the $8.45 million franchise tag. After not getting a long-term deal from the Bears this offseason, his hope was to parlay another strong year into a payday next offseason.


Now, it's hard to imagine anybody giving anything close to the kind of guaranteed money he deserves to a guy coming off a season-ending injury.


It's the reason players hate the franchise tag so much, essentially the worst-case scenario for those employees.





That sucks, but seriously, cry me a river with violins. He got 8 Million Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and is 26. Invest it wisely and he is set for life. Plus, he will still make MILLIONS next year if he decides to play. Oh, and the players AGREED to the franchise tag scheme, so if they have a problem with it, its THEIR fault. Byrd needs to stop being a giant baby.

Edited by RyanC883
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That sucks, but seriously, cry me a river with violins. He got 8 Million Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and is 26. Invest it wisely and he is set for life. Plus, he will still make MILLIONS next year if he decides to play. Oh, and the players AGREED to the franchise tag scheme, so if they have a problem with it, its THEIR fault. Byrd needs to stop being a giant baby.


You would be a great agent.

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Probably not. Players respect other players' contract situations. It's bad business to talk about someone else's contract. And I wonder how many fans would want their contract public knowledge. Bottomline, all players recognize this as a business. The second you aren't valuable to a franchise, they get rid of you. So why would any player be loyal to that franchise?


Let's see, Byrd is babying an injury and costing the team games, while making millions. Yep, I'm sure every player is cool with that. Byrd is jerk. No one made him play football. The franchise tag is part of the game. Don't sign it and fake an injury. The Bills should sit his a@@, or put him on IR. Send a message that this behavior will not be tolerated.


You would be a great agent.


I'm a fan of the Bills, not the players who AGREE to a system, then cry about it afterwards while cashing checks which are more than most people will make in a life.


a bit ridiculous your theory. this is not the 'win one for the gipper' age.


these guys and almost everyone you know, in any field, have their minds on the money, nowadays, to the near exclusion anything else. they do NOT go to war together by the way. ask someone who has been to a war they will tell you different.


yeah, the war analogy is a terrible one. But in football more than other sports you do need to rely on those around you doing their jobs.

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