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If Bryd is a man....

Estelle Getty

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nope i hate that. i also think byrd far out played his rookie contract




i dont think players fully expect nor do i think its highlighted in any contract that they will cut them before the contract is fulfilled.


almost every played knows that there is a very good chance they don't play the entire contract

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teams terminate contracts before the full money is ever paid out all the time. do you question the teams for doing that? they are not honoring the "intent and spirit of the contract" when it works for them they do it.


The team that cuts the player is absolutely, unequivocally honoring the contract, since the terms always include provisions for payment structure in the event of early termination.

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The real question is what is the impediment to the deal getting done. Plantar Fsc is correctible in time, and not going to affect Byrd's ability to play. We don't need to keep letting very talented player leave for somewhere else. The answer might be Byrd is not agreeing to anything reasonable as a push to get out of Buffalo. That is what I suspect, but can't confirm it like the rest on the board.


I'd rather see us give him a nice contract with a decent amt guaranteed. Part of the problem is how much Tampa gave Goldson this year. Now the going rate for safeties is over 8 million. Tampa had a pot of money they had to spend, and they used it wisely on some key players. They suck right now due to a bad QB (I live in Tampa).


For once we can have a positive ending to one of these issues (see McGahee, Peters, so on).

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The team that cuts the player is absolutely, unequivocally honoring the contract, since the terms always include provisions for payment structure in the event of early termination.


Ill agree big time here. You may not like the way the nfl runs its contracts but it's well known, expected, and any player could trade annual salary to boost guaranteed money but they are willing to roll the dice too.


When I saw the "honoring the spirit" post last night I've been debating how to reply to it without derailing the talks or sounding judgemental of those on the other side. I think if you asked me 5-10 years ago my take on the spirit would be very different than today.... But between the concussion suits, torodol, anecdotal stories like Jason Taylor's, and many fair but cold business decisions..... I used to be on the "team before self" bandwagon a lot more than I am now. Things like playing hurt being part of the spirit of being an nfl team first player. Now.... I have a hard time getting riled up behind the "be a man and get your painkillers and get out there." Byrds situation centers more around financial health than serious long term physical health so it's a bit of a distant second place in terms of importance/sympathy but still wraps back to that fundamental shift I've had on the idea of "team before self."

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Okay so if they DID give him the contract he wanted, would he still be sitting? What would we, as fans be saying about him then? And how could he even ask for such money, if he didn't plan on playing.


One way or another, he's wrong. And, has gone from my favorite Bill to my least favorite.

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One way or another, he's wrong. And, has gone from my favorite Bill to my least favorite.

i really think that byrd is in a no-win situation right now. if he plays injured and stinks up the place, or gets further injured then he will hurt his stock and face the ridicule of fans and media saying he is in no way worth the money. and if he continues to sit out to wait until he is fully healthy then he is risking being called selfish, a bad teammate, a faker...

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Byrd will only play at 100% and to show case his talent. His lingering foot injury may cast doubts at to his professionalism with prospective teams looking to add him to their roster. Parker knows how to manage his clients.

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what range does top 5 encompass in your book? as simple a term as it is, i bet we could get quite a few different answers with some of the low ends on the ranges being less appealing. a source saying top 5 could be using any number of tricks to make it sound better, if they wanted. or its also very possible byrd was on a #1 or dont talk to me kick.


(top 5 safety money as in about 8m - weddle, goldson, polamalu, etc, or top 5 free safety which bumps down a notch, are we talking top 5 of the 5 year deals or top 5 for this years single season salaries, and are we closer to 1 or 5 on any of those lists? do the guaranteed dollars match that slotting or did the bills possibly get cute there?)


until we understand what that term means, its hard to add the layer of discussing byrds value relative to it


You're really stretching now.

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You're really stretching now.


Simply saying number 1 money has the gap between Troy p and goldson (9.5 vs 8) depending on "free safety" or "safety" that isn't agreed on around here. Turning it into a range of top 5 opens up a shade shy of 7m per to 9.5m per, with no discussion of guaranteed dollars or length of contract..... and totally ignoring how low you could stretch that low end if you had any motivation to do so.


The potential gap there is HUGE so I think its fair to ask what numbers someone is using when they say he's worth top 5 money. I'm sure you'd feel differently based on 9m per year vs 7m per year. Both top 5, neither number 1 and one would be considered great value while the other would cause half the board to riot

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