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If Bryd is a man....

Estelle Getty

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What do you propose byrds other options were as an aspiring nfl talent?



That's an interesting way of expressing it. NFL talent. The NFL is brand of American Football. There is no other way to participate in the NFL then to join an NFL team. A requirement of this that you join the union.


An aspiring football player could look at other leagues. I believe the Arena league does not require membership in the union.


Another option would be Byrd suing the Player's association to opt of their representation.


As it stands, Byrd has agreed to be a part of the union and thus be bound by its laws. Much like I am a part of city, county, state and nation and some laws are not really all that great for me, but I still have obey them.

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The Bills are free to offer an insulting low-ball offer to an All-Pro safety and then tag him when he refuses to accept it.


Byrd is free to react to the insulting low-ball offer by refusing to play until he's 100%.


The franchise tag allows teams to retain player's services. It does not provide a right to have a happy player, eager to suit up and play for a team that basically said "EFF YOU" during negotiations.

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That's an interesting way of expressing it. NFL talent. The NFL is brand of American Football. There is no other way to participate in the NFL then to join an NFL team. A requirement of this that you join the union.


An aspiring football player could look at other leagues. I believe the Arena league does not require membership in the union.


Another option would be Byrd suing the Player's association to opt of their representation.


As it stands, Byrd has agreed to be a part of the union and thus be bound by its laws. Much like I am a part of city, county, state and nation and some laws are not really all that great for me, but I still have obey them.


And he has so far obeyed them. The guy I was replying to said he can't be upset by them. I think regardless of what you think of Byrd, that's a crazy statement. Just like you are welcome to be upset by the laws you deal with.

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No doubt that was a rough quote. Didnt like it one bit.

Come on NoSaint. I know you are very level headed guy and you like to take people for what they say. That qoute right there says a lot. You never hear a player referring to a team he is on as 'them'. It is a team and he is part of the team. Every player knows you say 'we'. You learn this in little league or HS ball. Byrd is either not very intelligent(which i doubt) or he is right out saying i am not a part of this team.

He lost me with that. I have been level headed about it too. But the more things pile up Byrd is becoming less like someone i want to cheer for.

I will say good thing the internet and social media was not around when the Bills drafted Kelly! ha

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The Bills are free to offer an insulting low-ball offer to an All-Pro safety and then tag him when he refuses to accept it.


Byrd is free to react to the insulting low-ball offer by refusing to play until he's 100%.


The franchise tag allows teams to retain player's services. It does not provide a right to have a happy player, eager to suit up and play for a team that basically said "EFF YOU" during negotiations.


Exactly right. :thumbsup:

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It looks like Eugene Parker is creating that leverage that he talked about in that Tim Graham article. About the prisoner bashing his head against the wall until the guard gave him a cigarette............He talked about when you don't have leverage, it's about what you're willing to do.


Everybody talked about him not leaving a dollar on the table. (To me, should not be the top priority)


Looks like he is so low, that his plan now is not to hold out, but to collect your money while "holding out."


What a man of character - make sure you get every last dollar, Eugene and Jairus. Byrd has gone from my favorite Bill to my least favorite Bill.

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Come on NoSaint. I know you are very level headed guy and you like to take people for what they say. That qoute right there says a lot. You never hear a player referring to a team he is on as 'them'. It is a team and he is part of the team. Every player knows you say 'we'. You learn this in little league or HS ball. Byrd is either not very intelligent(which i doubt) or he is right out saying i am not a part of this team.

He lost me with that. I have been level headed about it too. But the more things pile up Byrd is becoming less like someone i want to cheer for.

I will say good thing the internet and social media was not around when the Bills drafted Kelly! ha


Like I said - didnt like it. Whether misspoken or sounding worse then meant or whatever reason could come up to explain it- it's still not what you like to hear even if you give him a little leeway in it.

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he played last year with a injury with hopes that the team would reward him for doing so. and they didnt pay him when they had more than enough money to. none of us know what the contract size was that was offered him. its all speculation but i dont get why you guys are trusting the bills did the right thing here. when is the last time they got it right with resigning there own players?


the argument of him being paid millions and should suck it up and play is ludicrous when you think about how 1 injury could screw him from being paid.

henry melton and anthony specer both got season ending injuries this past weekend while playing on a franchise tag. its a bad move on the players part. they really only have a few years to be paid well and get a big contract. the bills should have done more to resign him prior. he far outplayed his rookie deal. the bills FO has shown time and time again that they are the ones that are usually the stubborn end on negotiations.


im on byrds side and if i were him id wait till gilmore and mclovin were healthy enough to play and come back at the same time. it gives him more time to get the playbook down and ill bet it only will amplify how much better the secondary looks with them back. him playing FS with justin rodgers and AW at corner isnt gonna help him look that good. but with gilmore and mclovin back it will prove even more so when he does return what hes worth.


its a business and the bills played him and hes playing them. should you not be mad at this FO for not signing him last year? he played thru a injury holding up his end that he would be rewarded with a new deal. this FO didnt get it done and so people blame byrd? why? this FO hasnt proved to get it right in the past why are people so sure they did what it would take now? we arent in salary cap issues and im pretty sure that the bills have a lot of money that cant be rolled over to next year because its already been rolled from last year. you cant roll the money twice. even the fitzpatrick/mark anderson deadmoney they split to carry to next year is proof they are playing penny pinching. why not put it all on this years cap that cant be rolled so you have more money next year? instead they split the money so we take a cap hit on those contracts next year. its dumb and people should start blaming this FO not the players



So just because it's a business he should ignore the players negotiated CBA all on his own? I was on his side until the 100% thing. For all we know Marrone isn't pushing him because he isn't sure if he learned the defense yet. Given his limited practice time.



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It looks like Eugene Parker is creating that leverage that he talked about in that Tim Graham article. About the prisoner bashing his head against the wall until the guard gave him a cigarette............He talked about when you don't have leverage, it's about what you're willing to do.


Everybody talked about him not leaving a dollar on the table. (To me, should not be the top priority)


Looks like he is so low, that his plan now is not to hold out, but to collect your money while "holding out."


What a man of character - make sure you get every last dollar, Eugene and Jairus. Byrd has gone from my favorite Bill to my least favorite Bill.


Where is your favorite team's culpability in all of this? This is a massively profitable juggernaut enjoying record revenue sharing from the NFL's TV deals and one of ThE most profitable franchises in the NFL. Despite this, the organization has shown that it is unwilling to pay fair market value for a player who they not only drafted, but has produced at an elite level.

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what does history say abut the bills and the way this team/front office works? its not like its a big secret here or a "theory" why didnt the bills pay him last year? instead we paid mark anderson.......they constantly make these kinda moves.


you people who are expecting blind loyalty to a team that drafts you are insane. its a business!! get that thru your heads. they didnt grow in up in buffalo or choose buffalo besides the freeagents who came here. start looking at it as a business and you might understand whats going on here. as fans yes we root for this team but to think players have just as much loyalty to a organization is silly.


byrd played last year expecting the bill to reward him with a contract. they didnt and if he does play and gets hurt this year and then has to come back from a major injury the bills will not pay him and neither will other teams its been shown they dont sign guys coming off major injuries to bigger deals.

and everyone here bitching that hes sitting back collecting his money wont even care next year and be bitching about another player and keep rooting for this team. this is his future and if the market value is set at amount he should be paid what hes worth.



Tired of hearing it's a business. If it's a business and if he can play he should. He didn't like it, but he still signed a 1 year contract. That's the point. If he is too hurt ok, but you have to admit this 100% thing makes one wonder.

Edited by SRQ_BillsFan
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And he has so far obeyed them. The guy I was replying to said he can't be upset by them. I think regardless of what you think of Byrd, that's a crazy statement. Just like you are welcome to be upset by the laws you deal with.


Except it seems to be he is not obeying them and using an 'injury' that doesn't have a definitive diagnosis for it. He also, by his own admission, said he played on it all year last season. The treatment for his injury is rest which from the end of last season to today is loooooooooooong beyond the expected recovery time. After 6 months, it would be recommended to consider steroid shots and after 12 months, surgery.


There is a question that needs to be answered on why he is not following the standard treatment protocol for his medical issue when his condition (was able to play through it) has degraded (not able to play through it).

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YOU are paying 7 million? are you ralph wilson? what i dont understand about so many people on this board claiming him to be a B word or wuss cause hes only making 7 million. reality is you probably wouldnt do it. lets say you could play for 7 million on a 1 year deal and possibly get hurt like anothny spencer and henry melton just this past week and miss out on a potential pay day of a long term deal near 20 million... so would you risk that possible other 13-20 million? r you would you risk that and play when you might just get tagged again if you dont get hurt? youd rather risk the 13-20 million?


if you are mad at these "overpaid bitches" you should stop watching football. also realize that nfl teams are making truck loads of cash. the bills had enough to pay byrd and levitre and chose not too. and i for one am furious. let the colin brown experiment continue.................


If he felt that strongly about it he didn't have to sign the 1 year tender contract. No one made him do that. He did that on his own.


No matter what the rules are that forced it, he signed a contract. Which means he agreed to it.



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Where is your favorite team's culpability in all of this? This is a massively profitable juggernaut enjoying record revenue sharing from the NFL's TV deals and one of ThE most profitable franchises in the NFL. Despite this, the organization has shown that it is unwilling to pay fair market value for a player who they not only drafted, but has produced at an elite level.


Can you back up that it is one of *THE* most profitable? They generally fall somewhere between 10-15. Which isn't bad by any means, but I think top 5 when someone says THE most profitable.


Anyways, if you hand out 9 million dollar a year contracts to every player that thinks they deserve them than...well....that salary cap would bite you in the ass

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There is a question that needs to be answered on why he is not following the standard treatment protocol for his medical issue when his condition (was able to play through it) has degraded (not able to play through it).


and that needs to be answered for the team, not for you or i. and it may have been, for all we know.


also, not playing through it may not mean it has degraded. it may mean he wants to avoid going through shots and a painful season/start to the offseason again, potentially. just because he did something last year doesnt mean he has to make the same decision this year, or he didnt regret it, or get other new info, or simply not want to assume all future risk for 2 years in a row while playing through it.

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As one of the many people helping to pay his salary. It does need to be answered to me.


then go ask him. perhaps he will decline and give the nickel you contributed to him back.


on this one we will agree to disagree that you DESERVE to have access to his medical treatment and decisions because you like watching the team hes on.

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then go ask him. perhaps he will decline and give the nickel you contributed to him back.


on this one we will agree to disagree that you DESERVE to have access to his medical treatment and decisions because you like watching the team hes on.


If you don't believe the fans of the team deserve to know if he is stealing 7 million dollars.


Not sure why you feel the need to insult fans because one fan doesn't pay his 7 million dollar salary for this season. All the fans of the Bills together pay that salary.

Edited by jeremy2020
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Tired of hearing it's a business. If it's a business and if he can play he should. He didn't like it, but he still signed a 1 year contract. That's the point. If he is too hurt ok, but you have to admit this 100% thing makes one wonder.


just because you are tired of hearing its a business doesnt make it any less a business....


If he felt that strongly about it he didn't have to sign the 1 year tender contract. No one made him do that. He did that on his own.


No matter what the rules are that forced it, he signed a contract. Which means he agreed to it.


that truth is none of us know what the bills offered him contract wise and for whatever reason his camp didnt think it was good enough so they didnt agree. that leaves him the leverage point to sign his tender and sit out and squeeze this FO. thats his bargaining chip and hes using it.

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And he has so far obeyed them. The guy I was replying to said he can't be upset by them. I think regardless of what you think of Byrd, that's a crazy statement. Just like you are welcome to be upset by the laws you deal with.


Let me rephrase. I meant upset as in too upset to suit up and play.


I would love it this week if the injury report said.

Gilmore - OUT, Wrist

Carrington - OUT, Quadriceps

Byrd - Doubtful, Hurt Feelings

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