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If Bryd is a man....

Estelle Getty

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I doubt Byrd is faking it he has more character than that. I'd like to find out IF the bills knew of the injury prior to him coming to camp. 12 good games from Byrd would help us


I'm definitely curious what leads you to believe that he has high moral integrity. There have been rumblings that Byrd has always paid special importance to his 'career' above all else. He hired an agent known for playing hardball. Everything seems like this was planned out.



Byrd is a very interesting situation. He's said publicly that he has an injury from last season that still hasn't healed. So either the injury wasn't serious or his plan all along was to eventually report and then sit with an injury to try to force the Bills hand.


I hope the Bills stick to their guns and franchise him again next season.

Edited by jeremy2020
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didnt both the team and he confirm he had it last year? lets say he didnt for your sake. does he not deserve a new contract regardless? he has far out preformed his rookie contract and thought he the bills would reward him with a long term deal and it didnt get done. my first response is not to question his toughness and heart. id like to know why the deal didnt get done sooner. because thats really the issue here and looking back at history what tells you the bills handled it right and didnt try and nickel and dime him? cause history shows that this bills FO has continually got it wrong and not handled contract negotiations well. the fact that the GM has no power in the contract negotiations tells me its all about $$$ with them. its seems like if the bills win they are happy but if they lose and still make just as much money with a cheaper roster that is just fine.and thats my opinion.

Whatever you say... I'm not into the Bills being cheap theory gives him the right to kick back and collect 7 million..just saying

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Do you think most of the team enjoys playing for Buffalo? Do you think they wish they were someplace else on a better team? Can you blame them? This isn't to say Byrd should sit out if he can play. Of course he should play if possible. It doesn't mean he, or anyone else, should be happy about playing for the Bills.


I expect professional behavior, regardless. I'm sure if they all had their druthers, they'd rather be in South Beach. But the reality is, no matter WHERE they play, they are privileged to be there. He seems to have forgotten that.



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Whatever you say... I'm not into the Bills being cheap theory gives him the right to kick back and collect 7 million..just saying



what does history say abut the bills and the way this team/front office works? its not like its a big secret here or a "theory" why didnt the bills pay him last year? instead we paid mark anderson.......they constantly make these kinda moves.


you people who are expecting blind loyalty to a team that drafts you are insane. its a business!! get that thru your heads. they didnt grow in up in buffalo or choose buffalo besides the freeagents who came here. start looking at it as a business and you might understand whats going on here. as fans yes we root for this team but to think players have just as much loyalty to a organization is silly.


byrd played last year expecting the bill to reward him with a contract. they didnt and if he does play and gets hurt this year and then has to come back from a major injury the bills will not pay him and neither will other teams its been shown they dont sign guys coming off major injuries to bigger deals.

and everyone here bitching that hes sitting back collecting his money wont even care next year and be bitching about another player and keep rooting for this team. this is his future and if the market value is set at amount he should be paid what hes worth.

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Having skipped several pages please excuse if this has been said. I know PF hurts like hell. I also know that there is a micro-surgical procedure that helps alleviate the pain and lets it heal. I have had this procedure on both feet over the years. I am sure an NFL player is in much better shape than I was and am. Why did he not get something done in the off season? Is coming off surgery worse for contract negotiation than staying injured and not playing at all ? Or is it simply his agent telling him you are the top of your position, continue to be hurt and force the team into caving on contract or trade/release.

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Are you really asking what is the difference between a forced 1 year deal and having one year remaining on a 5 year contract?


I'm not asking because the answer is basically no difference. Other than he was probably making triple his 2012 salary in 2013.


Look. If players don't want the franchise tag in play, then don't cave into the league when it's time to negotiate. I don't blame the bills at all for using it. It's a valuable tool for teams and smart teams use it.

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What I don't understand and what makes this suspicious to me is that Byrd reported to the team with this injury, which is basically an injury caused by overuse and over activity. How could this have developed in the off season? And if an entire off season didn't cure it how could a few weeks of "rest" cure it now?

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It's BS...If I'm paying 7 million...Frieking play! Pay me 7 million..I'll go out there with 1 arm...Overpaid bitches...The NFL better reign this crap in or really...nobody's gonna care....Already happening with the rules...No kick returns now...The player safety thing is BS. It's watering down the game.

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Whether or not he is indeed injured badly enough to not play, if he misses the entire year because of an injury that refuses to heal how can other teams or the Bills for that matter then feel comfortable enough to offer him the type of contract he deems himself worthy of. It stands to reason he's probably hurting his chances more than helping them if he stays on the sideline much longer?

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I'm not asking because the answer is basically no difference. Other than he was probably making triple his 2012 salary in 2013.


Look. If players don't want the franchise tag in play, then don't cave into the league when it's time to negotiate. I don't blame the bills at all for using it. It's a valuable tool for teams and smart teams use it.

Voluntary and involuntary are not difficult concepts.

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Remember those Byrd or Levitre threads a couple years ago? LOL....should have known the Bills FO would find a way to let them both walk away.


I believe Byrd is still on the team.


And apparently, he can't walk even if we "let" him.



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Voluntary and involuntary are not difficult concepts.


He's part of the players union, no? He's agreed to have the players union negotiate the collective bargaining agreement, correct? Part of the agreement that all the players voted on and agreed to is the franchise tag, right? If so, then he can't get upset when it's used on him and he's getting 7 million bucks to play for 17 weeks.

Edited by dubs
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He's part of the players union, no? He's agreed to have the players union negotiate the collective bargaining agreement, correct? Part of the agreement that all the players voted on and agreed to us the franchise tag, right? If so, then he can't get upset when it's used on him and he's getting 7 million bucks to play for 17 weeks.


The FT is only for elite players so the vast majority will be bothered by it.

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He's part of the players union, no? He's agreed to have the players union negotiate the collective bargaining agreement, correct? Part of the agreement that all the players voted on and agreed to is the franchise tag, right? If so, then he can't get upset when it's used on him and he's getting 7 million bucks to play for 17 weeks.


True story, the 1500 other players in the union were very concerned over byrds impending free agency, and he had a lot of sway. I guess in hindsight he should have sidestepped the union and negotiated on his own, right?


Turns out an individual can have the right to be unhappy with a collectively bargained agreement that he can't opt out of. Especially a clause that applies only to a fraction of a percent of its members and he's one of them.

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