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The Leinart news is the real shocker. He'd be a top-3 pick this year, probably #1 overall. There's no room for him to improve his stock - it's as good as it's ever going to get. An off year or major injury would cost him severe amounts of $$$, even with an insurance policy.


I would give up most anything to be able to go back to college for even a month. The most fun I could have possibly ever had. I loved EVERY minute... EVERY minute of it... missing my senior year would have been the worst thing ever.


HOWEVER, if someone said "here's 1st round NFL money and a signing bonus worth more than some small countries", I'd say "later college!"



He walked off the field with the lead too.  <_<



Ah yes, the legend of "Shoeless" Rob Johson latest all of about ten seconds. :)

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