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NY State's Worst Parents


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There are lots of things that stand out to me about this story but the one I can't shake is how dumb are these kids to post pictures of themselves committing a crime? It's like kids can't go 5 minutes without posting an update about what they're doing and they never even stop to consider IF they should post it.


I did plenty of bad things as a youth but I went out of my way to conceal that I did it. The last thing I would have done is announce it to the world.


I guess I'll weigh in on the subject with a contrary POV. I have no issue with him collecting those photos and sending them to police but compiling a list of names of minors claiming they committed a crime and posting it publicly isn't a good idea. I'd say it's almost as stupid as the kids posting pics of themselves trashing a house. Who knows if his list is correct or if it only corresponds to who showed up in pictures or posts. Even then he could mis-identify someone in the picture. You're treading on dangerous ground when you start messing with minors - let the police handle it. If after their investigation the police find that he got a few names wrong I have no issue with those parents suing him. There's a reason we have a police force, let them do their job.


That being said I think it's great he's reaching out to them and trying to get them to own up to what they did and help him set things straight. However he's going about it in the wrong way.

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I almost wonder if we are being fed all the details... Everything in the media is twisted and distorted. I am not taking sides... BUT I don't want to jump to conclusions before a full investigation is done. It gets me to thinking? Did Holloway know some of the teens, it appears he did? Did he invite some over and use the house? Why would he not have an ADT type service on his house? Did they break in? Things don't add up. Then you got the wacky parents protecting their children like mama bears, lawyering up. Is he just a nice guy and extend such a deal to clean up? Or is he partly @ fault? I am not exonerating the teens here... Things don't add up? He is an ex-Pat... So I guess he could be incredibly stupid just like the teens posting on Twitter/Facebook... I wonder what the real story is?


Police broke up the party.. How come no arrest ? 300 kids 3 kids per car 100 cars no DWIs?


I betcha he let them use the place... And you know how teens get... Word spread and then it got outta hand.

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I almost wonder if we are being fed all the details... Everything in the media is twisted and distorted. I am not taking sides... BUT I don't want to jump to conclusions before a full investigation is done. It gets me to thinking? Did Holloway know some of the teens, it appears he did? Did he invite some over and use the house? Why would he not have an ADT type service on his house? Did they break in? Things don't add up. Then you got the wacky parents protecting their children like mama bears, lawyering up. Is he just a nice guy and extend such a deal to clean up? Or is he partly @ fault? I am not exonerating the teens here... Things don't add up? He is an ex-Pat... So I guess he could be incredibly stupid just like the teens posting on Twitter/Facebook... I wonder what the real story is?




I betcha he let them use the place... And you know how teens get... Word spread and then it got outta hand.


He knew the kids because he's hosted community outreach events at his house before.



I don't have an answer on what happened with his security system (didnt have one? Somehow avoidable? Someone saw him put in the code once at his many open house events?)


Kids say "hey that guy with the big house is out of town, and I can get in" and things go wild. He sees pictures of kids that have come to several other events, IDs them, story goes national and parents freak out that it'll stick with their kids being online and on cnn


I think your searching too hard. There could be more to the story but it seems much more likely that it's just simple. It seems the dude assumes the best of people and left himself vulnerable.

Edited by NoSaint
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An Open Letter To Parents In Rensselaer County


What planet do you live on?


Last week, word got out that your children had broken into a home in Stephentown and threw a party. More than 300 of them partied and drunkenly smashed windows, urinated on the floors, stood on tables, punched holes in the ceiling and stole a statue that was part of a memorial for the owner’s stillborn grandson. Oh, it gets better. Before, during and after the party, they tweeted about it and posted pictures of themselves engaged in this behavior.


Way to go.


The house is owned by former NFL player Brian Holloway. It is his second residence, paid for in part by his Super Bowl bonus. He lives in Florida and the Stephentown house is on the market. He watched this unfold online while at his home in Florida. Instead of demanding the arrest of your kids, he instead created a website, www.helpmesave300.com where he reposted their photos, identified the people involved, and called for ways to reach out to young people and show them that there are better ways to spend their time than drinking, drugs and vandalism.


He is a better person than I would have been in that position. It takes class and compassion to see beyond the urine stained carpets, broken windows, damaged walls and blatant disrespect to reach out to your kids. He even offered to welcome these derelicts back to his house for a picnic, where they would work together to make repairs and clean up the mess they left behind. I don’t know that the rest of us would have been able to react the same way.


And one kid showed up. One, out of the 300 teens who were there.


Instead of dragging your kids back to apologize and clean up the mess, you lashed out at Brian Holloway, threatened to firebomb his house, and are now planning to sue him. For what? For identifying your kids online. Well guess what? Your little Johnny did that himself the minute he tweeted that iPhone photo standing on the dining room table, holding a red solo cup filled with beer.


Look, I don’t blame you for what your kids did. Heck, I don’t even really blame them. Teens will be teens, and they do stupid things sometimes. We’ve all been there. It’s not fair to judge parents on the mistakes their kids make. It is how you handle that behavior afterwards that reflects on you as a parent.


Instead of sitting little Johnny down and reminding him that what he did is not acceptable and then dragging him by the collar to apologize to Mr. Holloway, you chose instead to harass and threaten the victim. Let’s not forget here, your child victimized this man by destroying his home. How dare you respond with anything other than regret, embarrassment, and a sincere apology instead of righteous indignation, threats of violence and lawsuits.


Parents like you are responsible for an entire generation that expects the world handed to them, because you have given it to them all along. Instead of teaching your kids to work hard and earn things, you give a trophy to every kid in youth sports and then hand them an iPhone in middle school. You are the parents screaming through the fence at the Little League umpire instead of teaching good sportsmanship. You are the ones criticizing the teacher instead of realizing they just want to help your child learn.


Can you please just step back and look at what you are doing to your kids? This is the generation that will grow up to lead our country and make decisions regarding our lives. I hope none of them are YOUR children.



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