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Posted (edited)

If we keep electing Liberal Presidents I bet we can then get more and more Liberal judges. If we do that then lawsuits against gun makers whose dangerous products are being used by criminals to cause total mayhem might start going forward. Just a thought


Could we please bring to justice the glue factory that made you this stupid?



Edited by meazza
Posted (edited)

Could we please bring to justice the glue factory that made you this stupid?


There will always be those who will not be happy until the only people with guns are those who work for the government.


The government can not provide for your safety until only the government is armed.

Edited by LABillzFan

B.O. wants black kids in Chicago to shoot themselves and others. He promotes racial hatred and class warfare.

Democrats have a vested interest in keeping the ghetto armed and dangerous. They can tax people more to fund do-nothing programs that help no one but provide them a public platform to pontificate about how much they're concerned and doing everything they possibly can to help people except that their hands are tied by the evil Republicans who object to their prolific spending on wasteful programs that do little other than ensure a new class of social slaves that are living on the new Democratic plantation.

Posted (edited)

I heard a soundbyte on the radio driving back to work from my lunch break, where the Chicago chief of police called for stronger gun control laws. um.........

Edited by Azalin

I heard a soundbyte on the radio driving back to work from my lunch break, where the Chicago chief of police called for stronger gun control laws. um.........


I get the argument that Chicago has the strongest gun control laws but what's to stop someone from buying them next door and using them in Chicago?




I get the argument that Chicago has the strongest gun control laws but what's to stop someone from buying them next door and using them in Chicago?

nothing. thus, the futility of gun control. it would have to literally be world-wide in order to work, and even then there would still be a black market for them.


I get the argument that Chicago has the strongest gun control laws but what's to stop someone from buying them next door and using them in Chicago?


Isn't cocaine illegal in the US?


Soft Bigotry Of Low Expectations: Assault Rifle Edition


While the nation is focused on the massacre of twelve U.S. government employees at the Washington Navy Yard and endless billions of pixels are expended in psychoanalyzing the gunman, the adequacy of security procedures, and which slow, lingering death gun rights supporters and their families should suffer, thirteen people were shot in a single attack on a basketball court in Chicago.


One has to ask question the dichotomy between the media uproar over the first shooting and the blasé acceptance of the second. While it is true there were no fatalities in the second shooting it was just as calculated as the Navy Yard shootings and only failed due to the lack of proficiency of the gunmen.


The answer would seem to be obvious.This shooting did not fit the narrative needed by the gun control lobby and their bought dogs in the media. Not to put too fine a point on it, the narrative is not advanced by the Chicago shooting for the simple reason that the victims were black. Upper middle class white folks getting gunned down builds a case for gun control. Blacks or hispanics in a lower socio-economic area? Not so much.


In 2012, Chicago had over 500 homicides. Based on the number of murders in August, Chicago could very well break 600 murders this year. You have a better chance of surviving a year’s tour in Afghanistan in a Ranger battalion than you do of surviving for a year on Chicago’s streets if you are a black male.


There are no “take back the night” demonstrations and the lily-white Brady Bunch does not show its face on Chicago’s South Side. That is because they believe there is no percentage in bringing this carnage to the attention of the nation.


In Thursday’s shooting, a three year old boy was shot in the face. He’s just one of eight actual children — not the Travon-esque 17-year old “child” variety –shot in Chicago over the past two months. From the media: crickets.


Can you imagine eight kids being shot on Manhattan’s Upper East Side — assuming anyone their really comprehends how to produce children — and the press not pressing for gun control 24-hours a day?.................... No?................................ Me neither.



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