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Posted (edited)



Can we stop with the derogetory descriptions and name calling? Teabaggers? Really? This is not helping your point and sounds incredible stupid. It cheapens any argument you attempt...

No. No. No. A thousand times- No! Liberals are our intellectual superiors and compassionate and empathize with everyone. Teabagger isn't a disgusting misogynistic, homophobic hateful epitaph. No, when used by them it's a term of endearment meant to broaden the comity and good will amongst decent people with differing political philosophies.


We are truly blessed to have leftist amongst us as they add so much to the intellectual discourse.

Edited by Nanker
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Can we stop with the derogetory descriptions and name calling? Teabaggers? Really? This is not helping your point and sounds incredible stupid. It cheapens any argument you attempt...

wow. so sensitive. form your icon, thought you had thicker skin. i've seen "libtard" and outright vulgarity directed at liberals typed here more than a few times . i just remember to consider the source but ok, if it bothers you that much i'll stop. see, we're meant to be cognizant of others feelings here, on the left.

Posted (edited)

dick cheney's appraisal of how the shutdown went for the gop: http://www.cnsnews.c...-new-generation. "we got whipped". wonder who he's talking about as the new generation of leaders...you'd think if it were teabaggers he'd spell it out.


Did you even read the story, you freaking half-wit? He didn't say "we got whipped" about the shutdown. He said it about the 2012 election.


Amazing to me that you are so open to showing your idiot side by quoting a guy who most libs wish dead to make a point about a topic he didn't discuss and that virtually NO ONE even remembers because they're too busy explaining why the healthcare website crashed again this weekend.


But hey...teabaggersrcruzcheneyrummy!!! Say it loud and proud!!!

Edited by LABillzFan

Ah, Dr. Disingenuous strikes again. Cheney is a doofus and an evil man who can't be trusted unless he says something you like. Well your reading comprehension is a little off. He said the Right got "whipped" in the 2012 election. In fact there was not one quote from him in that article having to do with the shutdown. Try again.


Your obsession with teabaggers and teabagging Makes me wonder about you. Gatortroll seems to have the same obsession. Maybe you two should hook up and engage in this teabagging you two are always bringing up.

"as the party deals with poor approval ratings folowing the gov't shutdown". never thought chaney was a dufus. evil? quite possibly. but he's referenced here as a repub party insider that still wields some significant influence especialyy as a paid commentator for fox.


"as the party deals with poor approval ratings folowing the gov't shutdown". never thought chaney was a dufus. evil? quite possibly. but he's referenced here as a repub party insider that still wields some significant influence especialyy as a paid commentator for fox.


That wasn't a quote from Cheney. It most likely was the author's words. Can't you ever just say "oops"?


Delaying The Individual Mandate Won’t Fix ObamaCare.


“What a difference a few weeks makes.


Remember when Democrats voted to keep the government shut down rather than accept a delay in the individual mandate?


Now that the Obamacare implosion is dominating the news, they are falling over each to see who gets credit for a delay.” Apparently the terrorists, anarchists, and seditionists have won. But, after being called all those names, the GOP should extract a stiff price for going along.

Posted (edited)

Delaying The Individual Mandate Won’t Fix ObamaCare.


“What a difference a few weeks makes.


Remember when Democrats voted to keep the government shut down rather than accept a delay in the individual mandate?


Now that the Obamacare implosion is dominating the news, they are falling over each to see who gets credit for a delay.” Apparently the terrorists, anarchists, and seditionists have won. But, after being called all those names, the GOP should extract a stiff price for going along.


Here's the money shot in that story.


But such a delay would do nothing to right the Obamacare train wreck. That’s because hundreds of thousands of Americans are getting letters from their insurers informing them that their policies are being canceled because of Obamacare— and the numbers could soon be in the millions. If you are one of those Americans losing your health insurance on Jan. 1, the last thing you are worried about is some $95 fine. You are furious that you and your family no longer have health insurance because of Obamacare.


Like we discussed last week...other items like IRS targeting Americans who differ with the WH, or the death of four Americans in Benghazi, don't directly motivate people (other than dead people making gatorman laugh) because they don't have skin in that game.


Obamacare is different. Millions are losing their coverage and it's going to be a bloodbath for all things progressive for the next year.

Edited by LABillzFan

"as the party deals with poor approval ratings folowing the gov't shutdown". never thought chaney was a dufus. evil? quite possibly. but he's referenced here as a repub party insider that still wields some significant influence especialyy as a paid commentator for fox.



wow. so sensitive. form your icon, thought you had thicker skin. i've seen "libtard" and outright vulgarity directed at liberals typed here more than a few times . i just remember to consider the source but ok, if it bothers you that much i'll stop. see, we're meant to be cognizant of others feelings here, on the left.


You misunderstand.


I don't give a **** about the Tea Party. I don't give a **** about The DNC. I loathe the GOP.


My point is that you do yourself no credit by using derogatory names to make your point. To do otherwise makes you as bad as those who use demeaning labels to those on the left as well. For the record, I find the use of "libtard" equally dumb...


You misunderstand.


I don't give a **** about the Tea Party. I don't give a **** about The DNC. I loathe the GOP.


My point is that you do yourself no credit by using derogatory names to make your point. To do otherwise makes you as bad as those who use demeaning labels to those on the left as well. For the record, I find the use of "libtard" equally dumb...


Yes, but you do have to admit there is a certain appropriateness to libtard, right? :devil:

  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)



Only one employee in the entire federal government lost a job due to sequestration, according to a government audit that found the only permanent cut came at the U.S. Parole Commission, which eliminated one position. …

“Despite relentless warnings about the dire consequences of sequestration’s budget cuts, it appears sequestration resulted in only one layoff,” he said. “While that’s good news for federal employees and other workers, it is devastating to the credibility of Washington politicians and administration officials who spent months — and millions of dollars — engaging in a coordinated multi-agency cabinet-level public relations campaign to scare the American people.” …

Seven departments or agencies did furlough employees, but even that was less than a third of government agencies and departments surveyed by the GAO. Instead, those 15 departments and agencies that didn’t furlough employees ended up using leftover savings or cutting other programs. …

According to the GAO, nearly every agency or department affected by sequestration canceled or limited bonuses, cut travel and training, and limited overtime.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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