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Government Shut Down Looming!


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LOL! So Barry won the election fair and square, but dems lost the House and are possibly going to lose the Senate because of redistricting. Okay. :rolleyes:


And again it's funny that Barry was against raising the debt ceiling (as a junior Senator)...before he was for it. Typical.

yup. you did.


So you're against Obama?

when you get you magna cum laude jd from an ivy league law school, you might be able to call him that buyt you probably wouldn't as you'd be much smarter then.

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yup. you did.



when you get you magna cum laude jd from an ivy league law school, you might be able to call him that buyt you probably wouldn't as you'd be much smarter then.

When you graduate from Yale you and your pals can call GW an idiot. You can also do it right now. You'd probably be right.


The Ivy League has produced lots of decorated simpletons.

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When you graduate from Yale you and your pals can call GW an idiot. You can also do it right now. You'd probably be right.


The Ivy League has produced lots of decorated simpletons.


And I don't know if they know how NOT to produce self-aggrandizing jerks.

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When you graduate from Yale you and your pals can call GW an idiot. You can also do it right now. You'd probably be right.


The Ivy League has produced lots of decorated simpletons.

yes, legacy"s with non honors basketweaving degrees excluded. i assumed that would be understood.
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You might want re-read that sequence again. Not that the Senate won't be in play.

i read it. no one mentioned anything abouut the senate prior to that. and certainly not in thew context of redistricting. you introduced that little tidbit all by your lonesome.

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i read it. no one mentioned anything abouut the senate prior to that. and certainly not in thew context of redistricting. you introduced that little tidbit all by your lonesome.

I misspoke when I said "Senate" instead of "House." But it was I was being snarky about how "fair" elections are, not that the Repubs would win the Senate, or even House. But now that a chunk of Dem congresscritters are trying to get the mandate delayed for a year, pretty much what the Repubs were looking to get and led to Barry and the Dems shutting down the gubment over, I'll say again that the Repubs will keep the House.

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dick cheney's appraisal of how the shutdown went for the gop: http://www.cnsnews.c...-new-generation. "we got whipped". wonder who he's talking about as the new generation of leaders...you'd think if it were teabaggers he'd spell it out.


Ah, Dr. Disingenuous strikes again. Cheney is a doofus and an evil man who can't be trusted unless he says something you like. Well your reading comprehension is a little off. He said the Right got "whipped" in the 2012 election. In fact there was not one quote from him in that article having to do with the shutdown. Try again.


Your obsession with teabaggers and teabagging Makes me wonder about you. Gatortroll seems to have the same obsession. Maybe you two should hook up and engage in this teabagging you two are always bringing up.

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dick cheney's appraisal of how the shutdown went for the gop: http://www.cnsnews.c...-new-generation. "we got whipped". wonder who he's talking about as the new generation of leaders...you'd think if it were teabaggers he'd spell it out.


Can we stop with the derogetory descriptions and name calling? Teabaggers? Really? This is not helping your point and sounds incredible stupid. It cheapens any argument you attempt...

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Perhaps bd writes for the New Republic............they seem to share his "perspective" of the (80%) shutdown........lol







The lede of The New Republic’s most recent cover story:

In the Federalist Papers, James Madison promised that a large republic with a representative government would avoid the “instability, injustice and confusion” that had plagued many nations in Europe. In a representative government, he reasoned, disruptive factions would be unable to gain sufficient power to dissolve the social contract. The people’s representatives would not necessarily be paragons of virtue, but they would be less likely to succumb to “local prejudices and schemes of injustice.”
In the 225 intervening years, Madison has been proven correct, with two great exceptions. One was the Civil War. The other was the 16-day government shutdown of October 2013.







Federal Employees Receive Full Pay for Shutdown Period — Even If They Didn’t Work

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