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Government Shut Down Looming!


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but isn't the only reason people see a doctor for low testosterone because they need to get a prescription for it? if the FDA would let men just buy the treatment without a prescription, wouldn't that remove that cost burden from 'the system'?

I would like it if a person could buy medicine without a prescription out of pocket, though I freely acknowledge a large potential for bad consequences.
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21ST CENTURY GOVERNANCE: “We must increase our debt limit so that we can pay our bills.”







Grilling the Park Service Bullies : The House Oversight Committee wants to find out why the Park Service behaved so bizarrely.

By John Fund


Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing about the closures of national parks and monuments during the government shutdown, proved one thing: Under President Obama, The traditional “Washington Monument Strategy” of closing popular services first has become the “Washington Bully Strategy.”


Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, a former prosecutor, almost drove National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis into incoherence with his relentless questioning. Gowdy wanted to know why Jarvis had allowed “pot-smoking” Occupy Wall Street protesters to camp overnight illegally in Washington’s McPherson Square park for 100 days, yet put up barricades to keep veterans out of war memorials on the first day of the shutdown. By not issuing a single citation to the Occupy campers, Gowdy argued, the Park Service was treating them better than the nation’s military veterans. “Can you cite me the regulation that required you to erect barricades from accessing a monument that they built?” he demanded.




Ebell also noted the number of barricades and printed signs needed to close 401 parks and monuments on the shutdown’s first day required foresight and planning. The speed of the closures and the procurement of barricades has also convinced former secretary Norton that a lot of thought had gone into how to conduct the Park Service’s blitzkrieg. “I imagine that the decision was made at the highest levels of Park Service leadership, in co-operation with the White House,” she told NRO.


Politically, the shutdown ended on President Obama’s terms. The administration’s attitude was clear from Day One. “We are winning,” a senior administration official told the Wall Street Journal on the fourth day of the impasse. ”It doesn’t really matter to us how long the shutdown lasts.”


But now that the shutdown is over, it’s important for Chairman Issa and others to figure out how it was manipulated politically. Because if the Park Service can become a pawn in the Obama administration’s political wars, does anyone doubt that the integrity of other even more vital agencies wouldn’t be at risk in any future budget showdown?

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I would like it if a person could buy medicine without a prescription out of pocket, though I freely acknowledge a large potential for bad consequences.


One way to do that is give the user buyer a choice: get a prescription, or make them read the side effects out loud at the pharmacy counter. Say "anal leakage" a couple of times in public and let's see how it goes.

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I would like it if a person could buy medicine without a prescription out of pocket, though I freely acknowledge a large potential for bad consequences.

caveat emptor :thumbsup:


One way to do that is give the user buyer a choice: get a prescription, or make them read the side effects out loud at the pharmacy counter. Say "anal leakage" a couple of times in public and let's see how it goes.


caveat emptor :sick:

Edited by Azalin
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http://www.marketwatch.com/story/bettors-verdict-gop-will-lose-the-house-2013-10-18. think i'll hedge my bets. $20 on the dems, $10 on the gop.



doesn't surprise me you can't see the connection or the possiblities. paradigm shifts aren't your thing.


caveat emptor :thumbsup:




caveat emptor :sick:

well, no. caveat everyone. cuz testosterone is a controlled substance for very good reasons: it's an anabolic steroid that can lead to aggression and unpredictability- goes great with our current gun laws. and what a "normal" level is in an 80 year old man is anyones guess.

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but isn't the only reason people see a doctor for low testosterone because they need to get a prescription for it? if the FDA would let men just buy the treatment without a prescription, wouldn't that remove that cost burden from 'the system'?


There are natural supplements that don't require a prescription. Hell there are natural treatments for most everything out there. Many prescriptions are given to make doctors feel better not us. I was on a medication for an irregular heartbeat that did nothing to help. I mentioned that to my cardiologist and he said those meds usually don't work and doctors prescribe them, as I mentioned, to make them feel better not the patient. Well I stopped taking them and I treated my irregular heartbeat naturally.....I quit drinking. :wallbash: And now one of the side effects that I didn't know existed are gone as well. I wondered why I was having anxiety attacks on the freeway and bridges. I actually love my daily 8 mile bridge crossing now.


Hey doctors..........CUT THE ****.

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U.S. debt jumps a record $328 billion — tops $17 trillion for first time


U.S. debt jumped a record $328 billion on Thursday, the first day the federal government was able to borrow money under the deal President Obama and Congress sealed this week.


The debt now equals $17.075 trillion, according to figures the Treasury Department posted online on Friday.


The $328 billion increase shattered the previous high of $238 billion set two years ago.


Read more: http://www.washingto.../#ixzz2i6ZIaZYj


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U.S. debt jumps a record $328 billion — tops $17 trillion for first time


U.S. debt jumped a record $328 billion on Thursday, the first day the federal government was able to borrow money under the deal President Obama and Congress sealed this week.


The debt now equals $17.075 trillion, according to figures the Treasury Department posted online on Friday.


The $328 billion increase shattered the previous high of $238 billion set two years ago.


Read more: http://www.washingto.../#ixzz2i6ZIaZYj



I would suspect that this isn't going to be the only record shattered, as Obama effectively has unlimited authority to borrow until next January. The debt ceiling wasn't so much raised as removed.

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I would suspect that this isn't going to be the only record shattered, as Obama effectively has unlimited authority to borrow until next January. The debt ceiling wasn't so much raised as removed.


I guess the legislative branch isn't in charge of spending anymore..........................................transformation America




P.S.:.............Happy Birthday Koko !




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doesn't surprise me you can't see the connection or the possiblities. paradigm shifts aren't your thing.


Doesn't surprise me that not one damn thing you posted has anything to do with



"Thus, the other fallacy of the ACA: public health and health care are not the same thing, either."

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but isn't the only reason people see a doctor for low testosterone because they need to get a prescription for it? if the FDA would let men just buy the treatment without a prescription, wouldn't that remove that cost burden from 'the system'?


Yeah... Just what we need! Hillary Clinton running around with a d*ck!


Be careful what you wish for!



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THE HILL: Poll: Government trust nears record low. “The survey also found that a record-high 30 percent say they are angry at the federal government — further evidence that the brinksmanship that enveloped Washington earlier this month upset voters across the country.”




“Of all the bitter fruit of the Barack Obama disaster, the most bitter may be the sense of hopelessness that has descended on Americans, especially the young.”





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wow. go back and read this thread early on, about a month ago. the conservatives here really need to get some new crystal balls.



More bd revisionism.


I invite him to go back and quote the post where a conservative said that the GOP would prevail in this.........I know I didn't.



but bd would like to believe otherwise.




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U.S. debt jumps a record $328 billion — tops $17 trillion for first time


U.S. debt jumped a record $328 billion on Thursday, the first day the federal government was able to borrow money under the deal President Obama and Congress sealed this week.


The debt now equals $17.075 trillion, according to figures the Treasury Department posted online on Friday.



The $328 billion increase shattered the previous high of $238 billion set two years ago.


Read more: http://www.washingto.../#ixzz2i6ZIaZYj




Not surprising at all, given Treasury has basically been playing a shell game with government finances for the past four months. It's a quarter's worth of deferred borrowing in one day.

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