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this fight hits people's wallets and they'll long remember..."it's the economy, stupid"


Oh, please. ACA is hitting MORE people's wallets HARDER than this stupid funding fight, and you're totally on board with it.


I tend to believe the concept in the article someone posted earlier; MOST people aren't hurt at all by the shutdown and, like the sequester, are starting to stand around think,"Wait...the government is shut down? And it doesn't affect me? Maybe it IS too bloated."


Then again this same dolts put Obama back in office, so I'm not holding my breath.


Good Lord, that was just far too !@#$ing easy. :lol:

if you think the current us healthcare system represents a wheel i have some very bent 70 width rims you might be interested in.

if you think the current us healthcare system represents a wheel i have some very bent 70 width rims you might be interested in.


So it's even more difficult than reinventing the wheel?


if you think the current us healthcare system represents a wheel i have some very bent 70 width rims you might be interested in.


That being the perfect metaphor for the ACA.


You are just chock full of irony tonight.


The bigger irony is that Obamacare will lead to even more waste and fraud. Which I guess would make it a plough wheel.

Posted (edited)

The bigger irony is that Obamacare will lead to even more waste and fraud. Which I guess would make it a plough wheel.

plough wheel is likely better than a plough. small steps...not reinventing the plough because that's not politically possible. hell, altering the plough is hard enough. little steps with continuous improvement. watching fox news for chits and giggles. even they are bending the arc on the tea party...kinda like the blonde bubblehead. smarter than she looks. and juan williams speaking the truth once again. :thumbsup: Edited by birdog1960
Posted (edited)

Let’s Roll . . . Some Orange Cones Across The Entrance

By Mark Steyn


On September 11 2001, America’s big bloated money-no-object bureaucracy and its obsolete brain-dead 1970s hijacking procedures utterly failed the people of this country. Nevertheless, on Flight 93 brave freeborn citizens acted as an ad hoc militia and did the job their government had proved incapable of doing.


So naturally, twelve years later, the punitive bozo bureaucrats of the National Park Service have “closed down” the field in which they died.


In Arizona a few days ago, I spoke to a chap who said the NPS rangers at the World War II memorial had treated the trespassing veterans “with respect.” But it’s more a question of self-respect, isn’t it? What kind of fellow – even a federal bureaucrat — is such a dead husk of a human being that he complies with the order to close the mass grave of better men than he will ever be?

Edited by B-Man

nothing. reinventing the wheel is generally a bad idea though. and no, the current us healthcare system isn't a wheel but a plough.


What is a plough in your consideration?


plough wheel is likely better than a plough. small steps...not reinventing the plough because that's not politically possible. hell, altering the plough is hard enough. little steps with continuous improvement. watching fox news for chits and giggles. even they are bending the arc on the tea party...kinda like the blonde bubblehead. smarter than she looks. and juan williams speaking the truth once again. :thumbsup:


So, you would have preferred "small steps" such as what the other side wanted? I think conservatives could have agreed to the idea that a child could stay on the family policy until they were 26. I think that we could have easily worked with the left to find a way to cover the people with pre existing conditions. I think you lefties would have had to agree to tort reform and getting rid of the state lines insurance restriction. Now, none of that needs 16,000 more IRS agents to monitor us. We could have easily moved on from there after we saw how those changes worked. You guys threw all common sense aside and threw a schit package together that will only increase the size of government without doing one damn thing to improve actual healthcare. As a doctor, you should be not only ashamed, but embarrassed that you know so little.


plough wheel is likely better than a plough. small steps...not reinventing the plough because that's not politically possible. hell, altering the plough is hard enough. little steps with continuous improvement. watching fox news for chits and giggles. even they are bending the arc on the tea party...kinda like the blonde bubblehead. smarter than she looks. and juan williams speaking the truth once again. :thumbsup:

I meant it's another wheel of waste, fraud, and corruption on the government plough. You do not need to reinvent anything when it comes to eliminating waste, fraud, and corruption in govenment, just like you don't with health care. But trying to reinvent something poorly and hastily rolling it out before it's ready leads to disaster.


I meant it's another wheel of waste, fraud, and corruption on the government plough. You do not need to reinvent anything when it comes to eliminating waste, fraud, and corruption in govenment, just like you don't with health care. But trying to reinvent something poorly and hastily rolling it out before it's ready leads to disaster.

wheel talk has been done already



Like a circle in a spiral

Like a wheel within a wheel

Never ending or beginning

On an ever spinning reel

Like a snowball down a mountain

Or a carnival balloon

Like a carousel that's turning

Running rings around the moon


Like a clock whose hands are sweeping

Past the minutes of it's face

And the world is like an apple

Whirling silently in space

Like the circles that you find

In the windmills of your mind !



So, you would have preferred "small steps" such as what the other side wanted? I think conservatives could have agreed to the idea that a child could stay on the family policy until they were 26. I think that we could have easily worked with the left to find a way to cover the people with pre existing conditions. I think you lefties would have had to agree to tort reform and getting rid of the state lines insurance restriction. Now, none of that needs 16,000 more IRS agents to monitor us. We could have easily moved on from there after we saw how those changes worked. You guys threw all common sense aside and threw a schit package together that will only increase the size of government without doing one damn thing to improve actual healthcare. As a doctor, you should be not only ashamed, but embarrassed that you know so little.


Still to this day nobody has articulated what difference this makes.....


So, you would have preferred "small steps" such as what the other side wanted? I think conservatives could have agreed to the idea that a child could stay on the family policy until they were 26. I think that we could have easily worked with the left to find a way to cover the people with pre existing conditions. I think you lefties would have had to agree to tort reform and getting rid of the state lines insurance restriction. Now, none of that needs 16,000 more IRS agents to monitor us. We could have easily moved on from there after we saw how those changes worked. You guys threw all common sense aside and threw a schit package together that will only increase the size of government without doing one damn thing to improve actual healthcare. As a doctor, you should be not only ashamed, but embarrassed that you know so little.

and none of what you outlined significantly lowers the 50 million uninsured number. THAT is the sticking point. the two sides fundamentally differ on their definition of the problem. i'm neither ashamed nor embarrassed. there are plenty of people that i respect greatly that are of the same mind and they're not ashamed either. and much like the environmental issues i referenced, the right sometimes (rarely) talks a good game but rarely acts on such matters. where were these ideas when clinton tried to pass his heathcare reform? where have they been for the past 50 years? who has championed healthcare reform for the right over that time? nobody.


and none of what you outlined significantly lowers the 50 million uninsured number. THAT is the sticking point. the two sides fundamentally differ on their definition of the problem. i'm neither ashamed nor embarrassed. there are plenty of people that i respect greatly that are of the same mind and they're not ashamed either. and much like the environmental issues i referenced, the right sometimes (rarely) talks a good game but rarely acts on such matters. where were these ideas when clinton tried to pass his heathcare reform? where have they been for the past 50 years? who has championed healthcare reform for the right over that time? nobody.


It wasn't the Right's small steps plan that worried me, if the results are achieved incrementally I coudn't care less how they did it...


my biggest concern was inaction... to me, that is far worse than any reforms that were put in place.

The AP Misreports the Debt Ceiling


I wrote here that no matter what happens with the debt limit, the federal government will not default on its debt obligations. I also noted here that Moody’s–which certainly ought to know–agrees that there is zero chance of default on Treasury bonds. In recent days, many more commentators have made the same point. The government is legally obligated to recognize its debt obligations, and the existing $17 trillion debt can be serviced on less than ten percent of federal revenue. So there simply can’t be a default.


But the Associated Press continues to carry water for the Democrats, conjuring up a catastrophe where none exists: “AS US DEFAULT NEARS, INVESTORS SHRUG OFF THREAT.” The AP never considers the possibility that investors are shrugging it off because they are smart enough to know it can’t happen.







“None of You [Reporters] Were Math Majors, Were You?”


I think conservatives could have agreed to the idea that a child could stay on the family policy until they were 26.


You know that they do this so the kids can stay in college and continue the indoctrination right?

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