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Government Shut Down Looming!


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Not really. To be honest, I do not care about the shut down. The shut down has done nothing to directly change my life at this time and it will not likely affect my life going forward. Maybe I am narrow minded, but it just goes along with the territory. The world could be flat and it would not mean much to me.


You using the CDC as an example is pathetic. You worry about the flu? Walgreens has a flu tracker, WeatherChannel has a flu tracker. The whooping cough - well, guess your SOL. Hope you're a prepper, because it sounds like all hell is breaking loose in your life.

you think walgreen's is likely to predict the next pandemic? http://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/. think it's unlikely to happen? if so, history doesn't support your contention and it needn't be the flu that's the threat.. is it imminent? who knows...the cdc is the most respected agency in the field and other nations have come to them for help facing similar situations. and no, i'm not a prepper (had to look it up).
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you think walgreen's is likely to predict the next pandemic? http://www.cdc.gov/f...emic-resources/. think it's unlikely to happen? if so, history doesn't support your contention and it needn't be the flu that's the threat.. is it imminent? who knows...the cdc is the most respected agency in the field and other nations have come to them for help facing similar situations. and no, i'm not a prepper (had to look it up).

You are worried about a flu pandemic? You're scared that you'll get caught up in it? Seriously? If life is that scary to you stay inside, man. If someone is sick, stay away. Wash your hands when you can. And just take your vitamins.
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You are worried about a flu pandemic? You're scared that you'll get caught up in it? Seriously? If life is that scary to you stay inside, man. If someone is sick, stay away. Wash your hands when you can. And just take your vitamins.


But it could be a pandemic! A PANDEMIC!!!! All because someone didn't update their website because of...ummmm....RUMSFELD!!!!

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I love the smell of revisionism in the evening, it smells like.............liberals

mm hmmm. that character is such an obvious hero figure.


You are worried about a flu pandemic? You're scared that you'll get caught up in it? Seriously? If life is that scary to you stay inside, man. If someone is sick, stay away. Wash your hands when you can. And just take your vitamins.

we don't need no stinkin cdc. nope. not epa or fda or usda neither. i got all the thoughts i'm needn right here in my head. but we need alot more border control agents. that's for sure.


http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/healthtopics/pandemic_preparedness/national_pandemic_preparedness_plans/pages/influenza_pandemic_preparedness_plans.aspx yup, i know these are mostly socialist euro countries wasting their resources on something that will likely never happen...

Edited by birdog1960
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Birdog---when are you ever going to answer my comments regarding the mean, spiteful, illegal (in some cases) way Obama is spending money to prevent people from using memorials, oceans, parks and their own private businesses? What did you think of the couple who got evicted from their home of 43 years at Lake Mead? Don't you think it rather strange that he would close monuments that were previously unmanned using manpower to keep people away? I think you must admit that he is one vindictive SOB, eh?

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nope. reconciliation was not concocted a few days before the aca vote.

Reconciliation itself wasn't new but using it to pass the ACA was definitely unprecedented, so it's basically the same shade of gray, retard.


What, are you mad because the Republicans outsmarted your over-educated, under-performing idol?

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Birdog---when are you ever going to answer my comments regarding the mean, spiteful, illegal (in some cases) way Obama is spending money to prevent people from using memorials, oceans, parks and their own private businesses? What did you think of the couple who got evicted from their home of 43 years at Lake Mead? Don't you think it rather strange that he would close monuments that were previously unmanned using manpower to keep people away? I think you must admit that he is one vindictive SOB, eh?

i'll answer your question with one of my own: don't you think it spiteful and selfish to purposely and knowingly refuse insurance for basic care to millions of citizens and to threaten the financial health of the entire world on that one issue? i think the weight of closed memorials (for a few weeks or so we can begin to hope) pales in comparison.
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don't you think it spiteful and selfish to purposely and knowingly refuse insurance for basic care to millions of citizens and to threaten the financial health of the entire world on that one issue?



Except (as usual)


Thats NOT what is happening.



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blablabla gibbly di goosh

I have no idea what you just said, but I am not more stupider for having read it. Thanks for that.


In all seriousness, what is your point? You made a statement/almost question about me being directly impacted by it. No. I am not. My FSA friends are out of work and being paid, Soil and Water lady is out of office, a friend of mine who works for an USAF base may be out of work but I have not talked to her, and they are still taking reports for any EPA-type violations here...so, yeah. I don't have any loans with the FSA, I have my two local S&W guys, I miss my friend but imagine if she is out of work and paid she's happy, and I have no comment on any violations.


The FDA, well, if it smells bad don't eat it. If your willy stays hard for too long, use it.

EPA. States can handle that a lot better in my experience.

USDA. Well...errr...no comment. The USDA just isn't what the USDA should be in my mind, is all I will say.

Border Patrol. Civilians want to do it, let them.

FBI. I love them.

CIA. Love them

NSA. Love them.

Anyone else monitoring what I am saying who has the power to detain me (including Gugny) - I love you, too.


You're a lot of worried over a lot of nothing, brah.


But it could be a pandemic! A PANDEMIC!!!! All because someone didn't update their website because of...ummmm....RUMSFELD!!!!

I'll respond to this after Nancy Grace, m'k?


I would imagine anyone who uses the term or thinks the term pandemic in an actual day has a bunghole tighter then Barney Franks belt.


edited because as soon as I hit reply I realized it would be much funnier just taking out belt.

Edited by jboyst62
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i'll answer your question with one of my own: don't you think it spiteful and selfish to purposely and knowingly refuse insurance for basic care to millions of citizens


and to threaten the financial health of the entire world on that one issue?



The government can pay the interest on the debt with absolutely zero problems. It's less of an issue than you ass clowns made sequestration out to be. And the U.S. government budget has been a threat to the financial health of the entire world for a very long time. The Dummycrap answer is, of course, more spending.


i think the weight of closed memorials (for a few weeks or so we can begin to hope) pales in comparison.

The lack of leadership and understanding of history certainly doesn't. Good job, community organizer. :lol:

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Instead of the "they're deliberately trying to prevent poor people from getting healthcare" B.S.



Remember, the MAJORITY of Americans do not like Obamacare, and its getting worse as they see the poor results.


I know you cannot comprehend this, but many people are opposing the ACA because ITS A BAD LAW.


Remember, it’s called the “Affordable Care Act” officially, but in reality, it is anything but that. The purported purpose of the act was to provide a means for people and families to buy affordable health insurance if they weren’t insured. But, in fact, reality is proving this to be the usual smoke and mirrors government usually manages to produce. Not only is the insurance more expensive in many cases, it has a higher deductible as well. From the Chicago Trib.

Adam Weldzius, a nurse practitioner, considers himself better informed than most when it comes to the inner workings of health insurance. But even he wasn’t prepared for the pocketbook hit he’ll face next year under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul.

If the 33-year-old single father wants the same level of coverage next year as what he has now with the same insurer and the same network of doctors and hospitals, his monthly premium of $233 will more than double. If he wants to keep his monthly payments in check, the Carpentersville resident is looking at an annual deductible for himself and his 7-year-old daughter of $12,700, a more than threefold increase from $3,500 today.

“I believe everybody should be able to have health insurance, but at the same time, I’m being penalized. And for what?” said Weldzius, who is not offered insurance through his employer. “For someone who’s always had insurance, who’s always taken care of myself, now I have to change my plan?


Do a little math. You are someone who hasn’t been able to afford health insurance in the past. The $1,000 a month you had to pay for your family is unaffordable. So you opt into this system assuming the premium will be lower (Well, you don’t “opt” in, you are required to enroll and pay). And to your joy, it is. Only $500 a month, something you can barely afford, but at last you have insurance.

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I just posted in the ACA thread an article that I won't repost here. One of its points had to do with "Cadillac" plans.I had heard of the governments plans to tax them and had seen the figures $10,200 for a single person and $27,500 for a family. I guess i wasn't paying close attention and thought those dollar figures pertained to annual premiums. No, it pertains to annual benefits. So, unless you have a really schitty plan you or your employer are estimated to have to pay $2081 if you are a teacher, $5391 if you are a cop and a whopping $8690 per person in a small business. One gigantic transfer of wealth.

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i'll answer your question with one of my own: don't you think it spiteful and selfish to purposely and knowingly refuse insurance for basic care to millions of citizens and to threaten the financial health of the entire world on that one issue? i think the weight of closed memorials (for a few weeks or so we can begin to hope) pales in comparison.


Insurance is not a right, the USA government has no business mandating that people have it.

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Now Republicans Really Can’t Be Blamed for the Shutdown


The time is now for Democrats and the Left to stop blaming the GOP for the ongoing federal shutdown. Top Democrats have laid the shutdown (or, to be more precise, the closure of 17 percent of the national government) at the feet of Republican “jihadists,” “blackmailers,” “terrorists,” “extortionists,” “anarchists,” and “arsonists.”


Such overheated left-wing rhetoric is hardly conducive to the cool breezes of bipartisan consensus. Regardless, Democrats could argue with straight faces that GOP insistence on defunding Obamacare triggered the shutdown, now in its 14th day.


However, the revolutionary fires of House Republicans have grown rather brisk as autumn sets in. They have moved from initial calls to defund Obamacare, then to delay it, and now to make it fairer — by ending the subsidies that congressional staffers would enjoy under Obamacare.


The House has passed at least 20 measures that would re-open the government fully or partially without defunding Obamacare. The House Republican Study Committee’s Shutdown Tracker details these bills and is an outstanding resource for those who want to learn how the House GOP has proposed compromise after compromise, only to be rebuffed by stubborn Senate Democrats who either vote them down or simply refuse to consider them. G. W. Bush, “Mr. My Way or the Highway,” has nothing on the closed minds of the Democratic Senate.


Any doubt about the Republicans being reasonable in this situation should have evaporated completely over the weekend.


Senator Susan Collins (R., Maine) stepped forward with her own plan. She is no tea partier, by any stretch. Collins is as centrist as Republicans get. If the Smithsonian ever opens a Museum of Moderate Republicanism, bet your next rent or mortgage check that it will include a prominent, artifact-filled Susan Collins Wing. Her 48.85 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union places her solidly on the broken yellow line that defines the middle of the political road.


Collins’ plan could not have been milder:


bullet_blue.gif Re-open the federal government immediately

bullet_blue.gif Increase the national-debt ceiling until January 31, 2014

bullet_blue.gif Fund the federal government for six months

bullet_blue.gif Delay ObamaCare’s medical-device tax for two years

bullet_blue.gif Verify that those who want Obamacare subsidies qualify for them.

bullet_blue.gif Let agencies prioritize spending, so long as they obey budget-sequester limits


Collins’ pitch offered plenty to please Obama and Democrats.


ObamaCare would survive and be funded without interruption. Federal operations would continue until next summer, and Uncle Sam could return to meddling in every aspect of American life until the eve of Black History Month.


So, what happened?


On Saturday, Harry Reid hurled ice water all over Collins’s initiative. As the Nevada Democrat said: “The plan that I’ve seen in writing is not going to go any place at this stage.”


And that was that.


So, far from remaining shut because of the intransigence of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, or Michele Bachman, the federal government is padlocked because Obama, Harry Reid, and a majority of Democrats would rather keep Washington in limbo than spare jobs from the medical-device tax or prevent fraud in Obamacare.


Remember that the next time the Left breathes fire about Republican “arsonists.”




Edited by B-Man
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I have no idea what you just said, but I am not more stupider for having read it. Thanks for that.


In all seriousness, what is your point? You made a statement/almost question about me being directly impacted by it. No. I am not. My FSA friends are out of work and being paid, Soil and Water lady is out of office, a friend of mine who works for an USAF base may be out of work but I have not talked to her, and they are still taking reports for any EPA-type violations here...so, yeah. I don't have any loans with the FSA, I have my two local S&W guys, I miss my friend but imagine if she is out of work and paid she's happy, and I have no comment on any violations.


The FDA, well, if it smells bad don't eat it. If your willy stays hard for too long, use it.

EPA. States can handle that a lot better in my experience.

USDA. Well...errr...no comment. The USDA just isn't what the USDA should be in my mind, is all I will say.

Border Patrol. Civilians want to do it, let them.

FBI. I love them.

CIA. Love them

NSA. Love them.

Anyone else monitoring what I am saying who has the power to detain me (including Gugny) - I love you, too

you're probably not old enough to remember what lake erie and the niagara river were like in the late 60's and early 70's so here's a summation: they stunk. you might get lucky and fish out a sheepshead or carp (often with deformities) but a trout or salmon wouldn't live a few hours in that water. and who fixed it and why? local gov't or businesses? well, no. the financial incentive was to do just the opposite: loosen environmental laws. nope. it was the bleeding heart liberals and the epa out to save the fish and birds and in the process, possibly some of your wny friends and relatives. plenty more examples available for the other organizations but they probably will go unread, so i'll stop here.
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