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Government Shut Down Looming!


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Once the Republicans give in here, it will be interesting to see if anyone will make progress on budget management. The Repubs already caved on ACA in this latest round (turns out Ted Cruz's position on ACA was not that popular), but hopefully they can be firm on the spending cuts. Doubtful, but I still hope they can.


Telling in this are the stories about how this has been Reid's show and he asked Obama to bench Biden. That's a massive mistake by Obama to give in to Reid's request. Biden, for all the jokes about his public gaffes, is a true dealmaker. Something Obama is not. If you put Biden and Boehner/Ryan/McConnell in a room, the deal that comes out will be bad for both sides, and good for us all. The second Reid or Pelosi or Obama are in that room, it gets divisive. I hope Obama sees that.

I hope he doubles down with Reid. I hope Boehner throws in the towel and lets the caucus loose to vote, yea, nay, present, or just plain old !@#$ you on the CR, raising the deficit ceiling, and then sits back and watch as the Dems drive the country over the cliff. The sooner that happens, the sooner B.O. will have to be tagged with the responsibility for this shitstorm. I almost typed "B.O. will have to assume the responsibility" but we know THAT will NEVER happen.


Hey Barry - you were elected President. You FAILED!


You're funny. You're still pretending that the administration knows how to govern as opposed to constantly campaigning.

Ain't it the truth! Edited by Nanker
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There won't be much of a narrative.

But what there is of one WON'T highlight the reason for the delay, and any R claims of it being proof that the rates are higher than previously advertised will be pooh-poohed as partisan posturing.

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Then by all means, be fully decisive into a default.


Yep. Bring it down!


With the gov't shutdown and being @ the end of the fiscal year... A lot are shut down, because they just don't have the funds to pay and run things. There are some rivers (talking about the job I do) that just don't have anything left. Here on the Illinois Waterway, we are in pretty good shape... My pay will be good through the 31st... Even better, we are still working. I guess it is all how they spend or if you prefer: waste. It kinda sucks @ times when you hear parts of your organization say: "We spend what you are given." ...Always seem to be getting less... But, times like this, it is nice to have the "nest egg" carry over and do things the right way not spending balls to the walls.

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Yep. Bring it down!


With the gov't shutdown and being @ the end of the fiscal year... A lot are shut down, because they just don't have the funds to pay and run things. There are some rivers (talking about the job I do) that just don't have anything left. Here on the Illinois Waterway, we are in pretty good shape... My pay will be good through the 31st... Even better, we are still working. I guess it is all how they spend or if you prefer: waste. It kinda sucks @ times when you hear parts of your organization say: "We spend what you are given." ...Always seem to be getting less... But, times like this, it is nice to have the "nest egg" carry over and do things the right way not spending balls to the walls.


Welcome to the delusion that the default will be a non-event.

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But what there is of one WON'T highlight the reason for the delay, and any R claims of it being proof that the rates are higher than previously advertised will be pooh-poohed as partisan posturing.

And the reason for the delay that they'll try to pass off?

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And the reason for the delay that they'll try to pass off?

Don't know. But I'd expect it to be some form of 'it's just a technicality, trust us, you'll love it when you see it; rates will be lower than they were projected to be.'

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reopens federal lands minutes before North Dakota to file federal suit


This is a pretty good example of how the federal government went out of its way to make life difficult by shutting federal lands it never did anything to staff full time in the first place.


North Dakota threatened to sue, and just minutes before the federal complaint was to be filed, Fish & Wildlife agreed to open lands not just in North Dakota, but nationally.


Here is the announcement from the Governor of North Dakota

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ABC finally figures out Tea Party not party of Wall Street


The Tea Party movement is not the Get In Bed With Wall Street movement (that would be Democrats and Republicans)

I think ABC has been reading Think Progress and Media Matters too much, because as with most of the mainstream media, ABC can’t figure out why the Tea Party is not toeing the Wall Street and big business line on Obamacare and the debt ceiling.


Wall Street Can’t Influence Tea Party to End Shutdown, DC Watchers Say:


The government shutdown is bad for business, bad for the economy and bad for your 401(k). So why aren’t the politicians listening to the overwhelmingly negative sentiments of Wall Street and the big-business lobby? After all, business titans like Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon have managed to get their way on financial regulations before Congress, so why can’t they break the log jam and get government reopened?

Even with numerous lobbying groups calling for an end to the government shutdown, lawmakers are still at an impasse centered on the Affordable Care Act and the debt ceiling limit.

Lawmakers aligned with the Tea Party are holding out to squash if not delay for a year, the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act, while President Obama said he would remain open to a short-term increase in the debt ceiling.

Wall Street and business efforts to persuade the Tea Party to end the shutdown have thus far been tepid and ineffective. Part of the reason may be that the Tea Party faction in the House has proved to be an immovable object




Anyone who really understood the Tea Party movement would know that the Tea Party is not the party of Wall Street or big business.



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ABC finally figures out Tea Party not party of Wall Street


The Tea Party movement is not the Get In Bed With Wall Street movement (that would be Democrats and Republicans)

I think ABC has been reading Think Progress and Media Matters too much, because as with most of the mainstream media, ABC can’t figure out why the Tea Party is not toeing the Wall Street and big business line on Obamacare and the debt ceiling.


Wall Street Can’t Influence Tea Party to End Shutdown, DC Watchers Say:


The government shutdown is bad for business, bad for the economy and bad for your 401(k). So why aren’t the politicians listening to the overwhelmingly negative sentiments of Wall Street and the big-business lobby? After all, business titans like Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon have managed to get their way on financial regulations before Congress, so why can’t they break the log jam and get government reopened?

Even with numerous lobbying groups calling for an end to the government shutdown, lawmakers are still at an impasse centered on the Affordable Care Act and the debt ceiling limit.

Lawmakers aligned with the Tea Party are holding out to squash if not delay for a year, the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act, while President Obama said he would remain open to a short-term increase in the debt ceiling.

Wall Street and business efforts to persuade the Tea Party to end the shutdown have thus far been tepid and ineffective. Part of the reason may be that the Tea Party faction in the House has proved to be an immovable object




Anyone who really understood the Tea Party movement would know that the Tea Party is not the party of Wall Street or big business.




nope the Tea party is the party of Jesus ..............................and the biblical catastrophe needed for his return

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nope the Tea party is the party of Jesus ..............................and the biblical catastrophe needed for his return


not even a mildly good retort.


The TEA Party has nothing to do with religion, but since reality is difficult for their (attempted) detractors,

all these simplistic cliches come out.



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The TEA Party has nothing to do with religion, but since reality is difficult for their (attempted) detractors, all these simplistic cliches come out.


It works for liberals because they have no answer. So they define the Tea Party in their own minds. To them, the Tea Party means believing in Jesus and hating the faggots and wanting to shoot the blacks and starving the babies and killing the blue hairs, blah, blah, blah.


One day the GOP will wake up and think, "Our party must be horribly FUBAR'ed if the country thought Obama was a good alternative...twice...and their best idea is Obamacare and starting a group called a Coffee Party!?

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I hope he doubles down with Reid. I hope Boehner throws in the towel and lets the caucus loose to vote, yea, nay, present, or just plain old !@#$ you on the CR, raising the deficit ceiling, and then sits back and watch as the Dems drive the country over the cliff. The sooner that happens, the sooner B.O. will have to be tagged with the responsibility for this shitstorm.


Way to put America over party. You're part of the problem. Running America off the cliff doesn't help our country, but yes, it would prove you right that BO is a bad pres.

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Way to put America over party. You're part of the problem. Running America off the cliff doesn't help our country, but yes, it would prove you right that BO is a bad pres.

Not at all. I just give up. The Dems are completely intransigent and not open to compromise in anything. Why bother to fight this insanity when all the blame gets affixed to the opposition for not kowtowing to the imperial president. Let them have America. They've taken most of it already. Americans will wake up soon in their own Bedford Falls where George Bailey was never born.


Just shut it down.


Edited by Nanker
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