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Won't make a difference in a year's time. The House will still remain Repub, the Senate will still remain Dem, and Barry will still be the worst president ever.


The House deemed, as representatives of the people, that Obamacare was not ready for implementation nor was the timing right given the high levels of unemployment and the national debt and deficit figures creating a financial crisis.



Let me repeat: The House authorized funds to operate the government except for ObamaCare; the Senate refused to accept the money for operating the government unless funds were also appropriated for Obamacare. As Sowell notes, “That is their right. But that is also their responsibility.” 



In other words, the Senate chose to shut down the government rather than delay funding for Obamacare. And, even if the Senate had voted the same as the House, the President said he would veto that vote.  The bottom line is that neither the Senate nor the President would accept the appropriations authority of the House.



Thus, the Senate and the President bear sole and complete responsibility for the government shutdown.  If they had been willing to accept the constitutionally determined role of the House of Representatives, there would have been negotiations on the controversial issues while government operated as usual. A reporter who worked for two decades as a New York Times reporter described the Obama Administration as the “most closed, control-freak administration I’ve ever covered.”



All the political posturing of the Obama Administration and Senate leadership –– including unprecedented vindictive actions, name-calling, pettiness and juvenile behavior –– comes straight out of a “community organizer” playbook, not from constitutional government of the people, by the people and for the people.


The House deemed, as representatives of the people, that Obamacare was not ready for implementation nor was the timing right given the high levels of unemployment and the national debt and deficit figures creating a financial crisis.



Let me repeat: The House authorized funds to operate the government except for ObamaCare; the Senate refused to accept the money for operating the government unless funds were also appropriated for Obamacare. As Sowell notes, "That is their right. But that is also their responsibility."




Yes, in order to try and deny health care to American citizens the savages in the house would shut down the government. Seig Heil!


Yes, in order to try and deny health care insurance to American citizens the savages in the house would shut down the government. Seig Heil!


The ACA does not address healthcare.


The ACA does not address healthcare.


Sure it does, you just choose to not read the Law.


http://finance.yahoo...-112511909.html. wall street seems fairly conident that boehner will cave. just recently mentioned on major news sites. ?insider info? no, couldn't be....


Boehner and his caucus made their point and created the contrast they wanted.... it is worse for the GOP now to see default... raise the ceiling and lets move on.


Sure it does, you just choose to not read the Law.




Boehner and his caucus made their point and created the contrast they wanted.... it is worse for the GOP now to see default... raise the ceiling and lets move on.


Really how many doctors does it add in comparison to IRS agents?

Posted (edited)

Really how many doctors does it add in comparison to IRS agents?


Gary, let be real for a minute- the ACA did not initiate the Primary Care MD shortage, it has been happening for decades. There was a RN shortage for a long-time, incentives were put in place to get more RN in training, the same will happen with primary care.

Edited by B-Large

Gary, let be real for a minute- the ACA did not initiate the Primary Care MD shortage, it has been happening for decades. There was a RN shortage for a long-time, incentives were put in place to get more RN in training, the same will happen with primary care.


Not talking about shortage of doctors, I am talking about what is in the bill. More IRS agents for enforcement, not doctors for care.


The Affordable Care Act is about getting people "covered" not cared for.


Not talking about shortage of doctors, I am talking about what is in the bill. More IRS agents for enforcement, not doctors for care.


The Affordable Care Act is about getting people "covered" not cared for.


You're not correct, and you're not going to be to go read the Law or even research any tutorials on the law, so why get into this. If you want to believe it does nothing to improve access and quality, its your right to believe whatever you want.


So the Republican plan was to sell Insurance across State lines, have HSA's be a mainstay, and have risk pools for people with pre-exsiting conditions... does that improve care, or was that a coverage plan?? Truth is, the GOP or the ACA had writers that were policy wonks and care experts, both Bills had the goal of improving quality, better utilizing capacity and building for better access.


Again, you want to be a partisan, that's fine, it a message board we waste time on. But I do encourage everyone regrdless of politics read the Law, there are things in there that no question will help you and your family.



The Affordable Care Act is about getting people "covered" not cared for.


Don't people who are covered get better care than people who aren't?


You're not correct, and you're not going to be to go read the Law or even research any tutorials on the law, so why get into this. If you want to believe it does nothing to improve access and quality, its your right to believe whatever you want.


So the Republican plan was to sell Insurance across State lines, have HSA's be a mainstay, and have risk pools for people with pre-exsiting conditions... does that improve care, or was that a coverage plan?? Truth is, the GOP or the ACA had writers that were policy wonks and care experts, both Bills had the goal of improving quality, better utilizing capacity and building for better access.


Again, you want to be a partisan, that's fine, it a message board we waste time on. But I do encourage everyone regrdless of politics read the Law, there are things in there that no question will help you and your family.




obama is no dummy regardless of what the cons shout. if boehner folds it's cuz of the nearly 1000 pt drop in the dow in the last 2 weeks. he correctly identified this as the weakest link in their childish move. now, if the caucus rejects today's plan all hell breaks loose. i don't think they will.


You're not correct, and you're not going to be to go read the Law or even research any tutorials on the law, so why get into this. If you want to believe it does nothing to improve access and quality, its your right to believe whatever you want.


So the Republican plan was to sell Insurance across State lines, have HSA's be a mainstay, and have risk pools for people with pre-exsiting conditions... does that improve care, or was that a coverage plan?? Truth is, the GOP or the ACA had writers that were policy wonks and care experts, both Bills had the goal of improving quality, better utilizing capacity and building for better access.


Again, you want to be a partisan, that's fine, it a message board we waste time on. But I do encourage everyone regrdless of politics read the Law, there are things in there that no question will help you and your family.

i try not to look at it as a waste of time. i try to look at it as therapy , ya know like primal screaming...
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