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And because I like you in a kind of like a guy who likes his blind, three legged dog who ***** all over the carpet only because he can't shoot him way I'll tell you.


It's called dollar cost averaging.

Posted (edited)

What? The actual topic or gatorman's thread! ;-)


Katy bar the door... I smell a donnybrook brewing... LoL..


Gatorman's Thread- While there will be good discussion in this thread, accusations of retardation and posters generally traeting other like ****, G-Man tends to be what someone in another thread referred to as "a Pinata" where just about everybody gets a shot to slap around...


Only those that don't have a clue as to what they're doing. I love it when my 401k goes down in value.


as do, I pour more money back in. But for someone who plans to hang up the cleats in a few months, probably not ideal.

Edited by B-Large

Gatorman's Thread- While there will be good discussion in this thread, accusations of retardation and posters generally traeting other like ****, G-Man tends to be what someone in another thread referred to as "a Pinata" where just about everybody gets a shot to slap around...




as do, I pour more money back in. But for someone who plans to hang up the cleats in a few months, probably not ideal.


If you're planning on hanging it up in a few months, your 401k should not be nearly that vulnerable to risk.


No Congress is bound by the actions of a previous Congress.

Let them shut down the B word.

Yes, that's why they give each Congress a number. Currently this is the 113th. http://www.house.gov/ It's like they know nothing at all.


I often wonder how many on the left actually took/passed 11th grade Regents American History. Or, if they even have it still.

hence my concern (or lack of) for the future of the party. thank god i didn't choose to live in nc. maybe they have a clone of jessee helms stashed away somewhere, too.

Right, because Jesse Helms is relevant to this discussion. While we are at it, let's bring up Sarah Palin!


The difference between what is happening in the GOP vs. what is happening with the Dems: introspection, debate, and a great deal of thought. The GOP is doing that, while the Dems aren't. Historically, the GOP's approach results in things like the "Contract with America". Meanwhile, Obama the candidate is cannabilizing the Democratic party, to keep the candidate's Presidency from dying.


A Democratic Strategist, of major import, is telling you that, right here: http://images.politico.com/global/2013/05/09/sosnik_memo_59_final.html


In the end, the GOP is working, and working very hard, to get their act together. The Democrats are listless, and merely playing Obama Fail Whackamole. From Syria, to Libya, to Obamacare, to the Economy. No new ideas, or solutions, and certainly no leadership. Just Whackamole.


We'll see, but, in my experience, admitting your mistakes, and working hard to fix them, in the long term, always beats putting the best face on the problems, and doing little or nothing to fix them.


Just ask yourself: if the unions don't get the changes they want in Obamacare? Are they going to show up for 2014? How about 2016?

while i do appreciate the logic, "well known" and "respected" or "trusted" are 2 different things. i would argue that based on recent elections, rasmussen is the former while not the 2 latter, except in conservative circles.

Oh please. Then your argument would be specious at best. Rassmussen has been PROVEN to be the most accurate survey of Likely Voters, in election after election. Huffington Post, of all media outlets, but this dopey argument to bed a long time ago.


Face the facts: the only people who support Obamacare is the far left = 20% of the country, and that has a lot more to with their egos than it does with good policy. They don't want to be slapped down, publicly. That's what this is about. They don't realize that those of us who rationally oppose it, couldn't care less about their egos, or their embarrassment. We simply don't want to see something we KNOW is going to fail, hurt the country. We want a real solution.


IF they cared about solutions(spare me, we ALL care about the problems) they would demand that Obama either fix this thing, or, scrap it for something else, immediately. But, they don't. They never did. If you really understand Obamacare, you realize that it's very nature is about political punishment, posturing and false blame, not problem solving.


IF it was about problem solving, then we'd see thing that actually reduce cost, and removes rent-seekers from the value chain.


You yourself have complained about rent-seekers in health care on this very board, but, you don't know it, and, you only complain about the ones that help you politically, you don't complain about all of them.



Posted (edited)

We'll see, but, in my experience, admitting your mistakes, and working hard to fix them, in the long term, always beats putting the best face on the problems, and doing little or nothing to fix them.


Just ask yourself: if the unions don't get the changes they want in Obamacare? Are they going to show up for 2014? How about 2016?



I agree with much of the above. I pulled out the one part that I wanted to expand on.


I keep reading from the liberal experts, who are concerned that this path the GOP is going down will be their "doom", if they continue to push the "losing" idea of ending Obamacare.


Well I think that it is just the opposite. I have a little more faith in the American electorate, and I believe that the GOP will be rewarded in 2014 for attempting to rein in goverment.


Even though I am sure that they will fail this fall.


Here's what I think will happen. ....The House will pass a budget funding the entire government, except Obamacare.

It will go to the Senate where that will be rejected.

After recieving much heat from the national media, the GOP 'leadership' will eventually cave and pass some type of extension for everything.


Now this will be heralded as a defeat for Republicans, but then come 2014 and the same old piss-poor economic "growth", now slammed with the actual consequences of the ACA and the excrement will hit the fan.


Who will the votors be "blaming" in November of 2014............Those who actually tried to change things, or those who insisted on more and more of the same ? ? ?








Edited by B-Man

And because I like you in a kind of like a guy who likes his blind, three legged dog who ***** all over the carpet only because he can't shoot him way I'll tell you.


It's called dollar cost averaging.

hmmm, i was thinking you meant "buy when there's blood in the street"...kind of, i guess.

Yes, that's why they give each Congress a number. Currently this is the 113th. http://www.house.gov/ It's like they know nothing at all.


I often wonder how many on the left actually took/passed 11th grade Regents American History. Or, if they even have it still.


Right, because Jesse Helms is relevant to this discussion. While we are at it, let's bring up Sarah Palin!


The difference between what is happening in the GOP vs. what is happening with the Dems: introspection, debate, and a great deal of thought. The GOP is doing that, while the Dems aren't. Historically, the GOP's approach results in things like the "Contract with America". Meanwhile, Obama the candidate is cannabilizing the Democratic party, to keep the candidate's Presidency from dying.


A Democratic Strategist, of major import, is telling you that, right here: http://images.politico.com/global/2013/05/09/sosnik_memo_59_final.html


In the end, the GOP is working, and working very hard, to get their act together. The Democrats are listless, and merely playing Obama Fail Whackamole. From Syria, to Libya, to Obamacare, to the Economy. No new ideas, or solutions, and certainly no leadership. Just Whackamole.


We'll see, but, in my experience, admitting your mistakes, and working hard to fix them, in the long term, always beats putting the best face on the problems, and doing little or nothing to fix them.


Just ask yourself: if the unions don't get the changes they want in Obamacare? Are they going to show up for 2014? How about 2016?


Oh please. Then your argument would be specious at best. Rassmussen has been PROVEN to be the most accurate survey of Likely Voters, in election after election. Huffington Post, of all media outlets, but this dopey argument to bed a long time ago.


Face the facts: the only people who support Obamacare is the far left = 20% of the country, and that has a lot more to with their egos than it does with good policy. They don't want to be slapped down, publicly. That's what this is about. They don't realize that those of us who rationally oppose it, couldn't care less about their egos, or their embarrassment. We simply don't want to see something we KNOW is going to fail, hurt the country. We want a real solution.


IF they cared about solutions(spare me, we ALL care about the problems) they would demand that Obama either fix this thing, or, scrap it for something else, immediately. But, they don't. They never did. If you really understand Obamacare, you realize that it's very nature is about political punishment, posturing and false blame, not problem solving.


IF it was about problem solving, then we'd see thing that actually reduce cost, and removes rent-seekers from the value chain.


You yourself have complained about rent-seekers in health care on this very board, but, you don't know it, and, you only complain about the ones that help you politically, you don't complain about all of them.



oh, please: http://www.politico.com/blogs/charlie-mahtesian/2012/11/rasmussen-explains-149240.html. rasmussen is bold faced biased, at least in the 2012 elections. statistically (what they trade in), they should have been wrong on as many dem races that they called as repub. they weren't. and the aca will be changed and improved. it hasn't even been nearly fully implemented . no one's claiming it's the ultimate plan.
Posted (edited)

oh, please: http://www.politico....ins-149240.html. rasmussen is bold faced biased, at least in the 2012 elections. statistically (what they trade in), they should have been wrong on as many dem races that they called as repub. they weren't. and the aca will be changed and improved. it hasn't even been nearly fully implemented . no one's claiming it's the ultimate plan.

Any politician who would knowingly and willingly break a system so vital as health care for the purpose of intentionally crashing it into undeliverable uselessness in order to gain a political edge towards their actually desired system shoud be dragged out into the street and shot.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

oh, please: http://www.politico....ins-149240.html. rasmussen is bold faced biased, at least in the 2012 elections. statistically (what they trade in), they should have been wrong on as many dem races that they called as repub. they weren't. and the aca will be changed and improved. it hasn't even been nearly fully implemented . no one's claiming it's the ultimate plan.

Changed...how? It won't happen without Republican support (and the House isn't being lost anytime soon) which means, it won't be changed, much less allegedly improved. And again, thinking single payer is the ultimate plan is a pipe dream. If anything, Obamacare will likely succeed in making traditional insurance more attractive, as the exchanges become littered with the sick and premiums skyrocket.


And because I like you in a kind of like a guy who likes his blind, three legged dog who ***** all over the carpet only because he can't shoot him way I'll tell you.


It's called dollar cost averaging.

Ummm...thanks, I think, lol. I reinvest my dividends [DRIP] so that's basically the same thing and I toss every spare dollar I have into my account no matter what the market is doing. I'm doing the Random Walk Down Wall Street thing

Changed...how? It won't happen without Republican support (and the House isn't being lost anytime soon) which means, it won't be changed, much less allegedly improved. And again, thinking single payer is the ultimate plan is a pipe dream. If anything, Obamacare will likely succeed in making traditional insurance more attractive, as the exchanges become littered with the sick and premiums skyrocket.

i suppose you may be right. we can never assume the house republicans will do the right thing. if left to their own devices they'd have done nothing about healthcare. "we're number 37! yeah". but there's already been changes or at least postponements without their say. if they see those as a good thing for their narrow view, they'll likely vote to make them permanent.

B, it hasn't even been implemented yet... how can it have already failed? Thats nonsense

It has already failed by the very standards that its champion(s) set for it. The BIGGEST reason that we "needed!" this law was that it was completely unacceptable in a country with as much wealth as the US that 30 million people in the United States were uninsured. Fast forward to today and the CBO predicts that (wait for it) 30 million people will still be uninsured in the United States. We spent a 800 billion (and counting) dollars to make zero impact on the number of uninsured. I don't know what your definition of failure is, and I get that you like parts of the law, but to most people who were paying attention from the beginning? Yeah. It has failed. It's not delivering on, really, any of the promises that were made in order to pass this thing. Especially the biggest one.


This chic needs to be quiet! If Republicans want to play in traffic, let's let them! OMG, What I would give if there was a nationwide Conservative hunger strike!! :worthy:


Former George W. Bush adviser Nicole Wallace said Thursday it’s “idiotic” for Republicans to threaten a government shutdown over defunding Obamacare, comparing it to a child running into traffic.

Wallace, who was a communications chief for the Bush White House and Bush and McCain presidential campaigns, said she has to keep her two-year-old child from riding his scooter into the street, and she called on the “adults in the Republican Party” to do the same.


It has already failed by the very standards that its champion(s) set for it. The BIGGEST reason that we "needed!" this law was that it was completely unacceptable in a country with as much wealth as the US that 30 million people in the United States were uninsured. Fast forward to today and the CBO predicts that (wait for it) 30 million people will still be uninsured in the United States. We spent a 800 billion (and counting) dollars to make zero impact on the number of uninsured. I don't know what your definition of failure is, and I get that you like parts of the law, but to most people who were paying attention from the beginning? Yeah. It has failed. It's not delivering on, really, any of the promises that were made in order to pass this thing. Especially the biggest one.

No, it is going to provide health care for millions of people, though. Where is the link from CBO saying it will have zero impact?

No, it is going to provide health care for millions of people, though. Where is the link from CBO saying it will have zero impact?


No, it's not. It's going to provide the opportunity for millions of people to buy health insurance, under conditions that make it more economical to not buy health insurance, while reducing access to health care.


i suppose you may be right. we can never assume the house republicans will do the right thing. if left to their own devices they'd have done nothing about healthcare. "we're number 37! yeah". but there's already been changes or at least postponements without their say. if they see those as a good thing for their narrow view, they'll likely vote to make them permanent.

I suppose we can expect the gubment to "do the right thing" when the citizens start doing the same. Meaning never. And "doing the right thing" doesn't mean throwing money at a problem and hoping it works.


No, it's not. It's going to provide the opportunity for millions of people to buy health insurance, under conditions that make it more economical to not buy health insurance, while reducing access to health care.


Yes, for reposnsible people looking to manage risk and do the right thing, it fits the bill. Now for those who still want to free load, at least we get a piece of their hide in the penetly tax so when some of them get sicks, and actuarialy speaking they will, we have money to fund it... that's ok with me to be honest...


In my family, it was not a choice to carry health coverage, it was a non-negotiable... and to me carrying coverage to pay for my unforseen cat medical expenses is part of being a good, responsible citizen.... I am sad to hear others don't feel that way.

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