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Eating it right up. Nothing if not predictable.




*Barring any objection within the next 7 days from DC Tom, this phrase will be considered generic and no longer entitled to any protection under the law/dictatorship/petty-Junta power structure of TBD and PPP.

But, what fun is there without the law/dictatorship/petty-Junta power structure of TBD and PPP?


I mean, imagine if we could just do whatever we want? Then hammering idiots would be so brutal, constant, and so easy, eventually it wouldn't take any effort at all.

Fat chance. Voters in NYC are about to turn back 20 years of improvement because life isn't fair.

I'm highly interested in seeing how all that goes. And, please, it's not like I'm insensitive to what you are about to go though. Rather, it will be yet another example in: "why the far let must not be put in charge".


I'm really looking forward to Federal oversight of the NYC police. That's a loser right out of the gate, and the left is going to have to eat a lot of schit over that. I'll be there, with my bucket and ladle. Perhaps I'll make some rice, and make a full entree out of it?

The Republicans will be the losers on this. They are acting like little bitches. Don't screw people just to get the point across that ACA is bad. It's bad. I know it. Deal with it and fight another fight. Or fight this one when there's a remote chance of winning.

The polls I've been paying attention to say that no, in fact, this ain't 1996. If it isn't, I don't see how the Republicans wind up as losers here. Certainly, at the very least, Obama/Democrats lose here as well.


Despite the lies and histrionics from the left, the data says most people know why the governemnt is shut down, and why the Republicans are doing what they are doing. We have the new media to thank for that.


I'm therefore uncertain about where this is all going. But, I wouldn't discoun the WW2 memorial thing too much. Images like that have power.

no one is stripping it from the middle class. but at least you're honest in your reasons for being against it: you believe that if someone else is going to get more, then you're gonna get less. i don't believe it's an either/or. we overutilize with no real benefit and sometimes with harm. stopping or slowing that helps everyone. and there are already signs that it's happening.

Oh BS. Of course you believe it's an either/or: you just said so in the very next sentence. :blink: Overutilize/stopping/slowing means "take away from those who don't "need" as much, and give it to those who need more".


This is the result of dopey, Liberal zero-sum thinking.


What about a program/legal reform that puts more doctors/PAs, whatever, in the field? No, we can't do that, the trial lawyers(where we get huge political contributions) might lose money! :o:rolleyes: More supply means more supply...doesn't that mean more for ALL? Doesn't more supply reduce price? (Go ahead and tell me it doesn't). We have created an tiny supply chain of new American doctors, and even creating conditions where we steal eveybody else's doctors hasn't helped.


In your world, we can't ever make more of something, we always have to move something from one place to another. :wallbash: Like I said: dopey.

Posted (edited)


seriously? you look at this conflict and you see dems and not teabaggers acting machiavellian?

Absolutely. This is vindictive Mommy Management at its peak. Reid has forsaken his Constitutional responsibility to pass a budget for the past five years. He won't bring one to the floor for a vote. So we get this never-ending string of continuing resolutions that are connected on the back end to the government's printing presses.


I see a thin-skinned egotistical ideologue affirmative action President who vindictively shuts down things irrationally like the WH tours and throwing sarin gas bombs at his political opponents in order to garner support for his vacuous and fraudulent policies. He's a spiteful SOB and our country is diminished by his actions.


The Democrat party machine doesn't give two ***** about the average American or America itself for that matter. All they're interested in is staying in power and milking the system for all it's worth and B.O. and his handlers are a master at playing those games and for playing devotees such as yourself as proper fools.

Edited by Nanker

Can I apply for a LINK card (that is what they call food stamps in Illinois)? I may be working for free/not getting paid for it.


Throw me a LINK piece of plastic, we can call it a wash when the vessels show up... :beer:

Posted (edited)

The Budget Fight and Obama’s Vindictive Streak The president thinks negotiating with his “ideological” opponents on the budget is beneath him.

By Jonah Goldberg


Shutting down the government in an effort to use a budget fight to get rid of Obamacare is not the strategy I would have recommended for the GOP. And while Republicans can be blamed for starting the shutdown, it’s increasingly apparent that President Obama and the Democrats deserve the lion’s share of blame for not only prolonging it but also making it as painful as possible.


Obama has always had a bit of a vindictive streak when it comes to politics. I think it stems from his Manichaean view of America. There are the reasonable people — who agree with him. And there are the bitter clingers who disagree for irrational or extremist ideological reasons.


In his various statements over the last week, he’s insisted that opponents of Obamacare are “ideologues” on an “ideological crusade.” Meanwhile, he cast himself as just a reasonable guy interested in solving America’s problems. I have no issue with him calling Republican opponents “ideologues” — they are — but since when is Obama not an ideologue?


The argument about Obamacare is objectively and irrefutably ideological on both sides — state-provided health care has been an ideological brass ring for the Left for well over a century. But much of the press takes its cues from Democrats and sees this fight — and most other political fights — as a contest pitting the forces of moderation, decency, and rationality against the ranks of the ideologically brainwashed.


What’s unusual is the way Obama sees the government as a tool for his ideological agenda. During the fight over the sequester, Obama ordered the government to make the 2 percent budget cut as painful and scary as possible.




Far worse, Obama told CNBC’s John Harwood that Wall Street should be far more panicky about Republican efforts to use the debt ceiling to win concessions from the White House. I don’t blame Obama for being annoyed with Republicans for trying to use the debt ceiling the exact same way he did when he was a senator. But normally a sitting president doesn’t try to talk down the economy just to win a political point.


Whenever the Bush administration issued terror warnings, Democrats insinuated that it was all a cynical political stunt. But this week, the White House sent out National Intelligence Director James Clapper to whip up fears that national security would be imperiled by a shutdown less than 48 hours old.


When Republicans vote to fund essential or popular parts of the government, the response from Democrats is, in effect, “How dare they?” Nancy Pelosi calls the tactic “releasing one hostage at a time” — as if negotiators normally refuse to have hostages released unless it’s all at once.


In the 17 previous government shutdowns since 1977, presidents have worked to avoid them or lessen their impact. Obama has made no such effort out of an ideological yearning to punish his enemies, regardless of the collateral damage.

Edited by B-Man
Posted (edited)

A lot of similarities between today's political situation and the Bills current game plan of run, run, pass, punt. For example, POTUS runs his mouth, Harry Reid then runs his mouth, both pass the blame to the Republicans then the government punts thus losing the initiative.


But hey, we keep sending them to DC to do just what they've honed to a fine art--nothing.

Edited by Keukasmallies

With the gov't shutdown, punking the yachters and cargo vessels (cargo vessels would be burning fuel waiting AND be charged a $.19 cents per gallon federal surcharge on that fuel burned while waiting... They would especially "love" it).




They call on marine band VHF channel 16...


Us Answering: "[Call protocol] hey how you doing, switch to channel 14."


Us On 14: "[Call protocol] Hey great day!


They: "Hey guys, we're coming down bound, when is the next lockage?"


Us: "Great, put it on the wall, we will get to you when the gov't shutdown is over."


They: "Uh, you are closed down?"


Us: "Yeah, write your congressman."


Just imagine the dead silence over the mic. What are they going to do? Storm the dam with a plastic boat? Tows might get ugly, see attached files/pictures.


Us: "Just kidding capt... We will be right with you!"




Anyway... In all seriousness how in the hell are people going to get innvolved and be less apathetic when everything is "mothered" for them? Even during a gov't shutdown... Even when people are working and may not be getting paid for it. Now, I am not saying Honor Flight and WWII vets should be locked out of their memorial... They can get special dispensation and have earned that ability to see the memorial... They should have a 24/7/365 pass to attend, gov't shutdown or no gov't shutdown. Yet, the other schleps? How to you get them innvolved to write their congressman and express their opinions? To articulate where they stand and how they use gov't services.


Same w/other issues... Like the sequester, etc... If there is no pain on the customer... Why do they care what goes on?


I see arrogant douchebag campaigner in chief obama using the media to use the republicans against themselves. Let no crisis go without exploiting it right?


Blame the republicans, throw out some sad human interest stories to get people riled up, let the media do what they do and obama can do what he does best, blame it on republicans.


He's hoping to keep pushing his narrative of his lack of leadership isn't his fault for not getting anything done, its the evil obstructionost republicans.




I think your sarcasm detector needs a tune up


She used an AR Style Assault Sedan




Well played! Yet, predictable. Your reply was anticipated by the Browns D. Me. Against a Tuel. You. :P


I will give you credit where credit is due: :worthy:


Did she eventually crash into a telephone pole? ;)



Pretty much spot on.



This is the obama Chicago style democrat playbook.


Like I said earlier Obama doesn't give a **** about us or this country its all about his party ideology and consolidating his power.


In his mind the end justifies the means.


To prove how ridiculous this has become I can't even say that wirh someone stooping to childish level with "tea bagger" jokes.


That's the narrative Obama and the media have created. It's pathetic

Posted (edited)

Pretty much spot on.



This is the obama Chicago style democrat playbook.


Like I said earlier Obama doesn't give a **** about us or this country its all about his party ideology and consolidating his power.


In his mind the end justifies the means.


To prove how ridiculous this has become I can't even say that wirh someone stooping to childish level with "tea bagger" jokes.


That's the narrative Obama and the media have created. It's pathetic


But they are Tea Baggers... That is what they called themselves @ first! They are like the No Nothings of the 1800's. If the shoe fits wear it!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

Now, I am not saying Honor Flight and WWII vets should be locked out of their memorial... They can get special dispensation and have earned that ability to see the memorial... They should have a 24/7/365 pass to attend, gov't shutdown or no gov't shutdown.


But it's an open air memorial, ie, no walls or doors that can be locked to keep people out. Why even bother trying to keep people out, other than to "show off".


Riddle me this Batmen:


Why should Obama give into these republican crybabies? The nutcase Baggers were warned... Now stomp on them. Enough of this good American BS... Like little children, they were warned. The repubs want quarter... Kitties. No quarter given, no quarter asked! Now stop being an Anthony Weiner. The republican faups have met Rob Roy Obama! LoL... Deal with it. Tear it all down to build it up. As a gov't worker, I will work for free for how ever long this takes.




The Riddler... Hoorah, were all good !@#$ing Americans! :-)




But it's an open air memorial, ie, no walls or doors that can be locked to keep people out. Why even bother trying to keep people out, other than to "show off".


Boss' perogative.


True. Agree. Stick it on camera and have an exempted officer watch it.


At least the government has it's priorities straight, closing down frivolous things like the WWII monument while continuing more important matters...


Like portraits of Obama


Monuments are all pretty frivilous...


And if Obama really wanted to cripple this country, he could in a heartbeat...


If this was a silly football game, y'all be demanding that he finish 'em off. Well guess what crybabies... It isn't a silly football game...


Thumbs up or Thumbs down?


See libs can be authoratative and not kitty whipped? Well, some of them.

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