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It’s been quite a day. The Obama administration’s is holding hundreds of self-sufficient parks hostage, and Harry Reid admitted that he doesn’t care about kids with cancer. The president also tried to get the markets to tank.


Somewhere in between all that, they’re canceling the annual Navy-Air Force football game. But like the closure of all those parks, money isn’t driving the decision.

The Naval Academy Athletic Association is a private organization not funded by the government. Gladchuk said the Air Force-Navy game could be held without any “appropriated funding.” Air Force recently created a similar athletic association that operates using private funds, donations and revenue from intercollegiate contests.


“We could run our entire athletics program and conduct events as we always do without any government funds,” Gladchuk said. “In talking to the Air Force athletic director, their football team could execute the trip without government funding.”


Asked why the Department of Defense was suspending intercollegiate athletic contests if government funds are not required, Gladchuk said he was told it was about “optics.


“It’s a perception thing. Apparently it doesn’t resonate with all the other government agencies that have been shut down,” Gladchuk said.


Our own government is going Soviet on us. Off we go, into a brave new yonder. Or something.

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Posted (edited)

Changing gears here. What's the end game in all this? How is this impasse going to be resolved? Neither sides seems to be blinking. Is November 2013 a big game changer when it comes to elections? Just wait for that outcome while keeping gov't shutdown... Let the people speak and see which way they go. Maybe there will be a shift in power (either right or left).

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

Changing gears here. What's the end game in all this? How is this impasse going to be resolved? Neither sides seems to be blinking. Is November 2013 a big game changer when it comes to elections? Just wait for that outcome while keeping gov't shutdown... Let the people speak and see which way they go. Maybe there will be a shift in power (either right or left).


Well sir, as I posted several times (many pages back) No matter how the "compromise" is reached, the GOP will be declared the loser.


Heck, they were warned by the media that that would happen no matter what......... Many on the right will piss and moan that "we caved again"


and Obama's second term will be called resurgent.


However a few months will go by, 2014 rolls around, and the still anemic economy is further hamstrung by the overwhelming monstrosity of the ACA.


Part-time workers and families hit with rising (not falling) health care costs start looking back at October 2013's shutdown in a different light.


but we'll see.





Well sir, as I posted several times (many pages back) No matter how the "compromise" is reached, the GOP will be declared the loser.


Heck, they were warned by the media that that would happen no matter what......... Many on the right will piss and moan that "we caved again"


and Obama's second term will be called resurgent.


However a few months will go by, 2014 rolls around, and the still anemic economy is further hamstrung by the overwhelming monstrosity of the ACA.


Part-time workers and families hit with rising (not falling) health care costs start looking back at October 2013's shutdown in a different light.


but we'll see.

No, that's pretty much it. Come November 2014, people will probably look at the state of the country and long for the days of the shutdown.




Well sir, as I posted several times (many pages back) No matter how the "compromise" is reached, the GOP will be declared the loser.


Heck, they were warned by the media that that would happen no matter what......... Many on the right will piss and moan that "we caved again"


and Obama's second term will be called resurgent.


However a few months will go by, 2014 rolls around, and the still anemic economy is further hamstrung by the overwhelming monstrosity of the ACA.


Part-time workers and families hit with rising (not falling) health care costs start looking back at October 2013's shutdown in a different light.


but we'll see.





Wow... Pretty pessimistic. What do you think the time frame is? How many days, weeks, etc.. this shutdown goes?



No, that's pretty much it. Come November 2014, people will probably look at the state of the country and long for the days of the shutdown.


And 4 years ago people said that Asian carp would be over-running the lakes by now. 6 years ago, Al Gore was predicting an ice-free arctic... Doom I tell you, doom!

Posted (edited)

Like I said before, talking about polls over 13 months away from the next election is worthless. If that's what the Dems are banking on, they don't have much.

it's not only about the elections. hell, there's almost zero chance that a repub wins prez in 2016. it's about shameless self promotion using the hero's of the greatest generation as props. it's about undermining the legislative process. it about this http://finance.yahoo...-200000323.html. american national politics have had little class and decorum for quite a while. the few proponents and practitioners have been run off or silenced. this may well be the death knell to few remaining.


Wow... Pretty pessimistic. What do you think the time frame is? How many days, weeks, etc.. this shutdown goes?




And 4 years ago people said that Asian carp would be over-running the lakes by now. 6 years ago, Al Gore was predicting an ice-free arctic... Doom I tell you, doom!

is dc tom really on hiatus?


Changing gears here. What's the end game in all this? How is this impasse going to be resolved? Neither sides seems to be blinking. Is November 2013 a big game changer when it comes to elections? Just wait for that outcome while keeping gov't shutdown... Let the people speak and see which way they go. Maybe there will be a shift in power (either right or left).

the people have already spoken; over 3:2 electoral votes in the prez election during which the aca was a major issue. just that the losers won't accept the startling results. that won't change til the tea party becomes irrelevant. Edited by birdog1960

Wow... Pretty pessimistic. What do you think the time frame is? How many days, weeks, etc.. this shutdown goes?


I certainly could be wrong, but I think Boehner will agree to the (laughingly named and media tested) "CLEAN" continuing resolution by the end of next week...................around the 10th or 11th.







I honestly think the country is more politically divided now than during the civil war or any other point in history.


Looking forward I don't see any realistic chance of the left and right sides of the country meeting in the middle.



I honestly think the country is more politically divided now than during the civil war or any other point in history.


Looking forward I don't see any realistic chance of the left and right sides of the country meeting in the middle.

not nearly as divided as you perceive: http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2013/10/02/228524707/gop-establishment-grapples-with-a-tea-party-that-wont-budge the tea party is a small, loud minority likely at it's apex for popularity. there just aren't many more followers to reach and hopefully some current followers are smarter than they appear.

not nearly as divided as you perceive: http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2013/10/02/228524707/gop-establishment-grapples-with-a-tea-party-that-wont-budge the tea party is a small, loud minority likely at it's apex for popularity. there just aren't many more followers to reach and hopefully some current followers are smarter than they appear.


I disagree. I think the country is extremely divided.


I disagree. I think the country is extremely divided.


Agree. Facts can be a uniting factor but 80% of the population doesn't care, doesn't understand and/or believes much of the mis-information that is fed to them.


I certainly could be wrong, but I think Boehner will agree to the (laughingly named and media tested) "CLEAN" continuing resolution by the end of next week...................around the 10th or 11th.


That's about right. Next week sometime.


The Republicans will be the losers on this. They are acting like little bitches. Don't screw people just to get the point across that ACA is bad. It's bad. I know it. Deal with it and fight another fight. Or fight this one when there's a remote chance of winning.


Or...storm a monument barricade and call for the 49th vote to rescind the ACA because that's all so productive.


drudge must be confident his readers only look at headlines when his lead link is this: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_HEALTH_OVERHAUL?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2013-10-02-19-40-17. this is exactly what the shutdown's about. there's a huge demand for these options and no one else has proposed any other viable solutions. once it starts, it's not going away. yup, there are logistical problems but many, many people want and need this. and most of the 30 million that still won't be covered are in states refusing medicaid expansion. even that may change.


That's about right. Next week sometime.


The Republica boehner and the tea party will be the losers on this. They are acting like little bitches. Don't screw people just to get the point across that ACA is bad. It's bad. I know it. Deal with it and fight another fight. Or fight this one when there's a remote chance of winning.


Or...storm a monument barricade and call for the 49th vote to rescind the ACA because that's all so productive.



Posted (edited)

is dc tom really on hiatus?

Yes and you're a cretin


Click your heels 3 times and say his name. He will come back.

Edited by jboyst62

drudge must be confident his readers only look at headlines when his lead link is this: http://hosted.ap.org...-10-02-19-40-17. this is exactly what the shutdown's about. there's a huge demand for these options and no one else has proposed any other viable solutions. once it starts, it's not going away. yup, there are logistical problems but many, many people want and need this. and most of the 30 million that still won't be covered are in states refusing medicaid expansion. even that may change.

Oh, Obamacare will be going away. It was designed to fail. But single payer won't be replacing it.

Posted (edited)

it's not only about the elections. hell, there's almost zero chance that a repub wins prez in 2016. it's about shameless self promotion using the hero's of the greatest generation as props. it's about undermining the legislative process. it about this http://finance.yahoo...-200000323.html. american national politics have had little class and decorum for quite a while. the few proponents and practitioners have been run off or silenced. this may well be the death knell to few remaining.


is dc tom really on hiatus?


the people have already spoken; over 3:2 electoral votes in the prez election during which the aca was a major issue. just that the losers won't accept the startling results. that won't change til the tea party becomes irrelevant.


You dumbass. The government never shut down these monuments in the 90's during the last "shutdown". They presently have more people putting up Barrycades and protecting them from the veterans in wheelchairs than they ever have had them during normal times. This is not about Republicans using our heroes as "props" but about Obamaboy and his faux tantrum. He wanted this shutdown but the ability to blame other people. His whole presidency campaigning has been about blaming everyone else. You are touting one or the other, and I don't know if it's Barnum or Bailey, but it's still that kind of chicanary.

Edited by 3rdnlng
Posted (edited)

"Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!"




That's the Laurel & Hardy of politics, pragmatic Republicans (quite an oxymoron) to their whacky tea bagging faction.


Wow, these guys just can't shoot straight... LoL


Why is this funny? The grand bargain idea is one that is actually good for the country. It's the only way for the Reps to save face and as I've been saying, it's the only way to address the real issue of fiscal irresponsibility.


Boehner and Obama got close to doing this once. Boehner didn't have the votes and Obama moved the goal posts and that deal blew up. This time Boehner probably still won't have the votes but the shutdown will give him leverage over the middle.


I like it. The alternative, which is just raise the ceiling and keep spending, is not great. Yet it will happen if they don't strike a bigger deal. Obama wants a legacy. So does Boehner. Get it done.


Doubtful this will happen now. The Reps made this about ACA so they are backed into a corner, and the Dems have all the power right now in this shutdown. Still, glad to hear that helping America is on the table.

Edited by John Adams
Posted (edited)



The US spend almost twice as much per capita on health care as anyone else in the world.


Could someone please be a dear and explain to me how the ACA is gonna cost more, when more socialist countries with "free health care" only spend half as much money on health care per capita.


The whole point of the ACA was to spend less money on health care, not more. It seems as though many are under impression that Obamacare is not affordable. The current system is not affordable, so something had to be done. Obamacare may not be the best solution, but atleast it has to better then the current system, right?

Edited by J-E-T-S-L-O-L
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