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The reinforcements are being put in place apparently to prevent a repeat of yesterday when WWII veterans aided by several Republican Congressmen looking to get a photo opportunity and score political points pushed aside barricades to visit their memorial get the media into a froth over nothing.



Government is shutdown. Parks and memorials are closed. What would you say if because they are ungaurded, someone desecrated an unprotected memorial. Once the shutdown is over, people can go back. Is that so hard? Oh wait....this was a political move to feed the morons. Eat it up boys.

Posted (edited)

Government is shutdown. Parks and memorials are closed. What would you say if because they are ungaurded, someone desecrated an unprotected memorial. Once the shutdown is over, people can go back. Is that so hard? Oh wait....this was a political move to feed the morons. Eat it up boys.



LOL...........Sorry Mr. A, you're 180 degrees out of whack.


The open air memorials were specifically closed to make a political point.................not the other way around


but thats all right.




those 80yr olds can just come back another time.................is that so hard?





Last Shutdown in 95, Lincoln Memorial was still open to foot traffic....................closed this time


as you state......for strictly political reasons.









Edited by B-Man

CNN running a segment about how the shutdown is hurting kids with cancer :rolleyes:


More guards at WWII monument than were at Benghazi:



I gotta wonder what will end up costing more, funding the monument or funding the security to close the monument to prove a political point

Posted (edited)

LOL...........Sorry Mr. A, you're 180 degrees out of whack.


Yes, I'm sure BO shares blame. Way to miss the point. You're a fan of the spitball fight. I'd be more impressed if either side could solve the actual problem.


Sorry--cancer kids and vets are being denied services--gotta go see what I can post on Twitter about that.

Edited by John Adams

you all act like all universities are the same. mit is nothing like wvu. liberty is in few ways similar to brandeis...and so on. but go ahead, continue to base your conclusions on one university.


Sorry let me clarify. I meant I live next to the city of Berkeley not the university. 90% of the people that live in Berkeley are "academics" and like Darin said they're willing to question and debate everything as long as it doesn't go against their uber-liberal mindset.

Posted (edited)

CNN running a segment about how the shutdown is hurting kids with cancer :rolleyes:



What they didn’t know, or didn’t care to know, was that Republicans were planning a vote on a funding bill for NIH to be voted on today.


The official name of the Bill is the “Research for Lifesaving Cures Act”.


Obama has announced he will veto it:


Will the people who screamed at Republicans about kids with cancer now call out Obama on the issue?



Apparently not.





Reid On Legislation That Would Fund Cancer Treatments for Kids During Shutdown: ‘Why Would We Want to Do That?’


Senate majority leader Harry Reid remains adamant that the Senate will not pass any additional continuing resolutions.


Today, CNN reporter Dana Bash asked Reid about whether he would consider passing legislation that would fund treatment for children with cancer, which is currently halted due to the government shutdown. The House is willing to pass the legislation.


“What right do they have to pick and choose what part of government’s going to be funded?” Reid responded.


Bash pressed the matter, asking, “But if you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn’t you do it?”


“Why would we want to do that?” Reid rejoined. “I have 1,100 people at … [an] air force base that are sitting home. They have a few problems of their own. To have someone with your intelligence suggest such a thing … [is] irresponsible.”






Our Democrat Majority Leader Ladies and Gentlemen..........










Edited by B-Man
Posted (edited)

What they didn’t know, or didn’t care to know, was that Republicans were planning a vote on a funding bill for NIH to be voted on today.


The official name of the Bill is the “Research for Lifesaving Cures Act”.


Obama has announced he will veto it:


Will the people who screamed at Republicans about kids with cancer now call out Obama on the issue?


Apparently not.



Eating it right up. Nothing if not predictable.




*Barring any objection within the next 7 days from DC Tom, this phrase will be considered generic and no longer entitled to any protection under the law/dictatorship/petty-Junta power structure of TBD and PPP.

Edited by John Adams

Eating it right up. Nothing if not predictable.




*Barring any objection within the next 7 days from DC Tom, this phrase will be considered generic and no longer entitled to any protection under the law/dictatorship/petty-Junta power structure of TBD and PPP.


I prefer "consistent"


Its fortunate for me that I learned decades ago to ignore the "above it all" type of criticism


in other words


Sorry Dave John. Have fun with the other people who like talking to you like DC Tom (once he gets off his ban). I'm not into it.


Now... If I can just stop locking boats... These damn sailboats are starting to annoy me! They are like bicycles on water! :wallbash: :wallbash:


I love how you bag on sailboats when you typically have to know what you're doing to get from point A to point G while tacking through points C,D,E and F whereas with a motor boat it's point the boat in one direction and hit the power.

Posted (edited)



I love how you bag on sailboats when you typically have to know what you're doing to get from point A to point G while tacking through points C,D,E and F whereas with a motor boat it's point the boat in one direction and hit the power.


It has nothing to w/that...


I am not bagging on them for sailing! That I respect... I have sailed. Been years ago in BFLO. What I say holds true. They think everybody has to yield to them. It is when they get under motor in a restricted channel and the mast is stepped that gets me! They literally turn into bicycles on water. Effing retards. Few years back, I had one "sailor" step out onto the wall and start dismantling the boat signal w/his screwdriver... I said: "The button's on the wall, you push it." Bicyclists on water I tell you! They want the whole road to themselves... LoL Maybe they just over think everything... Until it is too late and something 1,000 times biger runs them over. Oh well...

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

What they didn’t know, or didn’t care to know, was that Republicans were planning a vote on a funding bill for NIH to be voted on today.


The official name of the Bill is the “Research for Lifesaving Cures Act”.


Obama has announced he will veto it:


Will the people who screamed at Republicans about kids with cancer now call out Obama on the issue?



Apparently not.





Reid On Legislation That Would Fund Cancer Treatments for Kids During Shutdown: ‘Why Would We Want to Do That?’


Senate majority leader Harry Reid remains adamant that the Senate will not pass any additional continuing resolutions.


Today, CNN reporter Dana Bash asked Reid about whether he would consider passing legislation that would fund treatment for children with cancer, which is currently halted due to the government shutdown. The House is willing to pass the legislation.


“What right do they have to pick and choose what part of government’s going to be funded?” Reid responded.


Bash pressed the matter, asking, “But if you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn’t you do it?”


“Why would we want to do that?” Reid rejoined. “I have 1,100 people at … [an] air force base that are sitting home. They have a few problems of their own. To have someone with your intelligence suggest such a thing … [is] irresponsible.”






Our Democrat Majority Leader Ladies and Gentlemen..........










have you considered that the repug devious plan might be to fund nearly everything 9with the probable exception of dept of education and a few other "liberal" depts) leaving the aca unfunded? yeah, we've considered it...and find it rather likely. not gonna happen.


house now has the vote to end shutdown.. not gonna play well with voters: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/02/clean-funding-bill_n_4031784.html


the pinnacle of hypocrisy. right on sister bachmann: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/02/world-war-ii-memorial-shutdown_n_4030768.html?ref=topbar


and this is my favorite, propaganda in action. it really does work, sad to say: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/27/obamacare-affordable-care-act_n_4002225.html


I prefer "consistent"


Its fortunate for me that I learned decades ago to ignore the "above it all" type of criticism


in other words


Sorry Dave John. Have fun with the other people who like talking to you like DC Tom (once he gets off his ban). I'm not into it.


Yeah, you prefer thinking that the WWII memorial access is the important story today. You'll be over the cliff's edge in no time lemming.


Yeah, you prefer thinking that the WWII memorial access is the important story today. You'll be over the cliff's edge in no time lemming.


It's not the important story today. It's just the next story showing a petulant child running the WH. The American People fell for the early stories and put this unbelievably incompetent dolt at the head of the free world.Had they paid attention to stories like this early on we may have avoided another four years of his childish temper-tantrums.


Frankly, part of me wants to see the country come to some bizarre collapse just so maybe everyone will pay closer attention the next time they choose a phucking leader.




It's not the important story today. It's just the next story showing a petulant child running the WH. The American People fell for the early stories and put this unbelievably incompetent dolt at the head of the free world.Had they paid attention to stories like this early on we may have avoided another four years of his childish temper-tantrums.


Frankly, part of me wants to see the country come to some bizarre collapse just so maybe everyone will pay closer attention the next time they choose a phucking leader.


Fat chance. Voters in NYC are about to turn back 20 years of improvement because life isn't fair.

Posted (edited)

have you considered that the repug devious plan might be to fund nearly everything 9with the probable exception of dept of education and a few other "liberal" depts) leaving the aca unfunded? yeah, we've considered it...and find it rather likely. not gonna happen.


house now has the vote to end shutdown.. not gonna play well with voters: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/02/clean-funding-bill_n_4031784.html


the pinnacle of hypocrisy. right on sister bachmann: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/02/world-war-ii-memorial-shutdown_n_4030768.html?ref=topbar


and this is my favorite, propaganda in action. it really does work, sad to say: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/27/obamacare-affordable-care-act_n_4002225.html

Like I said before, talking about polls over 13 months away from the next election is worthless. If that's what the Dems are banking on, they don't have much.

Edited by Doc

Maybe if we ask nicely, England will take us back....


Australia had a government shutdown once. In the end, the queen fired everyone in Parliament.


Australia's 1975 shutdown ended pretty differently, though, than they do here in America. Queen Elizabeth II's official representative in Australia, Governor General Sir John Kerr, simply dismissed the prime minister. He appointed a replacement, who immediately passed the spending bill to fund the government. Three hours later, Kerr dismissed the rest of Parliament. Then Australia held elections to restart from scratch. And they haven't had another shutdown since.
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