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Wait, the Dem party isn't run by special interests and doesn't have a large number of low information voters? Seriously?


Wait, the Dem party isn't run by special interests and doesn't have a large number of low information voters? Seriously?


It's called "projection" Doc.


and its practiced daily by the POTUS, and then by his followers.








NICK GILLESPIE: Let Us Be Clear: Obama Deserves Chief Responsibility for Gov’t Shutdown.


“Boehner and the GOP may well be ‘anarchists’ and Reid and the Dems may be useless.


But it’s the president who runs the show.” Obama wanted a shutdown, and Obama got a shutdown. He likes chaos, division and fingerpointing.







You can’t blame the House GOP for this: Despite Three-and-a-Half Years To Prep Obamacare, A Fiasco Takes Shape.


A responsible steward of taxpayer dollars would never have considered opening the exchanges in their current state of disarray. . . . The press has certainly known about the bureaucracy’s failure to execute for well over a year. Yet, with very rare exceptions, one will search in vain for coverage of the missed deadlines, internal control weaknesses, and emptied slush funds from the Associated Press, the New York Times, or the broadcast networks.”





It is sorta funny that, on the same week that we're having a government shutdown due to many people complaining about excessive government spending, that many government employees in the City of Buffalo got together to "celebrate" the naming of a $142,000,000 government building:




Wait, the Dem party isn't run by special interests and doesn't have a large number of low information voters? Seriously?


Of course silly. Don't you know the Democrats are the People's Party and the Republicans are the ones run by greedy special interests


Of course silly. Don't you know the Democrats are the People's Party and the Republicans are the ones run by greedy special interests



Which is why the dems can get away with this type of rhetoric with impugnity.......you remember those calls for "civility" to the right?


The new civility: Dems turn public debate into schoolyard taunts


Check out 5 recent outrageous accusations, which have the Democrats seeming rather, um, “unhinged” themselves


1. "Unhinged arsonists" - Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chair


2. "Isane people who have lost their minds" -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid


3. "People with a bomb strapped to their chests" -- Senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer


4. "Blatant Extortionists" -- WH Press secretary Jay Carney


5. "Legislative Arsonists" -- Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi






I await the "all politicians are equally bad" posters to set me straight with similar GOP rhetoric................







3. "People with a bomb strapped to their chests" -- Senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer

So much for the post-Gabby Giffords outrage over violent imagery. Or does that only apply to Sarah Palin?



I await the "all politicians are equally bad" posters to set me straight with similar GOP rhetoric................

But some politicians are more equal than others.


Explain how I should have paid my mortgage "smartly." Do you mean I should have used hog future certificates instead of legal tender? OR do you mean I should have defaulted, claimed a disability or whatever triggers a massive influx of public assistance, then sat back and let my neighbor shoulder my debt?


You are either seven years old, stupid beyond belief, or a Democrat.


I could care less how you paid your mortgage you half wit. The federal government paying its debts smartly is what I was talking about. So you went into debt to invest in a house, right? Are you happy you did? Well our government borrows to invest in America and you clod brains complain. Tea Party stupidity.




I could care less how you paid your mortgage you half wit. The federal government paying its debts smartly is what I was talking about. So you went into debt to invest in a house, right? Are you happy you did? Well our government borrows to invest in America and you clod brains complain. Tea Party stupidity.


You can't be real. You have to be one of Obamas robot Twitter social media accounts


I could care less how you paid your mortgage you half wit. The federal government paying its debts smartly is what I was talking about. So you went into debt to invest in a house, right? Are you happy you did? Well our government borrows to invest in America and you clod brains complain. Tea Party stupidity.


But he's not holding up his neighbor to make his mortgage payments, is he? My guess is that he's taken on debt that he knows he can safely repay.


I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to live in a world without the Indian Arts & Crafts Board.


Call your Congressmen immediately and demand that they pass something without reading it so that we can find out what they're passing later!


But he's not holding up his neighbor to make his mortgage payments, is he? My guess is that he's taken on debt that he knows he can safely repay.


If he's bought wisely, he can also likely expect his investment to appreciate over time.


Gatorman, you're in luck, I'm giving up on your inanities. When I retired, I promised myself I would no longer suffer idiots. So I've moved you to my Dumb Ass list.


You know those digital counters that show how much the US debt is climbing and move too fast for the eye to follow? I would love to see the equivalent showing how much the government is saving with this shutdown.


My bet is that it cost more to shutdown government than it does to keep it open.




Well all that non-essential work that is not being done, someone will have to work overtime to make it up.

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