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  1. 2d55cc083c3593569208f200c24a4dea_normal.pngLaura Ingraham@IngrahamAngle 12h
    If shutdown is such a disaster, why was @SenatorReid not working Sunday?
    Brad Dayspring @BDayspring
    Astounding: Pres Obama wanted to meet w/ Congressional Leaders to avoid shutdown, Harry Reid talked him out of it.
    There will be no Continuing Resolution tonight. There will be a partial shutdown of non-essential services.
    All because Democrats refused to have Congress treated like ordinary citizens as to Obamacare exchange subsidies, and ordinary citizens like businesses on delay of the Obamacare mandate. Democrats “shut the government” to protect privilege, because their pride could not let them compromise.
    Earlier, Harry Reid and Barack Obama were clucking like roosters. Chuck Schumer took to the floor of the Senate looking like the cat that caught the canary.
    It might not end as well as they think. They wanted it, they got it.
    In fact, in their late night speeches, the sense of triumph was gone.
    The U.S. Senate is dysfunctional because of Harry Reid.
    No budget.
    No votes on most House legislation.
    No nothing except his way or the highway.
    We’re seeing it again in the Continuing Resolution and Debt Ceiling battles. Because Reid has shut down and shut out Republican voices, the only way to raise budget issues is using Continuing Resolution and Debt Ceiling deadlines — a necessity in Harry Reid’s Senate not the choice Republicans wanted.
    The poisoning of our politics by Reid did not start with the latest battles, it has been his methodology for years.

    "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

Edited by B-Man
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"Camp in a national park: All national parks -- from Yosemite to Shenandoah National Park -- will close, and day visitors will have to leave immediately. (But longer-term campers already in parks will have two days to leave.)"


Anbody notice Google's doodle for today? October 1st?




It's 2AM on October the 1st with no budget or CR. Somehow the world has not imploded.


In fact, I made what I thought would be a quick trip to Walmart an hour ago to pickup a birthday card. There were only 2 lines open and I was stuck behind a double cart checkout that came to several hundred dollars. Their EBT still worked and they had a bank stack of 20s to pay for whatever wasn't subsidized



2d55cc083c3593569208f200c24a4dea_normal.pngLaura Ingraham@IngrahamAngle 12h

If shutdown is such a disaster, why was @SenatorReid not working Sunday?




Brad Dayspring @BDayspring


Astounding: Pres Obama wanted to meet w/ Congressional Leaders to avoid shutdown, Harry Reid talked him out of it.





There will be no Continuing Resolution tonight. There will be a partial shutdown of non-essential services.


All because Democrats refused to have Congress treated like ordinary citizens as to Obamacare exchange subsidies, and ordinary citizens like businesses on delay of the Obamacare mandate. Democrats “shut the government” to protect privilege, because their pride could not let them compromise.


Earlier, Harry Reid and Barack Obama were clucking like roosters. Chuck Schumer took to the floor of the Senate looking like the cat that caught the canary.


It might not end as well as they think. They wanted it, they got it.


In fact, in their late night speeches, the sense of triumph was gone.




The U.S. Senate is dysfunctional because of Harry Reid.


No budget.


No votes on most House legislation.


No nothing except his way or the highway.


We’re seeing it again in the Continuing Resolution and Debt Ceiling battles. Because Reid has shut down and shut out Republican voices, the only way to raise budget issues is using Continuing Resolution and Debt Ceiling deadlines — a necessity in Harry Reid’s Senate not the choice Republicans wanted.


The poisoning of our politics by Reid did not start with the latest battles, it has been his methodology for years.

Looks like the Dems didn't think the Repubs would actually go through with it. I can only surmise that they were actually banking on people remembering this a year from now when the midterm elections roll around. LOL!


Chris Christy said it best: The President is SUPPOSED to be the leader, leaders lead--get both sides in a room, tell 'em you're the President, don't let them out 'til there is an agreement.


Of course, POTUS is too busy playing partisan politics to lead...ever.


sure, a gov't shutdown is a good thing :wallbash: . drudge must not think so since there's no mention of it actually happening on his site this am. what a scumbag shill he is. if this goes on for long and we see repercussions like a significant stock market drop, y'all will be singing a different tune about it's importance. and drudge will be forced to post it. and republicans will pay with voters. but keep pretending it's agood thing.


sure, a gov't shutdown is a good thing :wallbash: . drudge must not think so since there's no mention of it actually happening on his site this am. what a scumbag shill he is. if this goes on for long and we see repercussions like a significant stock market drop, y'all will be singing a different tune about it's importance. and drudge will be forced to post it. and republicans will pay with voters. but keep pretending it's agood thing.





Misinterpretation, posted as "what conservatives want"


It's not a "good thing".


but its a failure of Congressional leaders and Barack Obama..............................not right-wing extremists


as many keep posting.




Posted (edited)



Misinterpretation, posted as "what conservatives want"


It's not a "good thing".


but its a failure of Congressional leaders and Barack Obama..............................not right-wing extremists


as many keep posting.




sorry, no one's buying it. heard it described aptly as not able to win in the game so kick the ball in the woods. a lot of people agree. Edited by birdog1960

What's a failure is responsible government not being able to balance a budget, and spending money we don't have like drunken sailors and prostituting our tax revenue to buy political power and votes from special interest groups and low information voters.


sure, a gov't shutdown is a good thing :wallbash: . drudge must not think so since there's no mention of it actually happening on his site this am. what a scumbag shill he is. if this goes on for long and we see repercussions like a significant stock market drop, y'all will be singing a different tune about it's importance. and drudge will be forced to post it. and republicans will pay with voters. but keep pretending it's agood thing.


So, there aren't half a dozen references to it on the Drudge home page? I would hope you are a little more thorough than this in your job.


It's 2AM on October the 1st and Obamacare has arrived! Somehow the world has not imploded.




Fixed that for you


What's a failure is responsible government not being able to balance a budget, and spending money we don't have like drunken sailors and prostituting our tax revenue to buy political power and votes from special interest groups and low information voters.


Because balanced budgets are stupid and not a realistic goal. Do you pay a mortgage?



Because balanced budgets are stupid and not a realistic goal. Do you pay a mortgage?


Well, yeah, actually I did pay a mortgage; paid it in full over a number of years. Get it, it's a lot like buying almost anything--ya' buys it and ya' pays for it.


Probably a foreign concept to those who live in the " I want it, so give it to me" sector of 21st Century USA.


"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure."


That cannot be repeated enough.





Fixed that for you




Because balanced budgets are stupid and not a realistic goal. Do you pay a mortgage?


Are you serious? You honestly think a balanced budget is stupid?


Yes I have a mortgage, and I pay it. In fact we have a household budget that we follow to ensure we will be able to pay all of our bills. Unfortunately that means I can't buy anything I want just because I want it.

The government should try it.


What's a failure is responsible government not being able to balance a budget, and spending money we don't have like drunken sailors and prostituting our tax revenue to buy political power and votes from special interest groups and low information voters.

i would argue that most of the tea party is comprised of special interest (a very specific demographic) and low information voters. who are you referring to?


i would argue that most of the tea party is comprised of special interest (a very specific demographic) and low information voters. who are you referring to?






Well, yeah, actually I did pay a mortgage; paid it in full over a number of years. Get it, it's a lot like buying almost anything--ya' buys it and ya' pays for it.


Probably a foreign concept to those who live in the " I want it, so give it to me" sector of 21st Century USA.


We are paying for it, smartly, though






Can we call this post "Exhibit A" to support the thesis?

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