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I don't know what is more aggravating... That the government has done this or that the only thing done in the weeks before and days since has been pointing fingers at who is to blame and whining.


Again, too much talk in politics and no one anywhere doing anything to resolve the situation.

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I don't know what is more aggravating... That the government has done this or that the only thing done in the weeks before and days since has been pointing fingers at who is to blame and whining.


Again, too much talk in politics and no one anywhere doing anything to resolve the situation.

There is no leadership, and no accountability.


The vast majority don't give a **** and just cling to power and will do anything to keep it. Including doing what's best for themselves to get re elected not the country


I don't know what is more aggravating... That the government has done this or that the only thing done in the weeks before and days since has been pointing fingers at who is to blame and whining.


Again, too much talk in politics and no one anywhere doing anything to resolve the situation.


Giving in shows weakness. Logic, on either side, takes a back seat to politics. America, circa 2013.


That's because that's what people say when they're stoned...


Nice to see ya posting, Greg. You can get rid of that "FREE CRAYONZ" signature though. He's safe in the Witness Protection Program, whiling away his time creating a literary "Quick and The Dead" contest here at PPP.


Giving in shows weakness. Logic, on either side, takes a back seat to politics. America, circa 2013.

even here I crave for logic. Imagine a media outlet giving a spin on this without using the term democrat or republican. Could a poster here do it? I challenge anyone to give a brief on the events of three weeks without those two words. Politicians names can be used as reference but not examples.

actually, the best academics that i've known have always subscribed to the idea that everything should be questioned and is open to debate.


How in earth did you become a doctor on an associates degree.


The part about academics questioning things may be true but they'll always come to the same conclusion. Left is right. I live near Berkeley so I know this to be very true. And a bigger group of smug !@#$s I've never seen


I love how people keep talking about the polls and how Dems are faring better than Repubs. As if the elections were in a month. They're not. They're in a year. By then, no one will care about the shutdown just like no one is harping on the sequester anymore.


I love how people keep talking about the polls and how Dems are faring better than Repubs. As if the elections were in a month. They're not. They're in a year. By then, no one will care about the shutdown just like no one is harping on the sequester anymore.


Sequester?? What the hell happened to Syria?


I love how people keep talking about the polls and how Dems are faring better than Repubs.

As if the elections were in a month. They're not. They're in a year. By then, no one will care about the shutdown just like no one is harping on the sequester anymore.




I think we're going to find out that...............this aint 1996.




Veterans Plot To Expand Revolt Against Government Shutdown.

Military veterans are declaring war on the government shutdown.


After a group of veterans broke down the barricades at the national World War II Memorial Tuesday afternoon, organizers of one Hero Flight Network group told BuzzFeed it wasn’t the last Washington would hear from them. Veterans are plotting another protest at the same place Wednesday, and expressed interest in staging similar events at sites across the nation’s capital, including the Lincoln Memorial — an act of civil disobedience that would likely pour fuel on the already highly flammable politics of the government shutdown.


“We have people here that are 80 and 90 years old and they closed down all the bathrooms?” said Tony Nussbaum, a 25-year veteran of the Air Force from Iowa and a leader of the state’s Hero Flight group. “I’m about to just start pissing on the trees.”


The World War II Memorial on the National Mall became a political battlefield Tuesday, with conservatives excoriating Democrats for the monument’s closure as they escorted busloads of war veterans past bewildered park rangers and into the shuttered monument.


On Wednesday, the scene could repeat itself when groups from the Honor Flight Network — a national charity that brings aging World War II veterans to visit the national monument to the conflict they fought in — are scheduled to arrive at the massive outdoor memorial.


Meanwhile, veterans have pondered staging a similar protest at the Lincoln memorial, said Jamie Miller, a five-year veteran of the Marine Corps and another organizer of the Iowa group that stormed the World War II memorial Tuesday.





JIM TREACHER: “Remember: The people telling you a government shutdown is a disaster are the same ones who told you 3 weeks ago that we had to invade Syria.”







NICK GILLESPIE: GOP “Anarchists” Now Talking About Reopening…National Parks?


In a Washington where 95 percent of Department of Education employees were sent home today because they are ‘non-essential,’ I’d think twice about simply moving to restore pre-shutdown funding to the government.


It would be nice to dust off actual budget proposals and start talking about what the government should do and how much (or how much little) it should spend in pursuit of those goals.”

Posted (edited)

there is very little truth to this. medicare has been covering preventive services almost from day one after the aca was passed. many private policies still don't (but soon will). i have an hsa. it covers very little except catastrophic care. medicare hasn't influenced it very much, if at all. but the truth in your statement is in the fact that the hybrid private/public model is inherently inefficient.

There tons of truth to this if bothered to understand the real problems. See, I purposely wrote the way I did(drunk mind you) just for you, because I knew you wouldn't get it. And, you've proven that above.


You are talking in terms of care...and not cost. Cost is the issue here, not care. When Medicare says it will now pay X for service Y, a private insurer takes notice of that. Not because of improvement to care/coverage(let's call that the marketing side) but because of price/risk(operations/profitability).


They look at it, because now they know what every single provider in the country is getting from Medicare. If Medicare keeps saying it will pay X1+(.12-.33) every year, for service Y, that is where "increased cost" comes from. Medicare reimbursement increases are voted on by Congress. They are part of the increasing % of spending increases, that aren't tied to anything at all other than: spend more...because.


The private insurer now knows he must pay the new X...plus a little more, because he is not Medicare, and in every way, is competing with Medicare for care. Thus, by literal default, a lot of insurance cost is generated with no increase in care/quality/efficiency. It's litterally the same Y service as last year.


This is not about inefficiency. There is literally nothing about efficiency here at all. Medicare loves to brag about its "4% adminstrative costs"...yeah, because they literally aren't administering anything, and they are 100 times the size of the biggest private insurers. They are literally handed new blank checks every year. This is about bad government. Period. Efficiency? :lol:


I'll show you inefficiency:

In order to pretend that government is responsible, the Feds/State send out their surveyors, and what do they accomplish? They raise hell with the efficiency of my clients, by interrupting their service, so that we can all listen to them ramble on, using childish instruments of their own design, all of which offer a less than 0 value-add to the business process.


I have personally attended many, many meetings with these people...they offer NOTHING in terms of BPM improvement. They waste my client's time, and their money. They don't know the first F'ing thing about quality assurance, or how to provide it. Often what they "know" is patently retarded, and therefore counterproductive.


ISO9000 people at least add value far more often than not. They know enough to make those meetings somewhat useful.


But, NONE of this solves the problem that Medicare creates, by constantly increasing rates, and without tying them to any sort of real quality/efficiency increase. This means the production function works in F'ing reverse for due to these people. :lol:


It's the perfect storm of idiocy: ever increasing government spending, with ever increasing legions of government tools being put on the payroll, none of whom are qualified to do anything about improving care, or stopping waste/fraud, which means even more cost is added.


After all, somebody has to pay for all these people to pretend to do my job. Well? We can always raise Medicare mandates, and the states will follow suit! :wallbash:

knowledge? we don't need no stinkin knowledge...we've had all we needed for centuries.

Yeah, that's hilarious. I wonder why professors keep asking me to speak to their classes, yet, I have never seen the need to ask them to come speak to us.

World War II veterans storm the shores of Iwo Jima WWII Memorial....




How funny is it that this thing may end up being the straw that breaks Harry Reid's weak little spine?


God bless those vets, and the guy who thought up this little stunt. Once again they are serving the country when it needs it most.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

actually, the best academics that i've known have always subscribed to the idea that everything should be questioned and is open to debate.

Except liberal ideology, apparently.


knowledge? we don't need no stinkin knowledge...we've had all we needed for centuries.

American universities aren't about knowledge and haven't been for a very long time. But you keep subscribing to the bumper sticker/talking point bull **** and pretending we're moving forward.


OK, enough of this shutdown crap, let's try a novel idea for DC: Someone (Oh, let's say the President) acts like the leader; that person demands that representatives of the American people (some congressmen, some senators) meet with him; the boss indicates no one leaves the room (except to use the wc) until there is an agreement. B word slap anyone who refuses. Simple process, pizza and sodas 'til the deal is done. When it's over the boss can point with pride at what he accomplished in the face of such animosity.


The problem with the are repubs is that tying this to Obamacare is annoying. Attack ACA by other means and stop being whiney bitches and adding killing ACA to every bill. At the moment, you can't rescind it. The votes aren't there. Grow up and start working on other ways to control spending.


By the way, the next time the Dems shut down government over the Reps bad acts, I hope the same people return on the same sides of the pro-con shutdown.







Also, as a reminder, for those who don't know, the WWII Memorial doesn't belong to the government.


It was built entirely with private donations, although it is "administered" by the National Park Service.




So........I guess the vets are saying to Mr. Obama................................................"You didn't build that" !






Just curious, anyone know how much that sign cost?

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