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Ways to Improve the Penalty Issue?


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I saw many people post on this in the shoutbox. It seems clear that this 2013 Bills team is much more talented than any we've had in the past 15 years or so. Kudos to management. We should've crushed the Pats last week, and this week we should've won by 10 + points imo. So if that's the case, what's holding us back? Penalties and turnovers. But especially penalties. We've had around 100 yds of offense negated by penalties. Now, we've definitely been hit with some Zebra phantom specials, but I'd say most are legit calls on us. So, how to fix this? Marrone has had refs at practice all off season and I believe still has them. My thinking is that it's youth/inexperience coupled with the fact that, at least on D, the guys are being asked to fly to the ball and be super aggressive. Can this be overcome? If we can fix this, it's not far fetched to believe this year's Bills team can push for the division. But the question is: is it simply experience and time that will help correct this issue or is it coaching? Might Marrone introduce fines for bonehead plays like Aaron William's today? What can he and his staff do?

Edited by ko12010
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Aggressive penalties are ok.....somebody from the Bills upper management needs to talk to the league about these calls/non calls. The Patriots clearly held the pass rush in key situations that went uncalled last week. Plus a couple of phantom calls were made on Bills 1st Downs.


This week, several late hits uncalled in the 1st half on the Panthers and then that awful call on Summers that gave them a 1st down and eventual TD. Hope things start evening out.

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