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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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The **** Dems went about crafting their law entirely the wrong way. If they wanted to lower HC costs - which the ACA does not - they should have implemented price controls on all HC. A law mandating a $20.00 charge for any and all HC procedures for all Americans would have done the trick. Of course the providers would all shut their doors, but hey - that law would have given universal low-cost HC coverage. The ACA isn't about giving people HC. It's like mandating that all people buy auto insurance whether they drive a car or not and the law doesn't give them a car to drive either. But hey - you've got "insurance". LOL! What a farking joke.

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Here's another headline from CNN


Obama blindsided


Health chief: We're 'frustrated'


Nobody told the president about problems with the Affordable Care Act's website before it went live, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says.




So no one told the president that there were issues with the website? I've only been reading articles about this very issue for months, yet he didn't know until now??? Leadership!

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Here's another headline from CNN






So no one told the president that there were issues with the website? I've only been reading articles about this very issue for months, yet he didn't know until now??? Leadership!


So you guys give him **** for learning about important issues from the news and then you give him **** for NOT learning important issues from the news. Can he do anything right in your eyes??

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I'm surprised at the end of his infomercial he didn't say, "But wait! There's more. If you sign up in the next ten minutes - we're going to double your order. That's right, we're going to send you TWO healthcare insurance policies for the same low, low price... and we'll throw in a complementary Obama poster that you can share with all your friends. But only if you sign up in the next ten minutes."

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Here's another headline from CNN






So no one told the president that there were issues with the website? I've only been reading articles about this very issue for months, yet he didn't know until now??? Leadership!


THAT right there is the first truly compelling reason for firing Sebelius. Not keeping your boss informed of a high-profile project going off the rails?

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Not for nothing, but to be even handed in this tawdry little tale of B.O. taking it in the azz on this ACA crash-and-burn website, no one was fired when WMD weren't found in Iraq. The shoe fits both parties. But I have to say it's enjoyable watching this worm squirm in the vomit of his own incompetent administration which is entirely of his own making and made possible inevitable solely by his own incompetence, inability to lead, and insolent arrogance. Grad school wasn't nuthin like this. Hell, all he ever had to do was stand up and give the team's presentations to get his A. Now he's getting an F in the real world. F for !@#$ing Failure.

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THAT right there is the first truly compelling reason for firing Sebelius. Not keeping your boss informed of a high-profile project going off the rails?

I think its also a total fantasy. I'm sure Sebelius deserves considerable blame, but I find it extremely hard to believe that October 1st was the first time the president heard that there may be problems rolling out his namesake legislation. We've been reading about glitches and problems with the exchanges all summer. How is Obama the last to know?

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I think its also a total fantasy. I'm sure Sebelius deserves considerable blame, but I find it extremely hard to believe that October 1st was the first time the president heard that there may be problems rolling out his namesake legislation. We've been reading about glitches and problems with the exchanges all summer. How is Obama the last to know?


He's a very busy man proofreading help wanted ads.

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How is Obama the last to know?


Look, you can't expect the first black president to know what was really happening with the development of the signature accomplishment most believe will drive his legacy. Dude can't even recall where he was the night four Americans were murdered in Benghazi.


He's a busy man. Very busy. Too busy to get into the weeds.

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This is asinine..............is this kind of thing why we pay taxes ?




The ACA: More Expensive, Less Choice, Less Quality.


Fundamentally transformed!






MEGAN MCARDLE: Seven ‘Solutions’ That Won’t Save Obamacare.


“Most of what seems to be on the table ranges from not helpful to actively unhelpful.”


So.........................kinda like ObamaCare itself.





Edited by B-Man
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This is asinine..............is this kind of thing why we pay taxes ?




The ACA: More Expensive, Less Choice, Less Quality.


Fundamentally transformed!






MEGAN MCARDLE: Seven ‘Solutions’ That Won’t Save Obamacare.


“Most of what seems to be on the table ranges from not helpful to actively unhelpful.”


So.........................kinda like ObamaCare itself.

Do you recall the article you posted this summer (I think it was you) about how unprepared the exchanges were and predicting the total cluster !@#$ which would ensue? The article cited former Obama staff and called for Sebelius' resignation. I recall reading this in July or August, but I could be completely wrong.

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The claim that Barry didn't know before October 1st is as believable as their claim that they don't know how many (or few, as the case is) people enrolled in Obamacare. They all knew the website was crap, but didn't want to fix it and delay launch because they were scared of what Repubs would say. Pathetic.

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Do you recall the article you posted this summer (I think it was you) about how unprepared the exchanges were and predicting the total cluster !@#$ which would ensue? The article cited former Obama staff and called for Sebelius' resignation. I recall reading this in July or August, but I could be completely wrong.


Sounds like my post (lol)


was it this....................or something like it.


Great news: White House knew all along ObamaCare implementation impossible



July 9, 2013 by Ed Morrissey



Surprised by the recent waivers from the Obama administration on the Affordable Care Act? Get ready for more, writes Margot Sanger-Katz at National Journal, because the employer mandate is far from the only piece of ObamaCare that’s not ready for prime time. In fact, it might be easier to select the few components that might be ready for the implementation target date than to number those that won’t:

If you’ve been reading all the Obamacare stories lately, you might get the impression that the administration has just realized it will not be able to implement the massive health reform as designed.

It has known for months.

As far back as March, a top IT official at the Department of Health and Human Services said the department’s current ambition for the law’s new online insurance marketplaces was that they not be “
.” Several provisions had already been abandoned in an effort to simplify the administration’s task and maximize the chances that the new systems would be ready to go live in October, when customers are supposed to start signing up for insurance.

In April, several consultants focusing on the new online marketplaces, known as exchanges, told
National Journal
that the idealized, seamless user experience initially envisioned under the Affordable Care Act was no longer possible, as the administration axed non-essential provisions that were too complex to implement in time. (Read
.) That focus has intensified lately, as officials announced that they would
next year or states to
before signing them up for insurance.

“There’s been a focusing in not on: ‘What is the full ACA vision?’ but: ‘What are the pieces we have to get running by October 1?” said Cindy Gillespie, senior managing director at McKenna Long and Aldridge, who is working with states and health plans.




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So you guys give him **** for learning about important issues from the news and then you give him **** for NOT learning important issues from the news. Can he do anything right in your eyes??


I think it's BS he didn't know there were issues, god, how could he not?


I will be the first one to give him credit for positives, he was president when bin Laden was killed, he gets a point for that. He caught that lady, there's another point.


I had so hoped he was what he said he was when he was elected. No one wished for him to be the most successful president in history more than I did. But he's showed himself to be sooooo incompetent. He's the John Spanos of Presidents. When he makes love to his wife he has to be on the bottom, cause all he can do is !@#$ up....

Edited by TheMadCap
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Obama Administration Pressured Insurance Companies Not to Release Signup Numbers


The Obama administration is not just refusing to release Obamacare’s signup numbers, a report from North Dakota suggests, they’re pressuring insurance companies not to release them. Per InForum, “North Dakota’s #1 news website”:



Yikes! That's brutal!

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Obamacare Delay: Too Late to Matter?

By Wesley J. Smith


With the train wreck that is Obamacare continuing to wreak havoc with our health care system, steam is gaining for a delay in the individual mandate. My question: Will it matter? Indeed, will it make the mess even worse?


Insurance companies are already cancelling policies and rewriting them to comport with Obamacare regulations. Even if there is a delay in the mandate, that deconstruction will continue.


Meanwhile, the young still won’t sign up. At the same time, it won’t bring relief to those currently suffering the consequences of this utter debacle.


Where am I wrong?

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