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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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CONSUMER REPORTS: Yeah you’re gonna want to stay off of Healthcare.gov for at least another month.





MEGAN MCARDLE: Four Things We Think We Know About ObamaCare: “I’ve been seeing a few things floating around the blogosphere about Obamacare that aren’t true. They’re not really conservative or liberal talking points; they’re just misconceptions that people may have about how the health-care law works. So it seems worth pointing them out, especially because relying on some of these ‘facts’ could get you into big trouble.”

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Obama to address ACA website glitches tomorrow. I bet we finally get a speech where he limits the use of the words me and I. I bet however he switches to an inordinate amount of them's and they's.


Will he mention Bush?

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Will he mention Bush?


He'd be smart to just shut up and say nothing because neither he nor his circle have the ability to understand, let alone articulate, what is really wrong with the website.


As I've said before, Obama has never been and wlll never be someone who actually DOES something. He's like Michael Keaton in "Night Shift." He's an ideas guy. He has so many ideas, sometimes he can't fight them off.


"What if you mix mayonnaise in the can WITH the tunafish? Or...hold it! I got it! Take live tunafish and FEED them mayonnaise! Oh, this great. Call Starkist!"

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5 dumb things about CNN's "5 things that have happened since Obamacare launched."



1. From the intro — not one of the "5 things" — we're told: "People who have health insurance through their employer, or through Medicare or Medicaid, can continue to get it that way." So, that's the first dumb thing: CNN doesn't think it's a "thing that has happened" that many people have lost what they had before.


2. Two of CNN's 5 things are: "1. Sign up on Healthcare.gov hasn't been easy" and "2. State sites seemed to fare better." Seemed. What has happened is that something seems to be doing better than the thing that's going terribly. I guess seeming is a kind of happening. But what is this seeming even based on? "The Department of Health and Human Services says it won't release enrollment figures before November, but CNN "canvassed" 14 states and the District of Columbia and — "combining what states report as 'enrolled,' and what they're calling 'almost enrolled'" — got to a total of 257,000 people. 134,000 of that total came from whomever they got on the phone in New York. CNN notes problems in Hawaii and California. Thus, CNN accomplishes a halfhearted transmission of the meme that the state exchanges are doing well.


3. " Overall enrollment numbers are unclear." So, CNN is revealing that what has happened is that we can't see what is happening.


4. " The cost of care has become more clear." This item is about the cost of insurance, not the cost of care. (As DCTom has frequently pointed out)


5. Republicans!!! Needing a 5th item — because a list of 5 things seems better than a list of 4 things — CNN collects a bunch of bad-sounding things that Republicans did. Aren't Democrats ever a thing that happens?

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I've been doing a 31 days of Halloween countdown on Facebook seeing it's our favorite holiday. I've been posting quotes from some of the classic horror writers and I came across this one. I think it fits best here.


“Democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.”

Ambrose Bierce


Oh and another one:


“In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office.”

Ambrose Bierce

Perhaps the greatest American short story and horror genre writer ever.

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"Nobody’s madder than me that the website’s not working like it should, which means it’s going to get fixed," President Obama said.



LOL.............a classic Obama twofer.



Makes the solution all about himself, but distances himself from the actual causing the problem.








Edited by B-Man
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"Nobody’s madder than me that the website’s not working like it should, which means it’s going to get fixed," President Obama said.



LOL.............a classic Obama twofer.



Makes the solution all about himself, but distances himself from the actual causing the problem.









Hey, Hey, Hey! Didn't you see him sweep in and catch that poor woman fainting?


All kidding aside, nice catch Obama!

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Obama Told People They Could Keep Their Health Care Plans.


In 2009, President Obama said this: “Let me be clear: If you like your doctor or health care provider, you can keep them. If you like your health care plan, you can keep that too.”


On Oct. 18, 2013, NBC News reported this:


“Health plans are sending hundreds of thousands of cancellation letters to people who buy their own coverage, frustrating some consumers who want to keep what they have and forcing others to buy more costly policies.


The main reason insurers offer is that the policies fall short of what the Affordable Care Act requires starting Jan. 1. Most are ending policies sold after the law passed in March 2010. At least a few are canceling plans sold to people with pre-existing medical conditions.”







Obama: If the website doesn’t work, just use the phone. Which will refer you to . . . the website!


“Can’t make this up. Got through 800-number, followed prompts, and got referred to http://Healthcare.gov.”

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More importantly:


How many people onstage with Obama today have successfully enrolled in ObamaCare?


The White House communications team had three weeks to find 10-15 people who’ve actually enrolled in O-Care via Healthcare.gov to serve as human props for an Obama press conference on this subject. Three weeks. And yet, according to the WH’s own mini-biographies of the people invited to the Rose Garden today, just … three have successfully registered so far. Last week, Bob Laszewski estimated that no more than 20,000 people had managed to enroll in the site’s first 14 days or so online. If the White House had this much trouble finding a dozen or so for one of O’s biggest photo ops this year, I’ve got to wonder if the real number’s significantly less than that.


Byron York has reproduced the full White House release on today’s attendees. Among the lucky 13 is someone who’s “looking forward to enrolling for health coverage this fall,” someone who “recently began researching her options” on California’s state exchange, someone who “plans to comparison shop” on Healthcare.gov, and someone who’s “exploring what new coverage options will be available,” as well as a few people who are happy they can stay on their parents’ insurance under the new rules about age. All of which, ironically, is true to the spirit of today’s presser: In theory, this was going to be a “mea culpa” moment for O in which he explained in some detail what’s gone wrong with the site and set a timetable for when it would be running smoothly. Instead it was an infomercial for ObamaCare with a few perfunctory references to the “kinks” crippling Healthcare.gov. “There’s no sugarcoating it,” O said at one point about the site meltdown — except that the whole point of the presser was to sugarcoat it, right down to inviting people onstage who haven’t managed to actually register yet thanks to HHS’s Geocities-caliber tech. Says Peter Suderman:


Just a few weeks ago, Obama was telling people that the exchanges would be as simple to use as Amazon, or an online travel reservation site like Kayak.com. Now he’s telling people they must rely on a phone and paper process that is, at best, extremely slow.


Obama’s speech, in other words, was designed to tell people how Obamacare could work without the online exchanges. Which strongly suggests that he and the rest of the administration believe that, at least for the time being, that’s the only way it’s going to.


Exactly. Today was all about buying time for website repairs and trying to combat ominous polls like this, which show the public’s perceptions of Healthcare.gov bleeding over into their perceptions of the ObamaCare program generally. Which it should: After all, the website’s problems are a direct function of the premium hikes mandated by the law itself.




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I just saw the video for that. Yeah, umm definitely staged. But I have little doubt the Kool-Aid® drinkers will still lap it up


No, she was really passing out. I've seen that glassy-eyed look before (hell, I've HAD it before. Never stand with your knees locked.)


The real sad thing is using a pregnant diabetic as a prop, standing out there to make a political point. Obama catching her was the most sincere part of the whole speech - how does anyone fall for anything this guy says twice?

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Yeah, looked genuine to me as well.


Although I wouldn't be surprised if they prevented her from eating or drinking anything since the day before. ;)


Or they just showed her the out-of-pocket maximum for her exchange-bought insurance.

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