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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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And I can write pages about the problems in the design, production, and use of all of that **** that, were it to happen today, would be a major !@#$ing scandal. (For example: jeeps were unarmored!)


Completely bull **** comparison.


As I understand it though the website is unarmored too.

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The Man Who Called It Right


Jim Capretta saw the Obamacare debacle coming when it was months away.


On July 5, the Obama administration released a 600 page regulation announcing a one-year delay in part of Obamacare’s implementation. States would not have to check the income of people applying for subsidies, according to the administration’s guidance. The administration simply would not be ready in time.


“This announcement is another indicator—as if we needed one—of the complete fiasco that is Obamacare implementation,” Capretta wrote the following Monday for the Weekly Standard.


It wasn’t the first delay, as a few days earlier the administration had let all big businesses off the hook for providing adequate health insurance to their employees. But Capretta saw in this latest delay a portent of the rollout disaster that America has witnessed since Oct. 1.







“OFFICIALS DON’T HAVE A PLAN:” That’s pretty much the ObamaCare story in a nutshell.



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Obamacare drawing con-men


Don’t believe me? Then maybe you’ll believe that notorious right-wing Tea Party rag The New York Times:

To the list of problems plaguing President Obama’s health care law, add one more — fraud.


With millions of Americans frustrated and bewildered by the trouble-prone federal website for health insurance, con men and unscrupulous marketers are seizing their chance. State and federal authorities report a rising number of consumer complaints, ranging from deceptive sales practices to identity theft, linked to the Affordable Care Act.


Madeleine Mirzayans was fooled when a man posing as a government official knocked on her door. Barbara Miller and Maevis Ethan were pitched by telemarketers who claimed to work for Medicaid. And Buford Price was almost caught by another trap: websites that look official but are actually bait set by fly-by-night insurance operators.


Seriously, it’s widely known at this point that the only real reason that we haven’t seen more fraud is because pretty much nobody can actually use the site. To the point where seeing the process apparently working smoothly should in itself set off warning bells. But before Democrats start breathing a sigh of misguided relief, they should chew on this:

It is now becoming clear that the Obama administration will not have Health.care.gov fixed by December 1 so hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions, of people will be able to smoothly enroll by January 1.


Why do I say that? Look at this from the administration spokesperson’s daily Healthcare.gov progress report on Friday:


Essentially what is happening is people [those working on the fixes] are going through the entire process. As we have fixed certain pieces of functionality, like the account creation process, we’re seeing volume go further down the application. We’re identifying new issues that we need to be in a position to troubleshoot.

Does that sound like the kind of report you would expect if they were on track to fix this in less than three weeks?




Survey: Most Uninsured Americans Aren’t Flocking to Exchanges









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Pretty scary that just about every predicition made prior to this law being passed is coming true in alarming fashion. One story I can tell you from my point of view, I have had two of my long term specialist doctors retire this year. These are guys who are awesome at thier job with years and years of experience. Both of them are retiring because of the way the new law will prevent them from operating the way they want to do things. I can only shake my head and remind people who are stunned, left with thier sheep's mouths hanging open, "you get the government you deserve"...

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Selwyn Duke: The Obama Purchase


Liberals still can't admit they bought a clunker.







Coming soon: BenghaziCare


So it didn't work too well the first time out


No one is madder than me about that and I am going to find out who was in charge.


When the website is fixed, we're going to have a new rollout with a new name.




• If the resources are not enough for the mission

• If we don't have the right people in the right place

• If we can't save you if things go wrong

• If you or your loved ones end up dead





What difference, at this point, does it make? The new system will be in place!

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Selwyn Duke: The Obama Purchase


Liberals still can't admit they bought a clunker.







Coming soon: BenghaziCare


So it didn't work too well the first time out


No one is madder than me about that and I am going to find out who was in charge.


When the website is fixed, we're going to have a new rollout with a new name.




• If the resources are not enough for the mission

• If we don't have the right people in the right place

• If we can't save you if things go wrong

• If you or your loved ones end up dead





What difference, at this point, does it make? The new system will be in place!


Don't worry, according to Birdpoop and the rest of the liberals their leftislators will be able to make the appropriate changes to get the perfect system in place. Just like the they have with the tax code, the welfare system, the Farm giveaway that pays people like Ted Turner billions, DoD, etc. <_<

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ObamaCare Is Not a Covenant - It's a Law, and It Can Be Repealed - William Sullivan






ObamaCare finds its Level


ObamaCare promotion has now sunk to the lowest level conceivable: fake e-mail "testimonials" blasted out to unrelated comment threads. These are in imitation of the "sister-in-law" employment ads that have infested internet threads since the days of Hammurabi: "By gosh, my sister-in-law makes $3,587.53 a week over the internet, working only three hours a day, etc."

Here's an almost identical comment that appeared yesterday, on a thread to an article dealing with how to identify psychopaths (a topic of some interest to me, since I know about fifty of them):


Thank God for Affordable Health Care. We have been paying $1730 a month for bottom end Blue cross Blue Shield for some time now. With AHC we now can get the best care and only have to pay a little over $ 800 a month. Thank you Obama for making this happen. If you see negatives on here it is for sure they are GOP people trying to hurt Obama at our health care lose. Don't listen to them please!!!!



Note the similarities: the bogus personalization, the overwrought enthusiasm put in the most simpleminded terms, the specific, odd monetary figures added for verisimilitude. The only difference is that the "sister-in-law" emails generally don't feature a villain -- or for that matter, a savior. ("Thank you Obama...")


This is from hunger. You can't get more desperate than to resort to this type of promotion. It reeks of "scam" from the first word to the last. The fact that the Obama machine has resorted to this tactic only five weeks into the program tells us two things: first, they have nothing else left, have panicked, and are madly scrambling for any alternative at all, and second, that the program itself is in far worse shape than is being publicly acknowledged.


Read more: http://www.americant...l#ixzz2kLrrvaIa

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A B.O. supporter finds out his insurance is cancelled and his "replacement" policy is 300% more expensive!




“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me,” Obama said Thursday. “We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and that we’r
e going to do everything we can to deal with folks
who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

really funny

bolded part is hilarious - even funnier than four dead Americans in Benghazi.

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Acorn Time: It's deja vu all over again.


The Truth about Navigators

by John Fund





Time to Start Considering Obamacare's Worst Case Scenarios


by Peter Suderman






We Can Do Better; American People Deserve Affordable Healthcare Plans

by Senator John Coryn.



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ObamaCare Is Not a Covenant - It's a Law, and It Can Be Repealed - William Sullivan






ObamaCare finds its Level


ObamaCare promotion has now sunk to the lowest level conceivable: fake e-mail "testimonials" blasted out to unrelated comment threads. These are in imitation of the "sister-in-law" employment ads that have infested internet threads since the days of Hammurabi: "By gosh, my sister-in-law makes $3,587.53 a week over the internet, working only three hours a day, etc."

Here's an almost identical comment that appeared yesterday, on a thread to an article dealing with how to identify psychopaths (a topic of some interest to me, since I know about fifty of them):


Thank God for Affordable Health Care. We have been paying $1730 a month for bottom end Blue cross Blue Shield for some time now. With AHC we now can get the best care and only have to pay a little over $ 800 a month. Thank you Obama for making this happen. If you see negatives on here it is for sure they are GOP people trying to hurt Obama at our health care lose. Don't listen to them please!!!!


Note the similarities: the bogus personalization, the overwrought enthusiasm put in the most simpleminded terms, the specific, odd monetary figures added for verisimilitude. The only difference is that the "sister-in-law" emails generally don't feature a villain -- or for that matter, a savior. ("Thank you Obama...")


This is from hunger. You can't get more desperate than to resort to this type of promotion. It reeks of "scam" from the first word to the last. The fact that the Obama machine has resorted to this tactic only five weeks into the program tells us two things: first, they have nothing else left, have panicked, and are madly scrambling for any alternative at all, and second, that the program itself is in far worse shape than is being publicly acknowledged.


Read more: http://www.americant...l#ixzz2kLrrvaIa

Again, forget the spin/talking points/arguments on both sides.


Look at the behavior.


All behavior is supposedly purposeful. If we look at the end, these spam attempts, how did we get here? Better asked: what are the only possible premises that behavior this desperate can be based on? What do they know, that they won't tell us, that warrants this behavior?


No one can read minds, but, we can apply logic. If this is a response deemed both necessary and acceptable, what are the only possible stimuli that provoke it?


I would argue that they know they are screwed, and therefore, any tactic, no matter how despicable, is on the table, because it might work, but most important?


There are no alternatives.

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There are no alternatives now. B. O. Is between Barack and a hard place. Which is to say his endless stream of **** has caught up his his azz and no one - not even Putin is throwing him a lifeline. He's drowning in his own **** and it's entirely his own doing. He's the least effective Chief Executive the nation has ever had. He was totally overmatched for the problems facing the country. We needed a leader and what we got was the captain of the varsity golfing team and JV basketball team. Oh, and he was on the debating team too. After all, he's not entirely without qualifications for the job of Pontificator in Chief.


He's a 24 carat gold plated phony participation trophy of a person.

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I think the fact that Obama is the fraud that some of us called out in 2007(not me, I actually believed for a time that he had a chance to be great), is only the minor story. Make no mistake: it's a story, and it's a story that will have a huge impact in terms of trusting the media to do it's job, and trusting the DNC to do it's job.


However, I think the bigger story is: the death of activist government. Liberals/Progressives/whatever: they have finally killed their own baby. I've been telling them they were going to do it since 2006 on this board. Sure enough, they have.


You can't combine that much arrogance with that much ingorance and not have this result.


Liberal bloggers/columnists have all touched this issue at some point over the last 4 years. Most have barely grazed it. Some, like in my "What if Obama can't lead" have come closer. One that I recall specifically said that Obama has a very real chance of killing activist government for a generation.


That is the story here. And, this guy: A liberal professor at Princeton gets it, sorta. I'm starting a thread on that article, btw.


Many of them are seeing the writing on the wall: If they ever try to pass another behemoth Obamacare law, Obamacare will be the chief piece of evidence used to oppose it.


And, it's bigger still, in that sooner rather than later, now, we are going to have to reform SSI/Medicare/Medicaid, and, the context of that discussion will be massively influenced by the failure that is Obamacare.


All self-delusion aside, they have to somewhat know they are now screwed in terms of the 30k foot level discussion of domestic policy.


Everything they say, on every issue, every time they say it, will be put into the context of Obamcare.

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