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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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The fascinating thing is that Shemp was an original stooge, before Curly came into the act to replace him.


Yup, he's the Wally Pipp of the Stooges. But there were a few shorts that they remade with Shemp that are just sad compared to the originals with Curly.

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A true purist watches nothing with Shemp.

I must agree with Koko on this one. Shemp is valid to a Stooges purist since he preceded Curly as part of the original act under Ted Healy, as well as being older brother to both Moe and Curly. however, no other stooge comes close to Curly for comic brilliance.

The fascinating thing is that Shemp was an original stooge, before Curly came into the act to replace him.

just in case you've never seen this:



sorry....I'll get back on topic now....

Edited by Azalin
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Health care "black holes" - for example, under the ACA and the NH exchange, local hospital care isn't covered if you're the city of Concord, NH.




BAD law. Told ya so.


Liberals who have never managed anything in their careers besides their political careers, made this terrible law with alleged good intentions to help the masses, while they lied to the public for support and bribed corrupt politicians for their votes. All the while they made this monstrosity for all of us, they felt it necessary to exempt themselves to not have to follow this. Do as I say not as I do.


And no one in the main stream media bothered to do their jobs to actually investigate this


All we had to do was pass it to find our whats in it!!!


What could possibly go wrong???



Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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Fun watching the hearing today. Sebelius testifies that the site has never crashed...while CNN shows the site crashed AS she's talking.


Meanwhile, the left is spending this entire hearing blaming the GOP for not helping them with this abortion of a law. Hard to get more publicly embarrassing than this.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Congressional Dems Fret About Obamacare Promise

By John Fund


Democrats are in spin overdrive trying to explain away President Obama’s frequent promises that all Americans would be able to keep their health insurance and their doctor under Obamacare — something that is certainly not true for those in the individual insurance market and even some covered by employer-based plans.


Typical of the rationalizations is that of progressive pundit Sally Kohn who explained on CNN.com that “It was a given, after all that, if standards for health insurance were going to be raised in America — a good thing — then some plans that don’t meet the bar would no longer be available.” In other words, prepare to sacrifice your current plan for a more expensive one we’ve decided is better for you.


At least some Democrats up for reelection in 2014 recognize the problems with this argument. Louisiana senator Mary Landrieu told the Washington Examiner: “I said, and many people said, that this new law would allow people, if they wanted to keep what they had, to be able to do it. And, I think that we should live up to that promise. If we have to make some changes in order for that to happen, then we should.”


House minority whip Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, admitted that the “guarantee” President Obama and others issued was designed to “allay fears” of Americans with employer-based coverage. He told reporters yesterday that he wishes Democrats had been “more precise” in explaining that allowing all Americans to keep their coverage meant only most Americans.


Senator Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, has proposed a one-year delay in mandating health insurance for individuals. He also doesn’t sound too enthusiastic about Obamacare: “I want to make it work, if it can. Nobody should be forced to buy a product that’s inferior to what they’ve had or cost them more.”


It’s because that grim prescription is a reality for many Americans that so many Democrats are trying to distance themselves from Obamacare even before it fully kicks in on January 1.










Jonah Goldberg column today, addressing the vexing new spin/rationalization for the White House’s lie that “you can keep your plan.”

No matter how you slice it, that was a lie. As many as 16 million Americans on the individual health-insurance market may lose their insurance policies. Just in the last month, hundreds of thousands have been notified by their insurers that their policies will be canceled. In fact, it appears that more Americans may have lost coverage than gotten it since Healthcare.gov went “live” (a term one must use advisedly). And when the business mandate finally kicks in, tens of millions more probably will lose their plans.


Ah, but they’ll get better ones!


That appears to be the new rationalization for Obama’s bait-and-switch. “Right now all that insurance companies are saying is, ‘We don’t meet the requirements under Obamacare, but we’re going to offer you a better deal!’” explained Juan Williams on Fox News Sunday.



A better deal according to whom? Say I like my current car. The government says under some new policy I will be able to keep it and maybe even lower my car payments. But once the policy is imposed, I’m told my car now isn’t street-legal. Worse, I will have to buy a much more expensive car or be fined by the IRS. But, hey, it’ll be a much better car! Why, even though you live in Death Valley, your new car will have great snow tires and heated seats.

This is what the government is saying to millions of Americans who don’t want or need certain coverage, including, for instance, older women — and men — who are being forced to pay for maternity care.
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CNN Screen Shot: At the moment Sebelius testifies that the Obamacare website hasn't crashed...CNN is online at the crashed website.




Did she really say that they only tested this for two weeks?


If that's true, that's ridiculous beyond belief.


Someone should ask to see their test procedures for this turd.

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Did she really say that they only tested this for two weeks?


If that's true, that's ridiculous beyond belief.


Someone should ask to see their test procedures for this turd.


She's been a mess the entire time. Her snide "Whatever" comment when asked if the president was ultimately responsible was making the rounds a lot until the CNN bit above, but probably the more embarrassing part was when she was asked if she would enroll in the exchange and she said she wasn't eligible, which is not true.


She simply has no idea what she's talking about...nor do many of the people questioning her. All the Dems do is talk about how great Obamacare is because they found one person who signed up, and all the GOP does is spend virtually all of their allotted time asking a question for which no time is left to answer.

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Did she really say that they only tested this for two weeks?


If that's true, that's ridiculous beyond belief.


Someone should ask to see their test procedures for this turd.


I believe the testing procedures involved navigating a web browser to Obama's website or the DNC's website and clicking the Donate button

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I believe the testing procedures involved navigating a web browser to Obama's website or the DNC's website and clicking the Donate button


May as well be. Her admission today was that the website never subjected to-- and has no immediate plans to be subjected to -- end-to-end testing,


That's very bad, but she doesn't know it because it's pretty clear she has no idea what that means.This became clear when she started referring to the frequent software updates as being hot-swappable. I've never know there to be hot-swappable software, but the site spends most of its time crashed, so who knows what is really going on with the site. I suspect their claim to have it fully working by end of November is something of a pipe dream.

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May as well be. Her admission today was that the website never subjected to-- and has no immediate plans to be subjected to -- end-to-end testing,


That's very bad, but she doesn't know it because it's pretty clear she has no idea what that means.This became clear when she started referring to the frequent software updates as being hot-swappable. I've never know there to be hot-swappable software, but the site spends most of its time crashed, so who knows what is really going on with the site. I suspect their claim to have it fully working by end of November is something of a pipe dream.


All updates, no matter how small need some level of testing. Doesn't matter if it's hardware or software.


What's the first thing anyone does after they replace a light bulb?

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Obamacare's latest screw up: incorrect phone numbers.


Thanks to ObamaCare, New Yorkers can now get health insurance with rainbow sprinkles.


In yet another bungle for the botched government insurance rollout, the state Health Department has mistakenly listed numerous non-health-related business as enrollment sites — including a Brooklyn cupcake shop that has been besieged by callers.


“I have nothing to do with this,” said Carmen Rodriguez owner of Brooklyn Cupcake in Williamsburg. “I run a very busy establishment, and I’m like, what is going on?”


Because of the mistake, her bakery has gotten 150 calls from people seeking medical-insurance information.




In nearby Red Hook, the dispatcher for a limo company was equally puzzled at finding his company to be among those listed as enrollment sites.


"If you want me to get you a car, I can help you out,” said Allen Amor of Apex Car & Limo. But ObamaCare? Sorry, wrong number.


Marco Abad, of Zambrand Auto Repair in Sunset Park, said he didn’t even realize his business was among those listed.


“That’s something crazy, because we fix cars over here,” he said.


Amar Git, owner of Desi Deli in Hell’s Kitchen, said he couldn’t possibly help navigate ObamaCare because he doesn’t have insurance himself. “How can it be? How can I help?” he asked rhetorically.


A receptionist at a supposed navigator site that is actually Crystal Skin Care on Mott Street hung up on a Post reporter.


A clerk at the nearby Dragonland Bakery, another listed site, said no one there spoke English.


One of the places listed at least dealt in health issues — though they were not an enrollment site.


“I’m frustrated, I’m not registered to be a navigator!” said an exasperated Patrick Wu, manager of the Bowery Pharmacy at 95 Bowery. “I don’t know why my name is on the list.”

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Fun watching the hearing today. Sebelius testifies that the site has never crashed...while CNN shows the site crashed AS she's talking.


Meanwhile, the left is spending this entire hearing blaming the GOP for not helping them with this abortion of a law. Hard to get more publicly embarrassing than this.


But they were told to sit in the back seat!!!!!

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Other "fronts" in the destruction of health care battle................



AAPS Sues to Stop the Unlawful Revisions to ObamaCare


The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS) has filed a lawsuit today in federal court to halt the unlawful revisions to ObamaCare (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act).


The separation of powers required by the Constitution prohibits the executive branch—the Obama Administration—from rewriting laws passed by Congress. Yet that is what Obama has done by changing key parts of ObamaCare in order to implement it.


The AAPS lawsuit, which was filed today in the Eastern District of Wisconsin, asks the Court to enjoin the Obama Administration from imposing its "individual mandate" while delaying the "employer mandate." The law that was passed by Congress in 2010 requires that the employer mandate go into effect at the same time as the individual mandate: Jan 1, 2014.


"The U.S. Constitution requires a strict separation of powers between the three branches of government, such that the executive branch cannot change laws passed by Congress," AAPS's lawsuit explains. By imposing the individual mandate in 2014 without the protection of the employer mandate, the Obama Administration has changed the legislation passed by Congress.


The delay in the employer mandate means that many Americans who might have had the protection of employer-purchased insurance will either have to purchase costly individual insurance for themselves, or else pay a tax. This unlawful change will force many Americans, more than Congress intended, to purchase expensive, unwanted health insurance. They will then have less income to use for things they do want, such as medical services purchased directly from private physicians without bureaucratic interference.



Read more here: http://www.heraldonl...l#storylink=cpy

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May as well be. Her admission today was that the website never subjected to-- and has no immediate plans to be subjected to -- end-to-end testing,


That's very bad, but she doesn't know it because it's pretty clear she has no idea what that means.This became clear when she started referring to the frequent software updates as being hot-swappable. I've never know there to be hot-swappable software, but the site spends most of its time crashed, so who knows what is really going on with the site. I suspect their claim to have it fully working by end of November is something of a pipe dream.

Maybe she meant it's a hot potato. Here's one of the developers doing UAT.



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This line of questioning was for DC Tom:


Why must men buy maternity care?


Sec. Sebelius: Well, an insurance policy has a series of benefits, whether you use them or not. And one of the benefits will be--


Rep. Ellmers: And that is why the health care premiums are increasing this high, because we're forcing them to buy things they will never need. Thank you, madam chairman.


Sec. Sebelius: The individual policies cover families. Men often do need maternity coverage for their spouses and for their families, yes.


Rep. Ellmers: Single male, age 32, does not need maternity coverage.




Rep. Ellmers: To the best of your knowledge has a man ever delivered a baby?


Sec. Sebelius: I don't think so.

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