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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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bull ****. And if anyone in government were capable of doing it, it would be Zients. But the only way this gets fixed that quickly is if everyone stays of the development teams' backs and lets them actually do their work. And I can almost guarantee you, with a program this screwed-up and this high-visibility, half the time will be taken up by meetings and status reports explaining to management why they're not meeting their milestones (and no one will be able to give the answer they all really want to give: "Because we don't have time to do real work, because you keep scheduling these !@#$ing meetings!"


Been there, done that. The biggest problem drag on productivity in government is the proliferation of managers who track "productivity" so closely they become a drag on productivity. And that gets much worse with a high-profile disaster. And in THIS case, that meddling is going to come straight from the Oval Office (ironically, the one time Obama SHOULD keep himself uninvolved is the one time he's almost certain to actively interfere.) Part of being an effective manager is knowing when to let people step back and do their goddamn work.

Queue the cadre of fat accountants holding clipboards overlooking every step of the process while they make checkmarks on every minuscule program point that's been made as they accurately document the ever decreasing radius death spiral the project is making into the red zone of hell.


Meanwhile the world waits while millions of pathetic Americans who lack healthcare sit waiting patiently at their computer terminals, in a superhuman effort that puts to shame Senator Cruz's recent filibuster, making frequent use of F5 in the vain hope that their pleas to the omnipotent and omniscient federal government-of-good that B. O. promised them will suddenly open the skies with a heavenly light, while an angelic choir hits an enlightening chord and bestows upon them - the fervent believing masses of cargo cultists - the gift of a "healthcare insurance policy" that will bankrupt the Koch brothers, drive the Republican party into oblivion and provide them the happy ending they so earnestly believe they are due.

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Meanwhile the world waits while millions of pathetic Americans who lack healthcare sit waiting patiently at their computer terminals, in a superhuman effort that puts to shame Senator Cruz's recent filibuster, making frequent use of F5 in the vain hope that their pleas to the omnipotent and omniscient federal government-of-good that B. O. promised them will suddenly open the skies with a heavenly light, while an angelic choir hits an enlightening chord and bestows upon them - the fervent believing masses of cargo cultists - the gift of a "healthcare insurance policy" that will bankrupt the Koch brothers, drive the Republican party into oblivion and provide them the happy ending they so earnestly believe they are due.


Let's not go overboard. It's not like HHS is signing Mario Williams...


Obamacare phone operator fired for answering questions.










"If I had a sister, she would look like Earline Davis" said Obama never




Point of note: the government has very clear, explicit instructions that you do not handle media inquiries if it's not your job, but direct them to the appropriate channels. And they're pretty damn strict about it (my simply reading a public news story on a government computer about anything Snowden leaked, for example, is considered mishandling of classified data by me and could get me fired).


So yeah, what she did is considered non-trivial, and while firing her is a little extreme, it's not at all surprising. They take this **** very seriously.

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The website is broke. It cost over half a billion dollars and won’t run.


Millions of Americans are losing their health insurance.


And, Kathleen Sebelius has the gall to tell Texans,


“Don’t believe what you’ve heard.”



The Hill reported:

Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Friday urged potential healthcare consumers to disregard ObamaCare website horror stories and partisan bickering over the law.


Speaking at a panel in San Antonio, Texas, Sebelius was asked what advice she would give to those seeking federal healthcare plans.


“Sign up,” she said. “Don’t believe what you’ve heard. Just check it out, look at the prices, look at the plans.”


The Obama administration is working furiously to fix the myriad problems that have plagued the HealthCare.gov website, as the botched rollout has dominated headlines and provoked a round of congressional hearings.

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Let's not go overboard. It's not like HHS is signing Mario Williams...


Point of note: the government has very clear, explicit instructions that you do not handle media inquiries if it's not your job, but direct them to the appropriate channels. And they're pretty damn strict about it (my simply reading a public news story on a government computer about anything Snowden leaked, for example, is considered mishandling of classified data by me and could get me fired).


So yeah, what she did is considered non-trivial, and while firing her is a little extreme, it's not at all surprising. They take this **** very seriously.


Fair enough. But it still stinks!

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This isn't just a website. There's a whole set of back-end processes that have to coordinate with other government agencies (federal and state) private businesses. Five years isn't out of line for an "enterprisey" application like that. Seven or eight would be more like it, built to government standards.


I expect the original project schedule went out to the beginning of 2016, and that's after they "compressed" it from some time in 2018.




I know I don't qualify for a subsidy...but I don't know the costs in my area. I still haven't been able to register with the site. :lol:


You don't have to register to check plan costs in your area...

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New York Times: The Buck Stops With Obama and Sebelius

The administration created the Web site so the buck necessarily stops with high officials — Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, and President Obama himself — who allowed this to happen. The administration attributes the problems partly to unexpectedly high demand from people eager to compare insurance policies available in their states and partly to technical glitches that blocked or slowed people from submitting applications and erroneous data being sent to insurers.


Why the administration failed to anticipate the high demand has never been explained. Nor has it clearly explained the nature of the technical problems — or who in government or among the private contractors is primarily responsible for them.


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You don't have to register to check plan costs in your area...


I do in MD. They have their own site, not the federal one.


New York Times: The Buck Stops With Obama and Sebelius

The administration created the Web site so the buck necessarily stops with high officials — Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, and President Obama himself — who allowed this to happen. The administration attributes the problems partly to unexpectedly high demand from people eager to compare insurance policies available in their states and partly to technical glitches that blocked or slowed people from submitting applications and erroneous data being sent to insurers.


Why the administration failed to anticipate the high demand has never been explained. Nor has it clearly explained the nature of the technical problems — or who in government or among the private contractors is primarily responsible for them.




You read the opinion, and it reads well, and then you get to...


Many Congressional Republicans are eager to exploit the start-up problems as evidence that health care reform is doomed to failure and ought to be delayed. They ignore the fact that Republican-led states contributed to the start-up problems by refusing to set up their own exchanges and dumping the task on the federal government.


And you can't help but think "In an editorial that's TITLED "The Buck Stops With Obama and Sebilius," they STILL have to blame the Republicans? It's such a laughably out-of-place statement and not just irrelevant but completely counter to the point of the entire editorial. :lol: The NYT is officially a joke.

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Let's not go overboard. It's not like HHS is signing Mario Williams...




Point of note: the government has very clear, explicit instructions that you do not handle media inquiries if it's not your job, but direct them to the appropriate channels. And they're pretty damn strict about it (my simply reading a public news story on a government computer about anything Snowden leaked, for example, is considered mishandling of classified data by me and could get me fired).


So yeah, what she did is considered non-trivial, and while firing her is a little extreme, it's not at all surprising. They take this **** very seriously.


Do you think she was a federal employee and had been briefed on the policy of not speaking to the media?

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Do you think she was a federal employee and had been briefed on the policy of not speaking to the media?


Federal employee or contractor, either way the rule's the same.


However...I did make the assumption that her employer briefed her. Charlie Fox this whole program this is turning out to be, it wouldn't surprise me in the least that her employer was completely inept (and it would be complete ineptness to run a call center and not tell the operators "Do not talk with the media!")

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Federal employee or contractor, either way the rule's the same.


However...I did make the assumption that her employer briefed her. Charlie Fox this whole program this is turning out to be, it wouldn't surprise me in the least that her employer was completely inept (and it would be complete ineptness to run a call center and not tell the operators "Do not talk with the media!")


No matter what, this makes the administration look bad. If her employer had pulled her aside and made it clear that she was not to speak to the media, this wouldn't have gotten any more air time. Ineptness, all around.

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So by choosing one of the options open to states, and forming individual exchanges, the states are partially responsible for the debacle-in-progress. Further, by choosing another of the options in the ACA, enrollees in Medicaid are creating an imbalance that spells trouble in the future for the private sector insurance companies participation in the ACA. And finally, if too few young healthy people choose to buy insurance, the ACA will result in skyrocketing premiums for those of us who are attempting to keep our current plans/MD's, etc.


Seems like a well-conceived plan to me....

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so how's the whole ted cruz shutdown thing going? can't believe it's nearly a month old.

impressive that the "GOP" is sticking to it's guns. this could very much turn the tables.



In a little over a year, it should.

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so how's the whole ted cruz shutdown thing going? can't believe it's nearly a month old.

impressive that the "GOP" is sticking to it's guns. this could very much turn the tables.




As I've said before, you have to believe every Kool-aid-drinking prog from coast to coast would kill for the shutdown to continue so people would stop discussing how embarrassing the ACA rollout is, and will continue to be.


But hey...I'm sure everything will be great when the website is finally working at the end of November. People will finally be able to log on and find out how affordable their health insurance really is. :lol:


In the meantime, yell it loud: CRUZCHENEYRUMMY!!!

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just for fun, I went to healthcare.gov to see the available plans in my area. I put in the following info when prompted:


State, County, coverage for Health only, 2 adults, 2 children


My plans ranged from $294.66 upwards of $4400 (I stopped after page 2, as they became more ridiculous). My income level does not qualify for a subsidy.


the least expensive plan ($294.66 for Catastrophic insurance) does not come close to what I have now. I currently pay $273.92 for an 80/20 coinsurance plan for the four of us. The next least expensive plan offered on teh exchange is an Anthem BCBS HMO for $466.06 for catastrophic coverage. Note that the website informs you that catastrophic insurance plans cover LESS than 60% of costs.


For extra fun, I answered the questions as if I were my Father-in-Law, Mr. "We have to stop these evil Republicans" in NJ. His premium for catastrophic insurance for him and the MIL was over 500 bucks a month!


What were some costs in your area? Also include if you meet the requirement for gov subsidized premiums...

According to a 'health care broker' here in NYS, catastophic plans are only available to young adults. At least in NYS, it appears your FiL would have to go to at least a bronze plan. So it would be a lot more expensive than $500/month.

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WASHINGTON -- If computer glitches are not enough of a problem, President Obama's healthcare law also has a legal glitch that critics say could cause it to unravel in more than half the nation.

The Affordable Care Act proposes to make health insurance affordable to millions of low-income Americans by offering them tax credits to help cover the cost. To receive the credit, the law twice says they must buy insurance "through an exchange established by the state."

But 36 states have decided against opening exchanges for now. Although the law permits the federal government to open exchanges instead, it does not say tax credits may be given to those who buy insurance through a federally run exchange.

Apparently no one noticed this when the long and complicated bill worked its way through the House and Senate. Last year, however, the Internal Revenue Service tried to remedy it by putting out a regulation that redefined "exchange" to include a "federally facilitated exchange." This is "consistent with the language, purpose and structure ... of the act as a whole," the Treasury Department said.

But critics of the law have seized on the glitch. They have filed four lawsuits that urge judges to rule the Obama administration must abide by the strict wording of the law, even if doing so dismantles it in nearly two-thirds of the states. And the Obama administration has no hope of repairing the glitch by legislation as long as the Republicans control the House.

This week, U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman in Washington, a President Clinton appointee, refused the administration's request to dismiss the suit. Instead, he said the challengers had put forward a substantial claim, and he promised to issue a written ruling.

Read more at:


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TRAIN WRECK UPDATE: ObamaCare: More policy cancellations in 3 states than enrollees in all 50.



Video: ObamaCare meltdown raises serious questions about being unmanageable, says … David Gregory.



Plus: “The incompetence turns into dishonesty and opacity, which frustrates ACA supporter Josh Barro at Business Insider. Barro participated in a CMS conference call yesterday, and came away with more questions and worry than when he started.”






so how's the whole ted cruz shutdown thing going? can't believe it's nearly a month old.

impressive that the "GOP" is sticking to it's guns. this could very much turn the tables.




The GOP was mocked for its failure at political maneuvering. Obama is being mocked for his failure at executing his job.

Edited by B-Man
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Let's not go overboard. It's not like HHS is signing Mario Williams...




Point of note: the government has very clear, explicit instructions that you do not handle media inquiries if it's not your job, but direct them to the appropriate channels. And they're pretty damn strict about it (my simply reading a public news story on a government computer about anything Snowden leaked, for example, is considered mishandling of classified data by me and could get me fired).


So yeah, what she did is considered non-trivial, and while firing her is a little extreme, it's not at all surprising. They take this **** very seriously.


Where are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in support of this woman?

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