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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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What a great quote! Whenever things get difficult in the future, I think I'll remark that since things have "...unfolded unevenly...," as the analysis suggests, there are a number of factors that led to [fill in the blank].


For example, one could speculate that since things unfolded unevenly we ended up with a complete dolt for a damn President.


Some would call that statement "rhetorical flourish," and let me be clear, no one is more upset about (fill in the blank) than I am.

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Incompetence - squared


But......please...all you libs (and media) keep pushing the "GOP is responsible" bullsh*t




Did White House Obamacare guidance stop ahead of 2012 election?

CBS News, by Sharyl Attkisson


WASHINGTON -- CBS News has been digging into the cause of the delays in preparing the website for the government´s health insurance market and has learned was a major interruption in the months before President Obama´s re-election. At the height of the 2012 presidential election campaign, it was crunch time for the Obama administration to release key instructions so contractors could work toward the October 2013 deadline. But a Health and Human Services official who was closely involved tells CBS News that in late summer, the administration stopped issuing proposed rules for the Affordable Health Care Act until after the election.




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Republicans repeatedly have made proposals to protect the public from the Obamacare disaster.


Not just the substance of the law, but also the timing of the individual mandate.


Way back when (about two weeks ago), Democrats called such proposals extortion, terrorism, suicide-bombing and legislative arson.


Now an increasing number of Democrats, particularly those up for re-election in 2014, are calling for similar delays.


Perhaps Republicans should take a “what goes around, comes around” attitude, and do nothing to help Democrats out of the bind they are now in.


Democrats own Obamacare’s failure completely. That’s the primary outcome of the government scale-back, which now is over. Democrats were willing to shut a portion of the government to prevent any meaningful changes, and were willing to (erroneously) threaten a debt default rather than agree to the types of changes many Democrats now are proposing.


So we should now help Democrats out of the healthcare.gov debacle? We should now, having been demonized, help the Democrats who demonized us?


Erick Erickson says , Follow the Law:

No conservative wants things to get worse. We just know things will get worse. Obamacare will be deeply destructive. People are already seeing it. The only way Obamacare would ever work is if people behaved irrationally. It is a system that requires the young to go out and by their own insurance, but allows them to stay on their parents’ insurance until they are well into their twenties. The law operates only if people do not behave like people..



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Incompetence - squared


But......please...all you libs (and media) keep pushing the "GOP is responsible" bullsh*t







Romney's wife has a horse. 47% don't pay taxes. Romney left a dog on the roof of a car and bullied some gay guy 50+ years ago.

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Senator Proposes Law: 'If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act'


Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin will propose a new law next week called: "If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act."


“One of the most important promises made by President Obama and Democrat congressional leadership to promote the Affordable Care Act was that Americans who were satisfied with their health plans could keep them. That promise has been broken. More than a million Americans have been notified that the plans they like with the coverage they have chosen have been canceled. Millions more Americans will have the plans of their choice canceled in months to come,” says Senator Johnson in a statement.


"Americans want the freedom to choose their own plans and want to be in control of their own health care. They don’t want Obamacare destroying what they have and what they like. They don’t want their personal choices regarding their health plans and their families’ health plans canceled by Obamacare.







CBS Video: Obamacare Takes Away Woman’s Health Care Choices. ......................War on Women ? ?






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Hey Mabel, do we have any razorblades ?









Libs getting a lot of mileage out of that Obama logo. Thinking this through and knowing that the younger generation doesn't like to part with their money, I wonder how many of them will like not having health insurance (cause they find it too expensive) and paying the fine? Many who are not covered now (and not paying) will still have no coverage but will be paying the fine/tax. Others will pay for it and it will be a lot more expensive. Others will get subsidized and still feel it's expensive. Should be mighty popular among many younger voters who in a majority voted for B.O.

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We've had some IT issues here lately. I sent an email to our CEO's assistant to discuss it. I asked her to ask ________ (our CEO) if Obama has been running our IT department. She came back with "Oh my God, our website isn't that bad is it?" She was dead serious.

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Healthcare.gov will be fixed by November.




bull ****. And if anyone in government were capable of doing it, it would be Zients. But the only way this gets fixed that quickly is if everyone stays of the development teams' backs and lets them actually do their work. And I can almost guarantee you, with a program this screwed-up and this high-visibility, half the time will be taken up by meetings and status reports explaining to management why they're not meeting their milestones (and no one will be able to give the answer they all really want to give: "Because we don't have time to do real work, because you keep scheduling these !@#$ing meetings!"


Been there, done that. The biggest problem drag on productivity in government is the proliferation of managers who track "productivity" so closely they become a drag on productivity. And that gets much worse with a high-profile disaster. And in THIS case, that meddling is going to come straight from the Oval Office (ironically, the one time Obama SHOULD keep himself uninvolved is the one time he's almost certain to actively interfere.) Part of being an effective manager is knowing when to let people step back and do their goddamn work.

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I heard some talking head the other day (I think O'Reilly on the radio) noting that things such as F&F or Benghazi don't directly affect the average US citizen, so they're less apt to keep those stories alive.


The ACA, on the other hand, IS directly affecting the average US citizen as one after another is handed a pick slip from their insurance provider. Some conservative publications do stories about these people, and the MSM ignores them.


It worked for a while, but now it's starting to hit even those who stood up for ACA...like the very respectable Kirsten Powers.


Powers: Obama Can't Blame ACA On Republicans


This is pretty harsh.


The administration had to know it had only one shot to launch the exchanges, and it blew it. The damage it has caused was captured in a Washington Post–ABC News poll released Monday. Fifty-six percent of those surveyed believed the “website glitches” are “part of a broader problem with the health care law.


What makes it worse is that officials knew they weren’t ready, and they went forward anyway. The Associated Press reported that “Website builders saw red flags for months.”The Washington Post recounted, “Days before the launch of President Obama’s online health ­insurance marketplace, government officials and contractors tested a key part of the Web site to see whether it could handle tens of thousands of consumers at the same time. It crashed after a simulation in which just a few hundred people tried to log on simultaneously. Despite the failed test, federal health officials plowed ahead.” Sebeliusadmitted Monday that the website “didn’t have enough testing, specifically for high volumes, for a complicated project.”


What have they been doing for the last few years? The administration has claimed that it can’t be helped that setting up an insurance exchange is so complex. Sebelius even lamented that she wished she had “five years” to finish this project. Who needs five years to build a website? This isn’t a search for the cure for cancer.

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just for fun, I went to healthcare.gov to see the available plans in my area. I put in the following info when prompted:


State, County, coverage for Health only, 2 adults, 2 children


My plans ranged from $294.66 upwards of $4400 (I stopped after page 2, as they became more ridiculous). My income level does not qualify for a subsidy.


the least expensive plan ($294.66 for Catastrophic insurance) does not come close to what I have now. I currently pay $273.92 for an 80/20 coinsurance plan for the four of us. The next least expensive plan offered on teh exchange is an Anthem BCBS HMO for $466.06 for catastrophic coverage. Note that the website informs you that catastrophic insurance plans cover LESS than 60% of costs.


For extra fun, I answered the questions as if I were my Father-in-Law, Mr. "We have to stop these evil Republicans" in NJ. His premium for catastrophic insurance for him and the MIL was over 500 bucks a month!


What were some costs in your area? Also include if you meet the requirement for gov subsidized premiums...

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Sebelius even lamented that she wished she had “five years” to finish this project. Who needs five years to build a website?


This isn't just a website. There's a whole set of back-end processes that have to coordinate with other government agencies (federal and state) private businesses. Five years isn't out of line for an "enterprisey" application like that. Seven or eight would be more like it, built to government standards.


I expect the original project schedule went out to the beginning of 2016, and that's after they "compressed" it from some time in 2018.


What were some costs in your area? Also include if you meet the requirement for gov subsidized premiums...


I know I don't qualify for a subsidy...but I don't know the costs in my area. I still haven't been able to register with the site. :lol:

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This isn't just a website. There's a whole set of back-end processes that have to coordinate with other government agencies (federal and state) private businesses. Five years isn't out of line for an "enterprisey" application like that. Seven or eight would be more like it, built to government standards.


I expect the original project schedule went out to the beginning of 2016, and that's after they "compressed" it from some time in 2018.




I know I don't qualify for a subsidy...but I don't know the costs in my area. I still haven't been able to register with the site. :lol:


I was talking to someone recently regarding POTUS term limits. I'm all for term limits and I think that is a huge problem with Congress but too often we have a POTUS cramming things through ASAP to create their legacy. And Obama probably more than most is dying to create a legacy.

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I was talking to someone recently regarding POTUS term limits. I'm all for term limits and I think that is a huge problem with Congress but too often we have a POTUS cramming things through ASAP to create their legacy. And Obama probably more than most is dying to create a positive legacy.




Oh, he's got a legacy, alright...

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