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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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The administration seems to be floating a trial balloon about delaying the individual mandate now.


Because even if everything worked perfectly, it turns out that even if you purchase insurance on time, you still get "taxed."


As if this law wasn't confusing enough already.


I'm hearing now that Dems in both the House and Senate are quickly abandoning the ACA ship for a one-year delay on the individual mandate. I had no idea there were so many racist Democrats.

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"The analysis suggests that the ambitions of the Affordable Care Act to increase competition have unfolded unevenly, at least in the early going, and have not addressed many of the factors that contribute to high prices."


No ****? What a...surprise... :doh:

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The claim that Barry didn't know before October 1st is as believable as their claim that they don't know how many (or few, as the case is) people enrolled in Obamacare. They all knew the website was crap, but didn't want to fix it and delay launch because they were scared of what Repubs would say. Pathetic.


It was an anti-islamic video.


I think it's BS he didn't know there were issues, god, how could he not?


I will be the first one to give him credit for positives, he was president when bin Laden was killed, he gets a point for that. He caught that lady, there's another point.


I had so hoped he was what he said he was when he was elected. No one wished for him to be the most successful president in history more than I did. But he's showed himself to be sooooo incompetent. He's the John Spanos of Presidents. When he makes love to his wife he has to be on the bottom, cause all he can do is !@#$ up....


Hope is such a wonderful thing.




The administration seems to be floating a trial balloon about delaying the individual mandate now.


Because even if everything worked perfectly, it turns out that even if you purchase insurance on time, you still get "taxed."


So what is the downside, double income to pay for this abortion.

Edited by Gary M
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The administration seems to be floating a trial balloon about delaying the individual mandate now.


Because even if everything worked perfectly, it turns out that even if you purchase insurance on time, you still get "taxed."


I'd love to see Boehner get up to the podium and say, "the Obama Administration doesn't negotiate on Obamacare", and not allow any legislation delaying the mandate to reach the floor.

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You have to believe the WH would just KILL for another shutdown so people would stop paying attention to his signature abortion.


Obama: Always the victim.


Poor Barack Obama. He’s been wronged again. This time, the Obamacare health insurance program is hung up on major computer malfunctions, adding fuel to the blazing criticism that this first giant step toward universal care is a flop.


“Nobody’s madder than me,” Obama declared while trying to explain why three weeks into the enrollment period, most consumers still can’t enroll. “I think it is fair to say that no one is more frustrated by that than I am.”


Wait a minute — the president’s mad? And he’s frustrated? At whom? Himself?


Obamacare is his signature and singular accomplishment, the thing that will define his legacy. His own administration was charged with designing the website and making sure it worked. And it doesn’t, despite spending $640 million on the healthcare.gov technology.

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I'd love to see Boehner get up to the podium and say, "the Obama Administration doesn't negotiate on Obamacare", and not allow any legislation delaying the mandate to reach the floor.


The administration has already demonstrated that they can rewrite the law themselves and don't believe they need to involve Congress.


And given Congress already allowed it, further unilateral changes would probably even stand up in court.



Industry analysts point to how the website lumps people only into two broad categories: "49 or under" and "50 or older."


Prices for everyone in the 49-or-under group are based on what a 27-year-old would pay. In the 50-or-older group, prices are based on what a 50-year-old would pay.


That's amazing. That has all the hallmarks of placeholder code for functionality that hadn't been written yet, that they pushed into production. That's not even a "glitch," that's unfinished work, like shipping a car without the drive shaft because, dammit, we have to ship the car on time no matter what!

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The administration has already demonstrated that they can rewrite the law themselves and don't believe they need to involve Congress.


And given Congress already allowed it, further unilateral changes would probably even stand up in court.






That's amazing. That has all the hallmarks of placeholder code for functionality that hadn't been written yet, that they pushed into production. That's not even a "glitch," that's unfinished work, like shipping a car without the drive shaft because, dammit, we have to ship the car on time no matter what!


So their underwriting is based on two age brackets? Is that correct? That would be like an 80 getting life insurance based on the actuarial tables of a 50 year old. :doh:

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His signsture program is collapsing and has to be saved IMMEDIATELY. What to do?


Obama to go on post-shutdown fundraising blitz for Democrats.


He should be met at each location by Tea Party protesters with signs showing the “please wait” logo from the HealthCare.gov site.







ED MORRISSEY: Obama and Sebelius: “The Dog Ate My Homework.”





OLD SPIN: Death Panels are just some crazy thing Sarah Palin made up.

New Spin: Hey, Death Panels Are Actually A Good Thing!





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That's amazing. That has all the hallmarks of placeholder code for functionality that hadn't been written yet, that they pushed into production. That's not even a "glitch," that's unfinished work, like shipping a car without the drive shaft because, dammit, we have to ship the car on time no matter what!


Anyone else picturing Michael Keaton cleaning a non-existent windshield?

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"The analysis suggests that the ambitions of the Affordable Care Act to increase competition have unfolded unevenly, at least in the early going, and have not addressed many of the factors that contribute to high prices."


No ****? What a...surprise... :doh:


Who knew?


No. I don't need to read the article to understand that health care, which is one of the most regulated industries in the country, has a terrible effect on the economy. I also don't need Warren Buffett to explain to me that Obamacare isn't going to change that in the least.


Interestingly, Buffett did say: "Attack the costs first, and then worry about expanding coverage,' he said. 'I would much rather see another plan that really attacks costs." Which is pretty much what any sensible person would do when looking at the actual problem. The issue with that is liberals are neither economically savvy nor sensible. So instead we get an even bigger boondoggle which will cost even more. But it will guarantee plenty more votes from the takers and those who will be employed by Uncle Sugar to keep it doddering along.


But you keep swallowing the choad and pretending this is "progressive".


ObamaCare didn't address anything that makes health care expensive.


At the end of the day, "Affordable Care" is no different than the "HMO Act of 1977". It won't reduce costs, won't improve efficiency, and there will still be a similar percentage of people who will be without coverage . What it will do is create a larger bureaucracy at every level of government and create some more drones. It's going to look a lot like the "Drug War" and the "War on Terror". There are still drug addicts and terrorists and all the **** associated with each. But hey, you and a whole bunch of other drones are spun up, so that's a win for the politicians because it keeps you from noticing how !@#$ed we really are.


Obamacare didn't even attempt to address the things that make health care expensive.

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Who knew?


Well looky here Darin can suck his own dick. :D


“Nobody’s madder than me,” Obama declared


Why ?


Obama is exempt and doesn't have to enroll!!!


Because man, that's what good managers do. They get angry. Or is that children. Hmmmm, with this administration I always seem to get the two mixed up.

Edited by Chef Jim
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Well looky here Darin can suck his own dick. :D




Because man, that's what good managers do. They get angry. Or is that children. Hmmmm, with this administration I always seem to get the two mixed up.

Just stick with the term "Community Organizer". It makes describing Oblambam's temper tantrums much easier to keep straight.

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"The analysis suggests that the ambitions of the Affordable Care Act to increase competition have unfolded unevenly, at least in the early going, and have not addressed many of the factors that contribute to high prices."


No ****? What a...surprise... :doh:


What a great quote! Whenever things get difficult in the future, I think I'll remark that since things have "...unfolded unevenly...," as the analysis suggests, there are a number of factors that led to [fill in the blank].


For example, one could speculate that since things unfolded unevenly we ended up with a complete dolt for a damn President.

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