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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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Similar plan here, with about a $3000 yearly max out of pocket.


Myself, my wife, and our 3 kids are on a plan that has the $500 deductible each, 80/20 split costs, and a $3000 max out of pocket per year, with vision and dental and free wellness checkups (physicals, regular baby checkups, etc...), for about $300/month total.


Sounds like a decent plan. And how long will this last under Obamacare?

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Yep, and as soon as one Russian black hat gets hired?


It's going to be interesting. All of a sudden these government employees are going to be thrust into the real world, and have to deal with real world problems....like customer service, real management at many levels, etc. But, then? All their data is gone, or, someone finds their data has been sold...when they keep getting targeted ads for cathoder products sent in the mail/to their phone.


Did I say interesting? :lol: I meant hilariously bad.

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Officials tight-lipped about problems with ObamaCare enrollment (Video)


Read more: http://thehill.com/b...s#ixzz2gZsSHIKY




Narrative Fail: Media Forced to Acknowledge Obamacare Failures on Shutdown Day







Obama’s ACORN Pals Cashing In on Obamacare Enrollment






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Connecticut had about 25 in the first 4 hours, so maybe 50 for the day.







Less Than 1% of Visitors to Connecticut Healthcare Exchange Signed Up, Will Media Care


to Congressman Jim Himes (D-Conn.), out of the 28,000 visitors to his state's exchange Tuesday,

only 167 actually signed up







Zero Enroll in New LA Plan on Obamacare’s First Day


Louisiana’s top health-insurance provider said that not a single person enrolled in a new health-care plan offered through the Affordable Care Act on its first day.





Edited by B-Man
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Let the mass scale fraud and corruption begin in 3, 2, 1...




"Given the enormous responsibility to handle sensitive data in a careful, neutral manner, combined with the overwhelming pressure to boost Obamacare enrollments, you’d think the feds would only choose navigators with the most impeccable records. Yet, less than a year ago, Seedco agreed to settle a civil fraud lawsuit “for faking at least 1,400 of 6,500 job placements under a $22.2 million federally funded contract with the city.”



Could it be that Obamacare is not about actual healthcare but really about mass scale "wealth" redistribution? How long before the middle class joins the poverty class after all their money has been drained by Obamacare? That "silly stupid Americans" Jimmy Kimmel Obamacare/ACA bit doesn't seem so funny after reading a story like this.

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Republican-led efforts to rein in government spending are pointless because there is nothing left to cut in the almost $4 trillion-a-year federal budget.

“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”



Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/sep/22/rep-nancy-pelosi-nothing-left-cut-budget-cupboard-/#ixzz2gfd0ODMW

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Republican-led efforts to rein in government spending are pointless because there is nothing left to cut in the almost $4 trillion-a-year federal budget.

“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”



Read more: http://www.washingto.../#ixzz2gfd0ODMW

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What little credibility that woman has is now completely gone. Shows me she's never run a business, read a P&L statement or dealt with a family budget. What a waste of skin she is.

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What little credibility that woman has is now completely gone. Shows me she's never run a business, read a P&L statement or dealt with a family budget. What a waste of skin she is.


Hey, she's cut back plenty to stretch that skin as far as it will go.


There's hardly any wasted skin on her.

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The national number for Obamacare is 1-800-318-2596. Spelling it out on a keypad is 1-800-F1U**YO . Asterisks were added so as not to invoke the filter. The odds against this happening by accident are probably as big as winning the lottery.

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$175 premium for a young, healthy student? Thanks, Obamacare!


American media outlets were finally able to track down a mythical creature — a person who actually signed up for the Obamacare exchanges online.

But that person, Chad Henderson, admitted to the Washington Post that the premium for the plan he enrolled in was $175. Ouch! Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to lower premiums?


Henderson’s going to pay a $175 premium and he won’t even receive vision or dental insurance. He has contacts, so not having vision insurance is kind of a bum deal.


Henderson, as far as we know a healthy, 21-year-old college student at Chattanooga State Community College who lives in Flintstone, Ga., and works part-time at a day-care center, did not qualify for tax credits to purchase insurance, according to the Post.


Without Obamacare, Henderson could have received health insurance for as little as $44.72 on eHealthInsurance.com, according to Michael F. Cannon of the Cato Institute.


“I can’t yet say whether Chad’s $175 premium is the lowest-cost plan available to him through the Obamacare Exchange,” Cannon said. “[i’m in the process of researching that, and it’ll probably take a few hours.] But it’s probably close.”


Thanks to Obamacare’s community-rating price controls that take effect in 2014, Henderson’s cheapest plan option on eHealthInsurance jumped up to $190.23.


“So it appears that Obamacare quadrupled Chad’s premiums, and Enroll America thinks this is a success story,” Cannon said.




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