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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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So small businesses are really shedding costs here and should be better for it. How is this bad for small businesses again? I didn't realize that Obamacare was really such a small business friendly plan. Not sure what "investors.com" is angry about. Obama is helping the backbone our our economy and setting them free.


You know who else he's setting free?



Pot heads, that's who. I bet you're happy about that too.

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ObamaCare: It's unsustainable; better to scrap it and start anew Pittsburgh Tribune -Review


Confirming the disconnect between the empty-promise pretenses on which ObamaCare was sold and its real-world effects in practice is a new report from Medicare actuaries that says health spending in ObamaCare’s first 10 years will be about $621 billion higher than it would be without that train wreck of a law.


That’s $7,450 more in health spending per family of four through 2022,
according to Duke University health-policy expert Chris Conover, writing for The Apothecary, a Forbes blog. And that figure’s contrast with candidate Barack Obama’s 2008 promise that he’d lower such families’ premiums “by up to $2,500” — during his first term! — is both grim and stark.






Read more: http://triblive.com/opinion/editorials/4762694-74/obamacare-health-spending#ixzz2gQb9iDIc



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We have to make almost a quarter of our income to get a tax credit... Lol....


8am plans open up for search.... Though I am not buying yet, excited to see the offerings and how they compare to preliminary advertised plans...



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We have to make almost a quarter of our income to get a tax credit... Lol....

Why is that funny?


8am plans open up for search.... Though I am not buying yet, excited to see the offerings and how they compare to preliminary advertised plans...

You won't be as excited this time next year.

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Enough With Pretending Obamacare’s a Market





Oops: MSNBC Anchor Can’t Access Obamacare Exchange


MSNBC’s Mara Schiavocampo ran into difficulties as she tried to sign up for the newly launched health-care exchanges on Tuesday. After getting an error message on the website, she called the help line twice, but wasn’t able to reach a navigator on the other end. Instead, she was put on hold for 35 minutes.







‘The Same Slack You Give Apple’


Kathleen Sebelius, noting that the government bureaucracies with which she is associated cannot operate a website, protests: “Hopefully you’ll give us the same slack you give Apple.”


Deal: Just as soon as we have the same choice about Obamacare as we do about whether we buy Apple products, we’ll extend the same indulgence. The difference is, there’s no law that says we have to buy Apple products, and the IRS will not be dispatched to seize our assets if we fail to get the newest iPod. The benefits of choice are a package deal — you want consumers to treat you like Apple, treat them like Apple treats consumers. You can’t do that with a mandate.


When you pass a law that says “Everybody must buy Insurance Product X,” and then ask government agencies to set up artificial marketplaces to facilitate the sale of Product X, you’ve failed to create a real market — and from that, incompetency and stagnation flow inevitably.


Welcome to the DMV-ification of medicine.







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Why is that funny?



You won't be as excited this time next year.



I thought maybe I was going to get free care...


So, Colorado's Exchange:



$5,000 Deductible

$6,300 Out of Pcoket Cap


Not outragious. Something tell me American better put aisde more money in their budget for health related expenses, and open up an HSA post haste.

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I thought maybe I was going to get free care...


So, Colorado's Exchange:



$5,000 Deductible

$6,300 Out of Pcoket Cap


Not outragious. Something tell me American better put aisde more money in their budget for health related expenses, and open up an HSA post haste.


"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year." BHO

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I thought maybe I was going to get free care...


So, Colorado's Exchange:



$5,000 Deductible

$6,300 Out of Pcoket Cap


Not outragious. Something tell me American better put aisde more money in their budget for health related expenses, and open up an HSA post haste.


How many people do those costs cover?

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How many people do those costs cover?


Single Policy Holder- I closed the window, but I believe for a family:



$10,000 Deductible

$12,000 Cap


Still for my wife and I it would be a decent deal. Our expenses are rarely more that a few thousand a year, and right now we keep 5K in account for Medical Expenses as it is.

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Single Policy Holder- I closed the window, but I believe for a family:



$10,000 Deductible

$12,000 Cap


Still for my wife and I it would be a decent deal. Our expenses are rarely more that a few thousand a year, and right now we keep 5K in account for Medical Expenses as it is.


$10k deductible?? What's the point? And yes I see a nice big HSA in your future.

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$10k deductible?? What's the point? And yes I see a nice big HSA in your future.


My thyroid surgery was 20K at the hospital alone (Pre, Surgery and Post-Op), anesthesia was 8K, and the surgeon was $6,500... for a 3 hour thyroidectomy. Now, the insurance probably paid maybe 30- 40% of that, but had that been cancer treatment or cath lab and Cardiac ICU.. that dedcutible is tiny compared to total charges.

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Single Policy Holder- I closed the window, but I believe for a family:



$10,000 Deductible

$12,000 Cap


Still for my wife and I it would be a decent deal. Our expenses are rarely more that a few thousand a year, and right now we keep 5K in account for Medical Expenses as it is.


That deductible sucks. Yikes

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My thyroid surgery was 20K at the hospital alone (Pre, Surgery and Post-Op), anesthesia was 8K, and the surgeon was $6,500... for a 3 hour thyroidectomy. Now, the insurance probably paid maybe 30- 40% of that, but had that been cancer treatment or cath lab and Cardiac ICU.. that dedcutible is tiny compared to total charges.


Yes but I have a $500 deductible and would be out of pocket $500 if I had all that work done whereas you're out $10k. So in comparison to mine your deductible is horrific.


It's working!!! The only problem is so many people want it its causing an internet overload!!








So in your tiny mind the system being overloaded from people trying to figure this mess out equals success? Why am I not surpries at that.

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Yes but I have a $500 deductible and would be out of pocket $500 if I had all that work done whereas you're out $10k. So in comparison to mine your deductible is horrific.





So in your tiny mind the system being overloaded from people trying to figure this mess out equals success? Why am I not surpries at that.


Right, but right now my group coverage through work is $450/mo. with a 250 deductible.... So my out of pocket for that surgery was $250, and about $400 in copayment after pre-op testing, surgery consult, and various visit to my endo specialist... There were plans on the Colorado exchange that were 350-450 a month with zero copay.... But to me, I would rather pay the learnt amount monthly, and bank that savings, there is a realitively low liklihood of my getting sick again anytime soon..


Now if your plan for individual was 179 or less a month, with a 500 deductible.... You will. Be getting !@#$ed by HCR... But I don't recall ever seeing a premium and deductible amount coupled together that low... But your a craft bastard, so perhaps I am wrong...




Right, but right now my group coverage through work is $450/mo. with a 250 deductible.... So my out of pocket for that surgery was $250, and about $400 in copayment after pre-op testing, surgery consult, and various visit to my endo specialist... There were plans on the Colorado exchange that were 350-450 a month with zero copay.... But to me, I would rather pay the learnt amount monthly, and bank that savings, there is a realitively low liklihood of my getting sick again anytime soon..


Now if your plan for individual was 179 or less a month, with a 500 deductible.... You will. Be getting !@#$ed by HCR... But I don't recall ever seeing a premium and deductible amount coupled together that low... But you could be one crafty bastard, so perhaps I am wrong...

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Right, but right now my group coverage through work is $450/mo. with a 250 deductible.... So my out of pocket for that surgery was $250, and about $400 in copayment after pre-op testing, surgery consult, and various visit to my endo specialist... There were plans on the Colorado exchange that were 350-450 a month with zero copay.... But to me, I would rather pay the learnt amount monthly, and bank that savings, there is a realitively low liklihood of my getting sick again anytime soon..


Now if your plan for individual was 179 or less a month, with a 500 deductible.... You will. Be getting !@#$ed by HCR... But I don't recall ever seeing a premium and deductible amount coupled together that low... But your a craft bastard, so perhaps I am wrong...


Group plan at work. PPO, $500 deductible for $105 a month. But I work for a company that cares about their employees and picks up the cost of an HMO and I just pay the difference between the HMO and the PPO

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Group plan at work. PPO, $500 deductible for $105 a month. But I work for a company that cares about their employees and picks up the cost of an HMO and I just pay the difference between the HMO and the PPO


Similar plan here, with about a $3000 yearly max out of pocket.


Myself, my wife, and our 3 kids are on a plan that has the $500 deductible each, 80/20 split costs, and a $3000 max out of pocket per year, with vision and dental and free wellness checkups (physicals, regular baby checkups, etc...), for about $300/month total.

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