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Posted (edited)

I just watched it on tivo for this week.


Its a one hour show. And I really love the show.


When they got to the Panthers v. Bills I got excited. And then it was over.


So I hit rewind, got out my iPhone stopwatch, and timed it. From the moment they began the segment by showing the Logos of the teams, until the time they ended it, was literally 37.6 seconds.


The hook was "how to fix the panthers?" The answer was "make Cam Newton the focal point of the offense because there are no other weapons." Every single highlight was Panthers. Its the NFC show, but nothing about our team?


I guess its hard to fit the Bills into a 37.6 second segment. AFC Playbook is on next, but I think I know where this is going. And spare me the "you gotta win first to get respect" rehash. less than a minute on a 60 minute show? There's only 16 NFC teams. And they didnt say anything about the Bills at all. Nothing.


I swear. 37.6. (Its at about the 25 minute mark, if you care).

Edited by maddenboy

They have to talk about 16 teams in approximately 40 mins of air time, but 37 seconds is a little ridiculous. I watched the show a bit last year, and thought it gave a good rundown on teams that often are ignored

Posted (edited)

On AFC Playbook the Bills game was not discussed at all.


Just fyi.


Each game is only discussed on one show or the other (AFC/NFC) - so if it came up (at all) on NFC Playbook, it would not on AFC Playbook.


It's a weak show - always has been - but I must say NFLN as a whole is really exposing and embarrassing themselves this season with their complete disregard for the top-drafted QB this year. They go on for hours (literally) trying to make excuses for Geno - and make NO MENTION of Manuel at all.

Edited by BobChalmers
Posted (edited)

The Bills need to win to get any respect. and keep winning throughout the season and air time


in a sort of related topic I read an piece on Rant Sports (part of Windows 8 Sports APP) and the writer said and I quote


The Buffalo Bills are the Worst Team in the NFL

Read more at http://www.rantsport...HKXIA1mW8D40.99


think we should flood his twit account?


Eric Beuning is a Football writer for RantSports.com.

Follow him on Twitter @ericbeuning

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever

Remember that time when we started something like 5-2? And we got a bunch of media attention?


That's what winning does.


Win games, get attention. Dunno what's so hard to understand.


Remember that time when we started something like 5-2? And we got a bunch of media attention?


That's what winning does.


Win games, get attention. Dunno what's so hard to understand.



It's usually discussed on the home team's conference show.


I was very disappointed in the "segment." It's good because you get walked by some X's and O's by former players, but the show has gown downhill. At least they got Theisman off there.


There are so few "analysts" in the media who's predictions are worth a damn....


For 10 years now ESPN starts the season with their Tony Romo verbal fellatio festival


As if to say, Tony Romo deserves a championship..so this is why THIS year could be his year..while supposedly providing an unbiased "analysis" of the entire league.


Why? The Cowboys have the largest fan base. Ratings.


Win games, the rest will follow. The week of the Cardinals concussion game....They did a huge "Beast Mode" segment on Bermans show....When Fitz was Fitzmagic and the offense seemed unstoppable out of the gate.....the NY Times ran a sunday story on the friendly neighbors of Buffalo NY and Fitz's chili.


We need to give them a reason to be interested....let's be interesting on the field!

Posted (edited)

I have taken this year to calling it the "Cowboys and Jets Network" instead of "NFL Network." Its pretty sick how unashamed they are about it.


There was a portion of a "cowboys and jets network" pre-season broadcast where, near the end of the game, one of the talking heads asked the other, a former coach: "So what do you say to the team after a loss like this?" The coach answered (Billick, Im pretty sure) about teaching situations, getting better, etc. Then the color guy said "we always hear coaches saying 'We didnt play Jets football today, or, We didnt play Cowboys football today."


Neither Jets nor Cowboys was in that particular game. But the talking head had to make his points with the Network.


But the Playbook shows are not about the predictions. Couldnt possibly care less about the predictions. I need Xs and Os.


And that's why I feel cheated by the 37.6 seconds. Yes, they all picked Carolina. So what? Show me some analysis.


In 37.6 seconds.

Edited by maddenboy

Remember that time when we started something like 5-2? And we got a bunch of media attention?


That's what winning does.


Win games, get attention. Dunno what's so hard to understand.


+2. As Bills fans we should all be used to our team not getting any coverage at all. What's there really to complain about? This team hasn't shown that it deserves to be discussed. Now when they start winning again it will all change.











Then most of us will B word about that too. Just saying. haha

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