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SF Real Estate is Insane!

Chef Jim

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Here is a listing of a house posted on SFgate.com (the SF Chronicle's website).




Now here is it on google maps (look at the street view) of what it looked like before the flip. They paid $735k a year ago. My issue is if that place looked that bad there have to be others in the 'hood that are just as bad. However this could be yours for a measly $1.7m. Oh BTW this was posted on SFgate.com today and it's sold already.



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Lets say they put $500K to $600K into the place. They are into it for 1.4, Not a bad profit for a years effort. Go to 77anderson.com to see the inside.


Oh they made some serious profit on it. And the $1.4mil (if that's even what they were out of pocket) probably was done in cash. That's the MO here and most places now.


Oh and you'd think for $1.7m they'd have at least put of a decent fence and some better landscaping in back. Looks like ****.


I don't think atheletes making serious coin are going to want to play in the Bay Area. Taxes are too high!




Have you compared property taxes in CA to what they are in NY?

Edited by Chef Jim
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I can't speak to the quality of the neighborhood, but assuming it's nice, the price doesn't seem that outragous to me for a house right in the city. Great views, close to the park, etc. I don't begrude builders making their margins; it's hard work and not everyone is good at it.


Personally I'd prefer to spend $1.7MM to get 10X the land and double the sf out in the 'burbs, but I get the appeal of city living too. I'd probably be doing it if I didn't have kids.

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Is that because it's considered a farm house?

I live in the country. I still have to pay fire taxes, and such. Altogether it comes to like $900.


The farm itself, I forget, but Ag is the second lowest tier in most states. Forestry is lowest, but recent crackdowns have been catching people with wooded lots claiming them as forestry. You need a forestry management plan and actively maintain a healthy forest. And once caught you often get changed without notice to light industrial...its on you to have it changed.

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Well first off you'll never find a place here for $200k but taxes would be about $2000. Our taxes on our $500k is about $7000.


That is what I figured. Here, houses are dirt cheap. 1/2 what they go elsewhere. Houses are cheap like BFLO and taxes through the roof! My house would be double if I moved it from the south of the Chicagoland area to north Chicagoland.

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Where is here? What kind of house will you get for $550k


Here, south of Chicago/NW Indiana... A mansion with 5 acres and a pole barn w/stables. If you are Ann Romney, you can keep your horse there! And since you are out in the country, unincorporated... Taxes would only be 2 or 3 grand... My estimation of course.



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Where is here? What kind of house will you get for $550k

For the central NY area, about the same in taxes as Nanker stated (I selected single family, between $500K and $600K)....


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Oh I knew what they were in NY. I was just wondering where Nanker was from.

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Here in Henrico(Richmond) it is .87 per $100.


Had dinner with friends the other night in NYC. They bought a condo in Harlem bout 5 years ago before completely gentrified, paid $550/sq ft, going now for about $1,000/sq st.


They said mid town or Chelsea now at $ 1400 sq ft.Wowser, $1.4M for a 1000 ft condo.

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