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Putin Op-Ed in the NY Times


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Is it just me or is anyone else starting to get very concerned that our go-to guy is Obama?


I mean, watching Obama with Russia has become the equivalent of watching the Bills have a 1-point lead over the Patriots* while kicking them the ball with four minutes left in the game.


You just know how it's going to end.

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Is it just me or is anyone else starting to get very concerned that our go-to guy is Obama?


I mean, watching Obama with Russia has become the equivalent of watching the Bills have a 1-point lead over the Patriots* while kicking them the ball with four minutes left in the game.


You just know how it's going to end.


Putin is Brady now?

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Putin goes over to Obama´s schoolyard, torments him, and then gives him a wedgie.


To add further insult, Putin then manages to get Barry´s school newspaper to run a piece scolding and lecturing him.


Of course, nowhere does the school newspaper point out that this guest columnist himself has a history of aggression and thuggery around the world, or that he (the next day) increased arms sales to Iran,


but, hey, it´s the NYT and they´ve always deferred to international bullies.

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Putin goes over to Obama´s schoolyard, torments him, and then gives him a wedgie.


To add further insult, Putin then manages to get Barry´s school newspaper to run a piece scolding and lecturing him.


Of course, nowhere does the school newspaper point out that this guest columnist himself has a history of aggression and thuggery around the world, or that he (the next day) increased arms sales to Iran,


but, hey, it´s the NYT and they´ve always deferred to international bullies.


You don't have to like the guy, but ya gotta have a grudging respect for the man's grasp of realpolitik through all this, though. The Messiah got totally played.

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Putin is Brady now?

Nope, Obama is the post-2000 Bills. Doesn't matter who the other QB is.


Obama is an amateur. Many of us knew this from day one. The rest of the world caught on over the past two years. Now some on the left are starting to figure it out.


He is an empty chair who has no value outside of campaigning.


Somewhere in the Kremlin, Putin is wearing Kraft's Super Bowl ring, drinking a few shots of vodka and laughing at what a bunch of pussies Americans have become.

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It was Obama's end game ... to look like a fool.


Yeah, like that's hard to accomplish. :rolleyes:


But seriously Putin can come out smelling like a rose. If this is resolved without bombs he can point to us and say "see, Americans are crazy war mongers. If their uber-liberal President can threaten "war" at the drop of a hat then they need to be controlled and put in their place. They are not exeptional!"


Once again, where's Bobby Fischer when you need him?

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Yeah, like that's hard to accomplish. :rolleyes:


But seriously Putin can come out smelling like a rose. If this is resolved without bombs he can point to us and say "see, Americans are crazy war mongers. If their uber-liberal President can threaten "war" at the drop of a hat then they need to be controlled and put in their place. They are not exeptional!"


The brilliance of Putin's op-ed: he strengthened Russia's and China's position on the world stage immeasurably, by bursting the myth of "American exceptionalism."


Conversely, Obama's lazy, faux-intellectual, faux-humanitarian, meandering, incoherent, sound-byte driven, empty excuse for a foreign policy has once and for all demonstrated that the myth of "American exceptionalism" is, in fact, a myth, and ended the "American Century" with startling finality.


Let us now pause and reflect on the last administration's "incompetent foreign policy" evidenced by such unforgivable gaffes as giving Angela Merkel a backrub...

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Surprisingly, I thought Putin was on target with most of his criticism. The "exceptionalism" aside was clunky and didn't flow but I get his point. Given his own country's regard for civil rights and international law I take his comments with a grain of salt, but all in all it was much better than I expected.

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Surprisingly, I thought Putin was on target with most of his criticism. The "exceptionalism" aside was clunky and didn't flow but I get his point. Given his own country's regard for civil rights and international law I take his comments with a grain of salt, but all in all it was much better than I expected.


It was a self serving piece of crap wrapped in a Rodney King "can't we all just get along" bow.

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