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A Fan falls to his death in San Francisco


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Flasks? We brought those, 6 packs, and fifths of Crown during the super bowl years at Rich. No in plain view of course.


In 66-67 at the rockpile some fans would toss full beers at the players when they were headed for the tunnel after a loss.


I am a bit younger... We had to sneak the case of beer under our parka in Rich... ;-)


Anyway, this surprises me that we don't see more fans die. One time in Miami (the first Bledsoe throw down in Miami), one of the guys we were with looked like he was gonna pass out head first right down the stands! LoL... Just sitting & bobbing there... My brother points to me to take a look... Yet, he never tipped over. Then he missed the bus, I guess he hooked up w/other Bills fans and found his way back to Fort Lauderdale that night @ the hotel... LoL... All I could think of is that he passed out in a ditch and a gator got him! Gators beat frostbite in BFLO anyday!


..Oh well, they don't make 'em tough like us BFLO fans! :-O


upper deck right field at the O.co in Oakland------a friggin nightmare---steep and highly highly dangerous


Totally, been there too back in 2005. Get in a fight, gotta have your wits about you...


Also: Old Indy (RCA)... We sat there during one of the Losman fiascos... I think it was 2006... Indy fans all ragging on us. So, an Indy fan comes back to his row right down below us... He has to jockey his way in carrying two beers... He trips and falls and dumps his 15 bucks on the Indy fans below him! Both my brother and our friend start busting into laughter! I nudge them and say: "Knock it off! We will get ejected if they try and pin it on us... Even though we were a row up... Man was it funny... Anyway, Indy spanks us in the end and the guy who dumps his brew on the other Indy fans starts ragging on us and talking trash... My friend just coldly replies: "Nice ballarina act you pulled a while back." Boy did that shut him up! LoL...

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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