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Travis wants to go to Miami...

Guest RabidBillsFanVT

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This is contrary to what every one of Henry's teammates (you know guys like Bledsoe, Moulds, Willis McGahee) and coaches (and TD) have said.  But, I know, you have had your iso camera on him since Willis McGahee was drafted, and you say he was "nothing but a disruptive cancer the whole time", so I will take your word. 


My less obsessive eyes/ears only saw a guy who played hard, and was a disappointed to be told, basically, "you're best isn't good enough". He never came out and claimed he was a better back than McGahee.  He merely stated that he wanted to be starting somewhere.  He made very few complaints, and when he did, at least what I observed, he was normally goaded into it by reporters.  Virtually every interview I have heard with him over the last year and a half started something like "Travis, how disappointed were you when the Bills drafted Willis McGahee", or "Travis, how does it feel to lose your job to Willis McGahee?", and so on and so forth.  I never heard McGahee go off on any tirades.  He asked to be traded, the day after the season ended.  Why condemn him for that?  The Bills are treating him like a commodity.  If McGahee had gone down during the season (thank god he didn't), I have no doubt that Henry would have played as hard as we were accustomed to (remember, before we started hating him!).



I agree - he did what a competitor should be expected to do/say without causing any REAL disruptions. He never had a "I'll play when I want to play" attitude. I don't know where this cancer crap is coming from; because he said a few things after the draft and after the season. He didn't demand 25 carries against Pittsburgh in the midst of our winning streak and disrupt cowbell.

Now he's living in a fantasy world if he thinks he's a top 5 RB, but that's beside the point. However, if the Dolphins gave up a 3rd rounder for Lamar freaking Gordon, then I wouldn't accept anything less than a 2nd rounder.

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I trust TD will only trade TH to 'phins for "Top 5 RB" value, ie. a first round draft choice. And seeing that the Dolphins don't have a first round draft choice, or a second, any trade to the Dolphins would require a third team.


Sorry TH but you real ought not to get to excited about the prospects of playing in sunny Miami. Oh I think its fair to say that you will not be in Buffalo in '05 but nor will you be in Miami, you will need to look west young man.


Oh and I am sure that there are many teams in which TD would trade you to for fair market value, of which "top 5 RB" TH you are not. Second round or even third round would be fine.

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I wish Travis good luck. You can't blame him for wanting to start somewhere and play. I do think he is overstating his value though. He played his heart out for the Bills and played injured throughout his tenure here. Cannot have anything but respect for him. Bottom line though is that WM is the better back and does not fumble or make as many mistakes as TH. I do think he will find it much more competitive than he thinks at finding and beating out other backs. This is the NFL and you have to expect competition.

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Top 5?




Someone should tell that to Edgerin James, Corey Dillon, Shawn Alexander, Curtis Martin, Tiki Barber, Willis McGahee, LaDainian Tomlinson, Clinton Portis, Ruben Droughns (sp?), Warrick Dunn, Duece Mcalister, Jamal Lewis, Rudi Johnson, Jerome Bettis, Ahman Green, Priest Holmes, Duce Staley, Kevin Jones, or Chris Brown...



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If Rudi Johnson and Alexander leave their teams, then Cincinatti and Seattle will need backs.  Its a net wash.  Lamont Jordan will be a good back in this league.  The rest of those players mentioned are nothing more than backups.


Teams that need a RB


Cincinnatti (might be sold on chris perry...but im not)


Tennessee (Chris Brown is good, but cant stay healthy)

Denver (Droghns is a fluke...but denver doesnt know it yet)


Philadelphia (Westbrook is a FA)


Arizona (Emmitt cant run forever)

San Francisco (Barlow causing problems in SF)

Seattle (Alexander FA)



Rudi Johnson

Lamont Jordan

Edgirrin James

Cedric Benson

Carnell Williams

Ronnie Brown


Travis Henry


So, by my calculation 11 teams need a RB.  I will leave out Denver and even Tennessee, since they probably wont be in the market for one.  That leaves 9 teams.


There are 8 available backs that I can think of.


Demand exceeds supply.  Always good news for a seller.  And with the exception of Edgirrin James, TH is probably the best back of the bunch.


Now, tell me the names of 10 other RBs i forgot...cuz im sure they are out there.


one player you're forgetting in this list is najeh davenport. a lot of people in the league apparently think he's got the skills to be an every-down back. he has looked good in spot duty for green bay, i must say ...

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I think you guys are being too hard on TH. He gave 100% here and just got beat out by a better back. Have a little sympathy for the guy he's not the brightest and his contract was more than reasonable. He deserves to get paid somewhere else preferably not Miami.

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What a little punk...LOL! If Travis Henry is a top 5 RB in the NFl, i guess about 16-17 teams are also looking for new running backs?




Hey Henry did you take the 14 year old girl to the Florida Storage room to?



I fail to see why you and others wouldget your panties all up in a wad because a player or a even a GM would make an obvously false claim of being the greatest thing since sliced bread when they are trying to get top trade value and a good contract.


Everyone with half a brain no regardless of Henry or anyone's claims that they are both a floor wax and a dessert topping that its not true. I hope you don't get pissed when you hear drug company ads, the coffee companies claim that coffee perks you up and it calms you down or that you don't buy cigarette company claims.


Such negotiating tactics are commonplace and actually expected or demanded of today's athlete who if he doesn't feel supreme confidence in himself and his play he hits the hole with a fear of being hit.


I see the spurious claims by an athlete who is going to be negotiated for when it comes down to TD and someone talking rather than be the principle for an actual deal to be negotiated with over his trade value as exactly the thing we want him to be saying right now so that the Bills can get the maximum possible trade value.

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Top 5?




Someone should tell that to Edgerin James,  Corey Dillon, Shawn Alexander, Curtis Martin, Tiki Barber, Willis McGahee, LaDainian Tomlinson, Clinton Portis, Ruben Droughns (sp?), Warrick Dunn, Duece Mcalister, Jamal Lewis, Rudi Johnson, Jerome Bettis, Ahman Green, Priest Holmes, Duce Staley, Kevin Jones, or Chris Brown...




You forgot Domanik Davis, Thomas Jones, and Julius Jones. The last two which were injured half the year and still put up great numbers, and help their teams out a lot. Oh and Fred Taylor truely is a top 5 back when healthy.

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If you count Rickey, TH might not even be in the top 5 in the AFC East.  :(


Well let's see:





Lamont Jordan and Travis are even, depending on who you talk to.


So even with Ricky, Travis is top 5 in the East.

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Well let's see:





Lamont Jordan and Travis are even, depending on who you talk to. 


So even with Ricky, Travis is top 5 in the East.



He'd be #6 if you accept the argument that Lamont is better than Travis (which I don't, but it sure points out how silly the 'top 5 back in the league' statement is).

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