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Travis wants to go to Miami...

Guest RabidBillsFanVT

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

I don't care what this topic generates... Travis DESERVES to go to Miami. It is the rocky shore upon which players end their careers coming from Buffalo. If he takes the money and goes to that team, it will be so much fun seeing Willis outperform him TWICE every season!


Why players want to stay in the division is beyond me... as far as I know, the only top player to ever benefit from a move like that was Teddy, and he did it via Chicago-New England. As far as a direct trip, not any starters that I know of!


Now if you could only talk Drew into going with you to Miami.. HAHA!!!! :huh:


(BTW, I misspelled EMBARRASS... yikes!) :(

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I'd love to squeeze a 2nd rounder out of miami straight up for travis... Although with all the front office crap going on down there, i'd not look past actually getting their #1 for him.


edit: That would give us two 2nd round picks next year. That would most definitely bring the Nuge to buffalo.

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Problem is getting him there. Miami has no #2 and their #1 is the 2nd overall. Best they can do is a third this year. It is VERY likely someone else will offer us a third rounder and keep henry out of the division. Henry is a brusing back, and one which i dont want our defence playing twice a year unless necessary.


I say try to get a 2nd rounder out of some team this year, or try for miamis #1 next season.


Or...Miami trades down for 2 #1s and gives us one of them for henry.

Or...We trade our #2 this season and next season plus henry for #2 overall. Not sure if i would do that...just a thought.

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I just remembered... did Larry Centers go to NE when they won the Super Bowl?



Centers is listed as a New England Patriot for 2003, so the answer would be yes.


He didn't get a lot of play time, though. He actually had more rushing attempts than receptions, which is pretty unusual for him.

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Honestly, I have no problems with the Bills sending Henry to the Dolphins, I'm just curious as to what the Fins could offer the Bills to entice them to ship him down south. I mean, with no 2nd rounder to use as a carrot, whats stopping TD from sending Henry to Arizona or San Francisco for a 3rd rounder, thereby keeping him out of the division and even out of the conference?


If the Fins really do have a hard-on for Henry as that article claims, they are going to have to find something creative to get him.

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Henry for Seth McKinney and their 3rd rounder.....there is not much cap implication on either side. McKinney did a good job at C this year and can play G as well. He fits the nasty Tucker, Chris V mode you want in an interior OL.

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Centers is listed as a New England Patriot for 2003, so the answer would be yes.


He didn't get a lot of play time, though. He actually had more rushing attempts than receptions, which is pretty unusual for him.


He got hurt then cut half way through the season. I dunno if he gets a ring for that or not, but I think that was the last the NFL has seen of him.

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I am not sure what Travis Henry did to incurr such crap from "Bills fans". Last year, most were ready to cannonize him as the embodiment of everything we wanted Buffalo Bills players to be. He hustled, played hurt, and cliche, left it all on the field. People were saying **ck Willis McGahee, the prima donna, saying (throuh his agent) make me the starter or trade me. So Henry goes out, has a pretty damn good season for us, plays with a broken leg. Now, a year later, the entire team gets off to another horrible start, Henry gets benced, to give Willis a look. Turns out the prima-donna is a fantastic football player after all. All of the sudden, Henry becomes the pariah, simply for the fact that he isn't Willis McGahee.


Personally, I hope Travis does not go to Miami. Not because they are in our division, but because they have a horrendous offensive line. My guess is that he won't. Miami does not have the draft picks we would want. Unless they are willing to part with a defenesive starter, or either Randy McMichael or Chris Chambers, I don't see him going there. If Saban was smart, he would draft a rb. The Dolphins are at least 1 or 2 years from having a good offense. Travis would be a waste for them. I hope Henry goes somewhere he can excell.


He may have his flaws (blocking and intelligence come to mind) but he is a pretty good football player. If Rudy Johnson leaves the Bengals (he is a free agent), Travis could excell there. They have a very good o-line (they make Rudy Johnson look a lot better than he is, Travis is a better back), an up and coming QB, and an above average receiving core.

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I am not sure what Travis Henry did to incurr such crap from "Bills fans". Last year, most were ready to cannonize him as the embodiment of everything we wanted Buffalo Bills players to be. He hustled, played hurt, and cliche, left it all on the field. People were saying **ck Willis McGahee, the prima donna, saying (throuh his agent) make me the starter or trade me. So Henry goes out, has a pretty damn good season for us, plays with a broken leg. Now, a year later, the entire team gets off to another horrible start, Henry gets benced, to give Willis a look. Turns out the prima-donna is a fantastic football player after all. All of the sudden, Henry becomes the pariah, simply for the fact that he isn't Willis McGahee. 


I'd still want henry on the team if he STFU and tried to get back in the lineup. He did NOTHING this year, and bitched on top of it. For that reason, and that reason alone (in simpler tearms, forgetting what he did in the past) i want him off the team ASAP. I'm just glad he has some value for what he did in the past.

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With 4-5 teams interested in Travis, a 2nd rounder is the MINIMUM I'd expect for him, since there are no 2nd rounders in this year's draft who are as good as he is. And while Travis would like to go to Miami, and I'm sure vice versa, them not having a 2nd rounder makes that highly unlikely, to go along with Miami being a division rival. Still they're another team to help drive up the price for Travis. Cool.

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Why do so many of you assume Henry will not play well elsewhere? I do not want us playing him twice a year. He's a punishing runner and would have all the more incentive to make us pay if he ends up in out division.


This dump-on-Henry movement is classic Bills fan behavior. Either you are the savior of the world or you are dogcrap. No in-between allowed.


Remember how many TD's Antowain Smith scored against us while he was with the Pats? The long game breaking runs late in the games? He played better against us than he did against any other team in the league. It didn't make him a great runner, but he was good enough to hurt us.

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