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So does Byrd play on sunday or not?


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I just really want Byrd back this week. I have this weird feeling that (based on last week) that Justin Rogers is going to get burned deep a couple of times by Stephen Hill. I don't want Geno highlights because Rogers suck and Searcy was slow over the top in coverage.

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but if he think he is the top safety in the league, why should he settle for less? His stats on a team with a terrible defense can justify him being the top paid safety. Question: if Byrd hit the open market after last year, is he the top paid S in the NFL? IMO, there's no doubt he would be.


I hate this scenario but I also hate that fans put it all on the player. People are acting like they would be happy settle for less money than they feel they are owed. And the pathetic attacks on his contract because of business is childish.


If Byrd leaves the Bills, I could less about him. But I will always have a hard time faulting any football player for trying to maximize their money in a cutthoart business like the NFL. Teams crap on players the second they are not useful to them. Why should players have the same loyalty?




I pretty much agree with all of this. And it's very easy to hate Parker, but he got Peters what he wanted. It's a billion dollar business. Byrd helped make Oregon millions of dollars and didn't get a cent. So now that he has a chance to get every penny he can, he deserves whatever he can get paid. Like it or not, it's his job. I'm sure most posters won't want someone else tellign them how to handle their job.




Nail on the head. But like most things in this country, you have to take an extreme stand one way or the other. Since we're Bills fans, Byrd is a selfish idiot who has poor character. If Byrd was our brother or son, he should get every penny from his greedy employer. Personally, I see this from both sides of the table and they both have valid points.


Yup - were emotionally invested in "suck it up"


Is it a fair assessment? Could be. We really don't have enough access to information - we don't know the negotiations, don't know the medical - but we want him on the field, so angry at Byrd is the way to go I guess.

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Ya gotta love the sort of WNY guys who take pride in being "blue collar" yet hate to see a fellow employee-type like Byrd try to get a good payday for himself. Keeping in mind that most football players have one shot to make "bank" - the contract after their rookie one - Byrd is doing what any sane employee would do with that one chance, that is, make as much money as possible. So the Bills should pitch a hissy fit and get rid of him because of that? And then what? If another player rises to top level, that player will also want to be paid like a top player so we're right back where we started. Marone!


As to him "faking" his injury, why in the world would he do that? Right now he has a one year contract and that's it. He probably wants a five year one at top money. The only way he can possible get that from the the Bills or some other team is by shining on the field. Does anybody who is rational believe that if Byrd sits out for most of the season, or under-performs when and if he does play, some generic GM is going to back up the Brinks truck for him? Al Davis is moldering in the grave so I don't see that happening. The only way for Byrd to get top money is to perform as a top safety right here, right now. To fake an injury or to malinger will only drive down his price.


I trust that the Bills have analyzed the position and the player and have arrived at what they believe is a solid figure much as they did with Levitre. I don't think they are going to budge much from that. And obviously Byrd and Parker have a different view. So what I think it will come down to is that Byrd gets on the field as soon as he can play at a high enough level to attract interest (and not a moment sooner) and will do a great job for the Bills, who will then entertain offers for him after the season. Both the Bills and Byrd (and Parker) have a vested interest in Jairus having a tremendous season.

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Yup - were emotionally invested in "suck it up"


Is it a fair assessment? Could be. We really don't have enough access to information - we don't know the negotiations, don't know the medical - but we want him on the field, so angry at Byrd is the way to go I guess.


And if this was a shady guy like Pacman Jones, I would get it more. But again, find one report of Byrd not being a really good guy. It's a game to fans but it's still a business to him. I bet there are some posters pissed off at Byrd who are the first ones to say the government is too involved in their lives. If you don't want someone in your business, you should probably stay out of other people's.

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Those who seem to be in Byrds camp use the argument, it's his last payday so he should act like a nancy silly boy who pouts. Never mind there are rules in place. Never mind he's getting paid top dollar to play this year (at least top 5).




I opine that this goes further than the Bills and Byrd, this has to do with underlying ideas, of designs of which each one of us have. They affect how we see the world and we make our opinions and judgments on these paradigms. I feel that I stand for the "common sense" be a man and act like a man school of thought. Go out there and show why you're worth that top dollar. When life gives you a lemon, don't go out sit and pout, lie, and become a nuisance to get out of the situation. Buck up and go to work, get the job done, and in the end, everything will work itself out. Stop with the excuses.




The problem, in my eyes, is that society has moved away from that idea. They would rather scratch and claw for every last "all mighty dollar" because "that's how it should be, and that’s how you'd all act". Nonsense, I would not act in that way, and who are you to say I would act in that fashion? It's a difference in paradigms that will not be hashed out on a Bills board, because this is one where a person is so steadfastly attached to your own ideas they are unshakable. It comes from the type of person your parents brought you up to be. It comes from the experiences you have had, the religion you followed or did not follow when you grew up. This is a microcosm of what the US is these days. We've become a nation of me me me, and a nation of entitlement. It's a sad state of affairs, and it's not worth hashing anymore. This is my stance on it, and its unshakable. All of the excuses those Byrd apologists have made are just that, excuses, and they don't make it right.


Sorry if this seems a bit political, it was not meant to be, just an explanation why people on both sides of the subject will never see eye to eye.

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Ya gotta love the sort of WNY guys who take pride in being "blue collar" yet hate to see a fellow employee-type like Byrd try to get a good payday for himself. Keeping in mind that most football players have one shot to make "bank" - the contract after their rookie one - Byrd is doing what any sane employee would do with that one chance, that is, make as much money as possible. So the Bills should pitch a hissy fit and get rid of him because of that? And then what? If another player rises to top level, that player will also want to be paid like a top player so we're right back where we started. Marone!


As to him "faking" his injury, why in the world would he do that? Right now he has a one year contract and that's it. He probably wants a five year one at top money. The only way he can possible get that from the the Bills or some other team is by shining on the field. Does anybody who is rational believe that if Byrd sits out for most of the season, or under-performs when and if he does play, some generic GM is going to back up the Brinks truck for him? Al Davis is moldering in the grave so I don't see that happening. The only way for Byrd to get top money is to perform as a top safety right here, right now. To fake an injury or to malinger will only drive down his price.


I trust that the Bills have analyzed the position and the player and have arrived at what they believe is a solid figure much as they did with Levitre. I don't think they are going to budge much from that. And obviously Byrd and Parker have a different view. So what I think it will come down to is that Byrd gets on the field as soon as he can play at a high enough level to attract interest (and not a moment sooner) and will do a great job for the Bills, who will then entertain offers for him after the season. Both the Bills and Byrd (and Parker) have a vested interest in Jairus having a tremendous season.


Even if he sits out the entire year if the Bills let him walk he'll get top dollar$. He may have to play to get it. It will have incentives and he may not get as much up front just for signing. But someone will still give it to him.



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Yea lets get rid of the best player in our secondary...love to watch Leonard and Williams get burnt all year


Gillmore is the best player in our secondary & it is not even close.


but if he think he is the top safety in the league, why should he settle for less? His stats on a team with a terrible defense can justify him being the top paid safety. Question: if Byrd hit the open market after last year, is he the top paid S in the NFL? IMO, there's no doubt he would be.


I hate this scenario but I also hate that fans put it all on the player. People are acting like they would be happy settle for less money than they feel they are owed. And the pathetic attacks on his contract because of business is childish.


If Byrd leaves the Bills, I could less about him. But I will always have a hard time faulting any football player for trying to maximize their money in a cutthoart business like the NFL. Teams crap on players the second they are not useful to them. Why should players have the same loyalty?




I pretty much agree with all of this. And it's very easy to hate Parker, but he got Peters what he wanted. It's a billion dollar business. Byrd helped make Oregon millions of dollars and didn't get a cent. So now that he has a chance to get every penny he can, he deserves whatever he can get paid. Like it or not, it's his job. I'm sure most posters won't want someone else tellign them how to handle their job.




Nail on the head. But like most things in this country, you have to take an extreme stand one way or the other. Since we're Bills fans, Byrd is a selfish idiot who has poor character. If Byrd was our brother or son, he should get every penny from his greedy employer. Personally, I see this from both sides of the table and they both have valid points.


If he truly wanted to make a stand he would of never signed the one year tender & then milked an injury essentially stealing money from the Bills.


Ya gotta love the sort of WNY guys who take pride in being "blue collar" yet hate to see a fellow employee-type like Byrd try to get a good payday for himself. Keeping in mind that most football players have one shot to make "bank" - the contract after their rookie one - Byrd is doing what any sane employee would do with that one chance, that is, make as much money as possible. So the Bills should pitch a hissy fit and get rid of him because of that? And then what? If another player rises to top level, that player will also want to be paid like a top player so we're right back where we started. Marone!


As to him "faking" his injury, why in the world would he do that? Right now he has a one year contract and that's it. He probably wants a five year one at top money. The only way he can possible get that from the the Bills or some other team is by shining on the field. Does anybody who is rational believe that if Byrd sits out for most of the season, or under-performs when and if he does play, some generic GM is going to back up the Brinks truck for him? Al Davis is moldering in the grave so I don't see that happening. The only way for Byrd to get top money is to perform as a top safety right here, right now. To fake an injury or to malinger will only drive down his price.


I trust that the Bills have analyzed the position and the player and have arrived at what they believe is a solid figure much as they did with Levitre. I don't think they are going to budge much from that. And obviously Byrd and Parker have a different view. So what I think it will come down to is that Byrd gets on the field as soon as he can play at a high enough level to attract interest (and not a moment sooner) and will do a great job for the Bills, who will then entertain offers for him after the season. Both the Bills and Byrd (and Parker) have a vested interest in Jairus having a tremendous season.


You make some good points. I personally don't think Byrd plays a down this season. The Bills will franchise him again next year & then trade him, hopefully for at least a 2nd round pick.

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Sorry if this seems a bit political, it was not meant to be, just an explanation why people on both sides of the subject will never see eye to eye.


that, or (speaking just for myself as someone pegged as in byrds camp) i understand that as a fan there are both business and medical issues that i dont get to, or deserve to know.... and that creating story lines to hate a guy thats played hard for us 4 years without a negative peep doesnt make me feel any better about the situation. if they are real, so be it, but it does nothing for me to push them - especially when we just dont know the ins and outs of whats going on.

Edited by NoSaint
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that, or (speaking just for myself as someone pegged as in byrds camp) i understand that as a fan there are both business and medical issues that i dont get to, or deserve to know.... and that creating story lines to hate a guy thats played hard for us 4 years without a negative peep doesnt make me feel any better about the situation. if they are real, so be it, but it does nothing for me to push them - especially when we just dont know the ins and outs of whats going on.


I'm not trying to paint anyone in a negative light, just saying this is the reason for the major discrepency in ideas. Just because a player has not shown the propensity in the past, does not mean their true colors will not show when the all mighty dollar is on the line.

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and we have no idea how those discussions are going behind closed doors. what if the bills lowballed him grossly knowing they had him 2 years minimum already and wanted to force him to audition for his job in the new scheme before they paid him.... might that justify his feelings of "i dont know what else they need to see from me at this point" and possibly flip the script that youve created for a guy that played injured for them for 800k last year?


obviously injury would be a valid discussion that would throw a monkey wrench into the contract discussions and may have made them much more complicated too.

LOL! $7.5M/yr for someone with a chronic foot condition is grossly lowball? You kill me.



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I'm not trying to paint anyone in a negative light, just saying this is the reason for the major discrepency in ideas. Just because a player has not shown the propensity in the past, does not mean their true colors will not show when the all mighty dollar is on the line.


and just because you decided thats whats happening, doesnt mean you are right. and you are certainly trying to paint in a negative light, despite your attempts to sidestep - you dont think byrd is using common sense, being a man and that he is pouting and lying to manipulate a situation to get money. if you are going to rant on being a man, atleast own your comments.


I feel that I stand for the "common sense" be a man and act like a man school of thought. Go out there and show why you're worth that top dollar. When life gives you a lemon, don't go out sit and pout, lie, and become a nuisance to get out of the situation. Buck up and go to work, get the job done, and in the end, everything will work itself out. Stop with the excuses.


or was that not directed at byrd and anyone that is unwilling to declare hes milking the situation?



LOL! $7.5M/yr for someone with a chronic foot condition is grossly lowball? You kill me.




remind me when that figure became fact? while at it, freshen me up on what were the guaranteed dollars? the length? incentives?

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can't they force him to play? I mean he's under contract. if the doctors clear him then he should have to play, otherwise he doesn't get his pay check. I can't believe he can just sit out and still collect his money for doing nothing. this sucks

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can't they force him to play? I mean he's under contract. if the doctors clear him then he should have to play, otherwise he doesn't get his pay check. I can't believe he can just sit out and still collect his money for doing nothing. this sucks


where are the doctors clearing him to play? id guess, if the team really wanted to force it and thought he was faking wed start seeing some vague quotes about him being clear floated to the media by "sources"

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People get all bent out of shape about things that are really quite simple. Byrd has a legit injury. He doesn't want to play with it and risk further injury with a one year contract. If he was under contract for a longer period of time I'm guessing he'd likely tough it out since he has the security of a long term deal. Since he doesn't have that security he's not taking the risk.


It's not a conspiracy or some whiny wimp who is pouting. He's simply doing what he thinks is in his best interest and he's not going to risk his future earning potential without a security blanket. I'm sure most intelligent people would make the same choice if they were in his shoes.

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where are the doctors clearing him to play? id guess, if the team really wanted to force it and thought he was faking wed start seeing some vague quotes about him being clear floated to the media by "sources"

I haven't seen anything clearing him or not, but we all know Mario is playing with the same injury and was a monster last week. Is Byrd really that much worse? I find it hard to believe and I would like to see the Bills force the issue and get him on the field sooner rather than later. He's only here for the short term so might as well get our money's worth out of him

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People get all bent out of shape about things that are really quite simple. Byrd has a legit injury. He doesn't want to play with it and risk further injury with a one year contract. If he was under contract for a longer period of time I'm guessing he'd likely tough it out since he has the security of a long term deal. Since he doesn't have that security he's not taking the risk.


It's not a conspiracy or some whiny wimp who is pouting. He's simply doing what he thinks is in his best interest and he's not going to risk his future earning potential without a security blanket. I'm sure most intelligent people would make the same choice if they were in his shoes.


but to get their you have to separate the fan(atic) side of the brain from the discussion. our position as a fan says "who cares, just win and entertain me and make me proud of my team" while the bills and byrd each have far more practical concerns of cash flow, risk, long term planning etc....

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I haven't seen anything clearing him or not, but we all know Mario is playing with the same injury and was a monster last week. Is Byrd really that much worse? I find it hard to believe and I would like to see the Bills force the issue and get him on the field sooner rather than later. He's only here for the short term so might as well get our money's worth out of him


yes, yes it could be. we dont know and "i find it hard to believe" doesnt really mean anything. it also could be at risk for turning into a more devastating injury if he decides to risk it.


just like we hear "sprain" and it could be something you play through or something that sidelines you for months. thats the problem with comparing him to mario right now.

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and just because you decided thats whats happening, doesnt mean you are right. and you are certainly trying to paint in a negative light, despite your attempts to sidestep - you dont think byrd is using common sense, being a man and that he is pouting and lying to manipulate a situation to get money. if you are going to rant on being a man, atleast own your comments.




or was that not directed at byrd and anyone that is unwilling to declare hes milking the situation?




remind me when that figure became fact? while at it, freshen me up on what were the guaranteed dollars? the length? incentives?


Call it a sidestep if you'd like, I was explaining why its not worth fighting over. Its a belief that is based deep within that cannot be changed no matter what anyone says. Everyone has their own ideas. You're on one side or another.

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