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Dunkin' Donuts is "under fire" -- the term the media use when they want to create a controversy out of thin air because one person they called thinks it's "racist" -- for depicting a face in black to advertise a new donut abroad.


Is there really anyone here who is offended by this? If so, look deep within yourself. Can you really say you don't have deep hypersensitive issues about race yourself?


And if this black face -- which IMO is stunning and actually makes me want to eat one of these donuts, which is the point of advertising -- is offensive, then what about Ronald McDonald? Or the Pillsbury Doughboy?




A Thai franchise runs an ad with Indian in black makeup in a region that as a general rule wouldn't even recognize the ad as racist, prompting an international organization that monitors everything but racism to cry "racism!" which then leads to an American corporate parent to apologize in a British newspaper. Seriously, what the !@#$?


Note: from now on, I'm using a font color of "teal," as I don't want to risk making an inadvertently racist post with black font.


White font is not visible.


I do think teal is pretty safe.


I'm really hoping someone here will come out and say it's offensive. Because despite all this outrage in these stories, I've yet to see a comment from anyone actually outraged, even in this sick PC culture we live under.


A Thai franchise runs an ad with Indian in black makeup in a region that as a general rule wouldn't even recognize the ad as racist, prompting an international organization that monitors everything but racism to cry "racism!" which then leads to an American corporate parent to apologize in a British newspaper. Seriously, what the !@#$?


Note: from now on, I'm using a font color of "teal," as I don't want to risk making an inadvertently racist post with black font.


WTF are you using Dolphin colors for? You just insulted Bills fans.


Who's the guy on the main board that linked to his blog... They used a black background with white font if I remember correctly.




I dated a girl with the nickname "Dunkin" once................................ :blush:


That's Duncan and it is a guy's name you homo!




A Thai franchise runs an ad with Indian in black makeup in a region that as a general rule wouldn't even recognize the ad as racist, prompting an international organization that monitors everything but racism to cry "racism!" which then leads to an American corporate parent to apologize in a British newspaper. Seriously, what the !@#$?


Note: from now on, I'm using a font color of "teal," as I don't want to risk making an inadvertently racist post with black font.


So the color black is not good enough for you now? Racist.


My first thought was that she was actually covered in chocolate.


And it worked because now I am rationalizing with myself how I deserve a candy bar out of the office "snack shack".

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