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Because it will more quickly rid this country of dumbasses?


I was just reading thru aol and read this story:



And, this comment by this guy made me wonder why we don't all just get stoned since it would cure everything and make everybody so much smarter. Of course it was voted best comment or whatever by all the stoned commenters:












Coinyer101 5 hours ago ( 6:32 PM)

9757 Fans

Cannabis heightens my focus on the 'task at hand', and it enhances my creativity and artistic abilities. It expands my ability to think outside the box, [sometimes I'm even, like, amazed at myself for some of the stuff that just pops outta my head...,], and it keeps me calm so I don't stress out about stoopit stuff that would ruin a lot of other people's days. I work hard. My bosses have never had any complaints, and many of them knew up front that I was a toker, and they always call me back when they need me. I've never had a traffic ticket, or traffic accident in all my years of driving while stoned. I have operated vehicles, from skateboards to fire trucks, tow trucks, farm tractors, combines, and anything else I can get my hands on. It also made me popular enough to have , like , 9,720 fans and friends at the H P , too..., that's awesome!


Being high on weed is nothing like being high on alcohol , or pharmaceuticals. It's different. It's safe. The stories you've been told were not true. Experience it, yourself. Make up your own mind, but, don't knock it, unless you've tried it....,




Coinyer101 5 hours ago ( 6:32 PM)

9757 Fans

Cannabis heightens my focus on the 'task at hand', and it enhances my creativity and artistic abilities. It expands my ability to think outside the box, [sometimes I'm even, like, amazed at myself for some of the stuff that just pops outta my head...,], and it keeps me calm so I don't stress out about stoopit stuff that would ruin a lot of other people's days. I work hard. My bosses have never had any complaints, and many of them knew up front that I was a toker, and they always call me back when they need me. I've never had a traffic ticket, or traffic accident in all my years of driving while stoned. I have operated vehicles, from skateboards to fire trucks, tow trucks, farm tractors, combines, and anything else I can get my hands on. It also made me popular enough to have , like , 9,720 fans and friends at the H P , too..., that's awesome!


Being high on weed is nothing like being high on alcohol , or pharmaceuticals. It's different. It's safe. The stories you've been told were not true. Experience it, yourself. Make up your own mind, but, don't knock it, unless you've tried it....,


I bet we'd (or weed) all be amazed at some of the stuff that pops out of your head dude. And you drive stoned?? Great, just !@#$ing great.


I don't really think the reason I had in mind would suffice in your eyes.


So what was your reason? So people won't have to booby trap their pot farms? I have a sneaking suspicion that once the government get's their hands on it there will be a lot more personal pot farms.




I have a sneaking suspicion that once the government get's their hands on it there will be a lot more personal pot farms.


So true! How easy it it to grow weed! Its a weed! You heard of "victory gardens." What will these be called.


Like I said... The stuff hasn't been grown commercially in the midwest for over how many years now? Gotta be going on a 100 or so? And the stuff still springs up wild!


So what was your reason? So people won't have to booby trap their pot farms? I have a sneaking suspicion that once the government get's their hands on it there will be a lot more personal pot farms.


You're probably right, but I'm inclined to disagree. If those personal farms were legal, they could always insure them against theft.




You're probably right, but I'm inclined to disagree. If those personal farms were legal, they could always insure them against theft.


It is a weed. I can grow it on my front lawn, okay back lawn. I am all for legalizing but man, just imagine when they do!


It is a weed. I can grow it on my front lawn, okay back lawn. I am all for legalizing but man, just imagine when they do!


And as a consumer, I'd sure want to buy stuff that was legitimately grown rather than stuff that's coming from god-knows-where.


A lot of people grow tomatoes in their backyards. Most people don't. It would probably fall under the same principle. I just can't imagine massive illegal farms that would require paramilitary protection being necessary.

Posted (edited)



And as a consumer, I'd sure want to buy stuff that was legitimately grown rather than stuff that's coming from god-knows-where.


A lot of people grow tomatoes in their backyards. Most people don't. It would probably fall under the same principle. I just can't imagine massive illegal farms that would require paramilitary protection being necessary.


I don't disagree. LoL... I was just gonna make the tomato comment!


The problem is when buying the stuff from unregulated sources... Who knows what they cut it with to cheapen it.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
Posted (edited)

I knew some farmers in elma dig some holes so you would fly over the handle bars


We used to have snowmobilers use our front lawn as a cut through to the fields... I don't mind them using the roads or side walk... BUT those get plowed and shoveled, no way would they run their sled on pavement so the would hop lawn to lawn...


...Here's what I do. I put pieces of angle iron in the snow on the lawn... I also mound it up from shoveling. They weren't happy! One clown dumped his sled in the street! LoL...


They don't come buy anymore in the winter...

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

And as a consumer, I'd sure want to buy stuff that was legitimately grown rather than stuff that's coming from god-knows-where.


A lot of people grow tomatoes in their backyards. Most people don't. It would probably fall under the same principle. I just can't imagine massive illegal farms that would require paramilitary protection being necessary.


We grew some plants in WNY one summer in the late 70's. Perfect year for it weatherwise. It was the best pot we had ever had and we had so much we were giving it away. I could see in places like CA where the climate is ideal for growing pot that many would grow their own. You say that most people don't grow tomatoes in their backyard? You've never walked through our neighborhood. Almost everyone has some sort of vegetable or fruit in their yard and many have them in the front yard. I think it's safe to say that if it was legal and I could grow my own I would. I never made my own beer or wine because it's a complex process whereas growing pot is pretty damn simple.

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