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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
we have way too much time and money in this country



When you live in a country like Turkey, you can see that right away... Cars cost $15-20K, and most people make $300 a month. That's right; a MONTH. No wonder they think Americans are rich here.

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I think we should just tatoo big blue Ls on their forheads. It sould stand for liberal or loser.......you take your pick. GET OVER IT!! Who cares what Europeans think of us. We were in Europe a couple of years ago. We had NO problems. Spend some time with them. Chat with them, let them know we're human. They will warm up to you.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
I think we should just tatoo big blue Ls on their forheads.  It sould stand for liberal or loser.......you take your pick.  GET OVER IT!!  Who cares what Europeans think of us.  We were in Europe a couple of years ago.  We had NO problems.  Spend some time with them.  Chat with them, let them know we're human.  They will warm up to you.



OK, so we should brand a big red 'R' on all red people, representing the old, fundamentalist dogma of old. This was brought to you by Ignorants, Inc., serving the likes of Michael Moore and Rush Limbaugh since 2000! :D


That's a great plan about Europe... when the terrorists blow up half the United States, leaving a nuclear wasteland, who do you think is left to help us? Screw Europe... what a great plan! :w00t:


Ohh, what about World War II? That was just Europe's problem!!!! :D

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Go RED... go BUSH.


The poor BLUE people will NEVER again win an election, unless they learn to do something differently.  Like... um... NOT ALIENATING THE SOUTH, not trying to take CHRIST out of CHRISTMAS... and so forth!





SURE... they said that the AFC couldn't win a Super Bowl.... :w00t:


Gee, I guess THAT didn't hold up for too long! :D


The South alienates itself when a lot of people triy to shove religion down people's throats, operate under pervasive hypocrisy (you know, sin 6 days a week, go to church on Sunday, rant and rave about declining values), and try and DRIVE a WEDGE between itself and the rest of the country in arrogant fashion.


OK, so liberals are trying to take Christ out of Christmas, while conservatives are trying to force Jews and African-Americans to 'make do or else' with Christmas. It works both ways, my friend! Both ways.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
I don't understand a word you just said. :w00t:



Toleration is what it is all about... reason, fair leadership, civility, not to mention honor, courage, and commitment, our core values in the military. Extremism, whether liberal or conservative, destroys these elements... one day, or until it is too late, we will get these back. *sigh*

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OK, so liberals are trying to take Christ out of Christmas, while conservatives are trying to force Jews and African-Americans to 'make do or else' with Christmas. It works both ways, my friend! Both ways.


All those "African Americans" who don't celebrate Christmas. :w00t:

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When you live in a country like Turkey, you can see that right away... Cars cost $15-20K, and most people make $300 a month. That's right; a MONTH. No wonder they think Americans are rich here.



My Iraqi friends used to make $15-$20 a month when Saddam was in power. That's right; fifteen to twenety dollars a MONTH. They now make close to what you are saying the Turks make, and can now afford things like heater, AC, refrigerator, TV, VCR, etc. The used car industry is huge over there and it's ferry after ferry heading in.


God bless those poor folks.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
My Iraqi friends used to make $15-$20 a month when Saddam was in power.  That's right; fifteen to twenety dollars a MONTH.  They now make close to what you are saying the Turks make, and can now afford things like heater, AC, refrigerator, TV, VCR, etc.  The used car industry is huge over there and it's ferry after ferry heading in.


God bless those poor folks.



Iraq has one thing going for it; a lack of an oppressive import/sales tax like in Turkey. These people get throttled by the Turkish government, and only the haves with connections get deals. That's the great thing about democracy (if it lasts); it promotes sound economic practice. My doubts come in them KEEPING it.. :rolleyes:

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Would that be..."Even though Im just ONE person is a locality of THOUSANDS who DO celebrate Chrismas, that Nativity BETTER be taken DOWN".


Yeah....some "tolerance".


Tolerance apparently only needs to be practiced by the MAJORITY. :doh:

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT


Would that be..."Even though Im just ONE person is a locality of THOUSANDS who DO celebrate Chrismas, that Nativity BETTER be taken DOWN".


Yeah....some "tolerance".





Thousands of churches all across the country display the nativity scene every year, and someone wants to put it on public property? WHY? Do taxpaying non-Christians not count?


Come on... there is nothing wrong with secular rules for public property... I for one, being a Christian, think it is a great idea. Christianity is a private matter anyway, and churches are where we gather for worship and social events. I don't need to pray in school or wave Christ around as if he were a commercial item in a public place. That's what I don't get about Protestantism...

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Note LACK of mention of other religions. Oh...I forgot....Hannukkah is celebration of "a battle" and therefore, not religious.


Hey, if you dont want religion, move somewhere where there isnt any. Like Fantasyland. Or Sweden. Oh sh--...they celebrate Christmas THERE, too.


Ah, maybe youre right. Move celebration of all religious activities behind closed doors and ban any expression of it, even if celebrated by the vast vast majority of citizens. How "1940's Berlin" of you.


Gotta love the lefties....abortions right up to when the crown of the head is visible, legal usage of addictive drugs, and adult material fed to anyone at any time is ACCEPTABLE. But a statue of a baby in a manger is OFFENSIVE. A national group of men whose sole purpose is to prey on young boys and rape them is GOOD. But a national group of men whose sole purpose is to teach young boys to be good, resourceful and virtuous men is BAD.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Note LACK of mention of other religions. Oh...I forgot....Hannukkah is celebration of "a battle" and therefore, not religious.


Hey, if you dont want religion, move somewhere where there isnt any. Like Fantasyland. Or Sweden. Oh sh--...they celebrate Christmas THERE, too.


Ah, maybe youre right. Move celebration of all religious activities behind closed doors and ban any expression of it, even if celebrated by the vast vast majority of citizens. How "1940's Berlin" of you.


Gotta love the lefties....abortions right up to when the crown of the head is visible, legal usage of addictive drugs, and adult material fed to anyone at any time is ACCEPTABLE. But a statue of a baby in a manger is OFFENSIVE. A national group of men whose sole purpose is to prey on young boys and rape them is GOOD. But a national group of men whose sole purpose is to teach young boys to be good, resourceful and virtuous men is BAD.



You have dodged the whole point of my argument!!


WHERE does it say that religion is bad, or that I ban any expression of it?


Since WHEN is having secular rules a bad thing? Nazi doctrine hated ALL religions, believing the state to be the ONLY voice to be heard, like the USSR. THAT is not secular society!!!!


Secular society is where ANY form of religious display is not appropriate for places controlled by the government... schools, government offices, parks, etc. The French version goes too far when they try and ban personal wear, which makes no sense, and is inane. It is a great idea because as America has evolved into a multi-cultural society far beyond anything we have had to date, the respect for others must increase.


A 'national group of men?' Why this incessant need to overtly thrust religion in people's faces? You STILL haven't answered that question. Yet again, that's what I don't get about Protestantism... Religion is PERSONAL, not some marketing scheme or some salesmanship contest!! What is with that???

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