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Would ya, but you would have to get in line first

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From the article...

Ania Lisewska, 21 - who has a long-term boyfriend


And what does her partner think?

"He's not thrilled but has no choice and had to come to terms with it," she revealed.


Uhhh.. yes he does have a choice, he can leave you.


And the FB page, is just a way to get people to sign up for some peep show web page


I say fake.

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From the article...



Uhhh.. yes he does have a choice, he can leave you.


And the FB page, is just a way to get people to sign up for some peep show web page


I say fake.

If its not, she's going to realize most of her fans are homely losers. Is she still going to spread hers legs when 400 lbs pointy elbows guy shows up.

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Problem Definition:

About 10 years ago, I told everybody I knew that Facebook was a terrible idea, and that they should steer clear. That's only because I could see it, the vision, and it's consequences, from a data perspective. This story is merely the logical extension of that perspective.


When you put your entire life up for public debate? When you've monetized your self expression into "likes"? When your existence and self-worth is now indistinguishable from an accounting treatment?


But then...nobody cares, or "likes"? (At least if we could "hate" that would be better, wouldn't it? At least they get the "transaction".) What is left to do but raise the stakes? This story == the stakes being raised, big time.


Problem Effect:

I wouldn't be surprised if this went something like this:

1. Look at me and my friend. No? Ok then,

2. Look at me and my friend, in skimpy clothes, "aren't we hot?" No? Ok then,

3. Look at me naked, (because my friend isn't a moron, or, has some "in real life" self-esteem, or, has a mother to be feared) No? Ok then,

4. Like my pics and you can F me. No? Ok then,

5. I want to F 100k guys.


Now you will "like" her. You have to pay attention. That's because she's crossed the line of common decency: by miles. This isn't Howard Stern voyeurism. This is a serious psychological problem that is facilitated by the F'ed up cost accounting I've described above.


Facebook is a problem for far too many people. This is NOT a good place for kids, and not because of swearing or MTV stuff. No. The problem, as I've described, is much deeper and pervasive than that, and, this story is, again, merely an extreme extension of that problem.



Perhaps the solution is to compel this woman to have an hour conversation with a real artist. That will be painful, yes :lol:, but still: a real artist will tell her that their expression is for them, and is about what they "like". When they complete it, they are done with it, and it's on to the next thing. As humans we all care what others think, despite our claims to the contrary. However, the choice to place 100% value on that judgement, as opposed to 20%? That choice belongs to each one of us, always.


The artist controls the "window into their soul" by only putting forward what they want the public to see.

The problem Facebook user controls nothing, since everything is up for evaluation, every day, all the time.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Problem Definition:

About 10 years ago, I told everybody I knew that Facebook was a terrible idea, and that they should steer clear. That's only because I could see it, the vision, and it's consequences, from a data perspective. This story is merely the logical extension of that perspective.


When you put your entire life up for public debate? When you've monetized your self expression into "likes"? When your existence and self-worth is now indistinguishable from an accounting treatment?


But then...nobody cares, or "likes"? (At least if we could "hate" that would be better, wouldn't it? At least they get the "transaction".) What is left to do but raise the stakes? This story == the stakes being raised, big time.


Problem Effect:

I wouldn't be surprised if this went something like this:

1. Look at me and my friend. No? Ok then,

2. Look at me and my friend, in skimpy clothes, "aren't we hot?" No? Ok then,

3. Look at me naked, (because my friend isn't a moron, or, has some "in real life" self-esteem, or, has a mother to be feared) No? Ok then,

4. Like my pics and you can F me. No? Ok then,

5. I want to F 100k guys.


Now you will "like" her. You have to pay attention. That's because she's crossed the line of common decency: by miles. This isn't Howard Stern voyeurism. This is a serious psychological problem that is facilitated by the F'ed up cost accounting I've described above.


Facebook is a problem for far too many people. This is NOT a good place for kids, and not because of swearing or MTV stuff. No. The problem, as I've described, is much deeper and pervasive than that, and, this story is, again, merely an extreme extension of that problem.



Perhaps the solution is to compel this woman to have an hour conversation with a real artist. That will be painful, yes :lol:, but still: a real artist will tell her that their expression is for them, and is about what they "like". When they complete it, they are done with it, and it's on to the next thing. As humans we all care what others think, despite our claims to the contrary. However, the choice to place 100% value on that judgement, as opposed to 20%? That choice belongs to each one of us, always.


The artist controls the "window into their soul" by only putting forward what they want the public to see.

The problem Facebook user controls nothing, since everything is up for evaluation, every day, all the time.

Is that a yes? :beer:

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I will never understand why women with blonde hair try to dye it dark and then have that reverse mohawk look when their roots grow out.


Otherwise, she seems to be a good decision maker.


There's one here at work, a red head that did the same, dyed it black and now it's growing out.

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Yeah, I might.. provided I'm in line AHEAD of Poojer.


Uhhh let's think about this. You're in line ahead of Pooj to do a decent looking girl? I'm not sure how much patience he has. And whatever you do, you drop your wallet? Kick it several blocks down the road before you bend over to pick it up.

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Uhhh let's think about this. You're in line ahead of Pooj to do a decent looking girl? I'm not sure how much patience he has. And whatever you do, you drop your wallet? Kick it several blocks down the road before you bend over to pick it up.


I didn't say in line DIRECTLY in front of him.. he has to be at least a couple dozen guys back.. bare minimum.

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